I come in peace...

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by iDisOrder, May 31, 2013.

  1. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    Hello all!
    New to EU, just about 2 weeks young and stopping in to introduce myself.
    Great forum..lot's of interesting posts.
    Hope to meet a few of you out there for some hunting & mining if you can tolerate a noob in your group. ;)
  2. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    You are a beginner, just as i am, 2-3 months ingame. Find a good society-active one, and an active mentor in your time zone. Give this game your best shot, you won`t regret. Its an amazing game. Just keep playing, no matter how hard it gets. Every day you learn something new ingame, so better understanding it, meaning more fun, less stress with PED card.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    Appreciate the advice!
    I found a pretty good mentor, she tolerates all my silly questions and I actually get the feeling she enjoys answering me.;)
    I've deposited about $400 in the 2 weeks I'm on so far.
    It may not have been totally necessary but it's just how I play MMOs.
    I had to buy all the toys!
    oh and then there was that penthouse in Arkadia:p
    Yes, these were much needed toys. I'm old, retired and disabled so if this is what makes me happy and keeps me out of the bars then it's totally justified!
    (that last statement is just in case my wife reads this over my shoulder)
    Now, if I could just find a shop for sale on Arkadia I'll be all set!
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Wow you're really diving in! If you've found a mentor then you should be in good hands. Just take your time and don't get in over your head too quickly! Try a bit of everything, use the trade terminal for cheap beginner items, and find what profession you like :).

    Welcome to Arkadia and enjoy your stay!
  5. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    Always wanted penthouse in Celeste town. Amazing view
  6. Bandido

    Bandido Member

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    I agree 100% because I don't mind doing a deposit every other week to give me a leg up. I've spent so much money in other games and have nothing to show for it and really regret not finding EU several years ago. Someday I will be a landowner as well.

    Anyways, welcome to Arkadia
  7. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    and womews

    wish i could "like" some of these responses...stinks being a noob with no options.

    I agree with u as well, I just came from 2 other MMOs where I am a gold or lifetime member.
    They are entertaining but my attention level is getting worse as I age.
    Having a real money economy to "play" with is a concept that's hard to get bored with... well until I'm broke or my wife looks at the credit card statement.
    In any case, I too wish I were here sooner.
    but those 16 hour work days prevented any entertainment...yay retirement lol!
  8. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    If you're serious about looking for a shop...

    Then last I heard Yquem was still looking for a buyer for his. Might be worth checking that out to see if it's still an option or in your price range. Welcome aboard and good luck out there :)
  9. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Howdy Ids!

    Glad to see you diving right in. Hope you're having a great time! Explore as much as you can, it'll take a long while. Don't hesitate to pop on and ask any questions or engage folks you see.

    Best of luck!
  10. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    Indeed I am, and I very much appreciate the lead.
    Sending Yquem a friend request, Thanks so much!

    (5 posts seem to be the milestone to unlock the "like" option. I'm gonna be a liking fool now:dribble:)
  11. Razial

    Razial Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome to Arkadia i realy you enjoy it here if ya got any questions as every allready said dotn hesitate to ask you will allways be answered

    Best Regard Razial Bloom
  12. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    thought you said licking fool there for a second...

    oh, and welcome to EU and Arkadia to all you noobs :)
  13. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    Thanks so much!
    Arkadians are just so damn nice :D

    btw, contacted Yquem about his shop...no longer available :(
    the search continues...
    thanks for the info tho.
  14. Alisha Ali Astro

    Alisha Ali Astro Member

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    I'm not-so-old (33) and disabled (among other things a cancer survivor and in a wheelchair), so I can at least partly relate. I don't have your kind of disposable income to spare ($400?!?! Dear gods!), but most of what I do end up with is spent on games rather than going to movies (I'm hard of hearing, legally deaf, so without captions it is kinda pointless), frequently renting movies (I do make an occasional rental, but usually stick with letting a friend rent something for a group of us to watch) or anything like that. I figure for the same cost as two or three rentals of two hour movies, I could easily spend that on an investment that will get me a much longer amount of entertainment via a game. Plus, movies don't talk to you as you watch them (except for very rare cases of interactive videos, or hallucinations while VERY drunk).
  15. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    Listen, i am new to this game. But i have a suggestion i would like more experienced players to review and tell if it is right thing for you do to.

    Since you already own an estate, penthouse in Arkadia, why do you need a shop? Shops are very expensive, like 10, 15, 20k ped. Since you are starting out, might wanna look at a shopkeeper pad-type that in auction house, they are less that 2k ped and i think they can hold 20 items for sale. And if you want to see how they look, go to Celeste quarry, see all those shops around the teleport, with those figures you click to access shop? Or go to some of the already estates-apartments turned into shops. This one looks cool, and is tied to very fun part of game, instances. Look the link, and the pictures, you might design your penthouse like this:


    This is my honest suggestion, i do not own estate nor shop nor i have the ped for any of this. But would like to help if this suggestion of mine is correct. You already own an estate, buy 2-3 shopkeeper pads, put them in estate, fill them in with goods you wish to sell, and bam, you are set. And at far less money that shop. I don`t know what are the perks of owning a shop, but this looks like a cheaper but very effective solution.

    Once more, welcome and hope you enjoy playing with all the toys... I have a dilemma, to quad or not to quad...:)
  16. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    This is a very good suggestion indeed. Shopkeeper pads will give you 20 item points to sell from whilst taking up 6 item points from the estate you put them in. You can then dress them in clothes or armour and they do not take up any additional points. If you own a shop then this effectively means they give you an additional 14 sellable item points where as they will give an apartment the ability to be used as a shop if multiple SKs are used as otherwise you cannot sell things from an apartment floor (so to speak).

    That said, it is still a great plan to get a shop and increase your virtual estate holdings.
  17. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    The pro of a shop against a apartment with shopkeepers is that shops are usually easy to access, on the ground floor and in locations that have a lot of people. If you make a shop out of an apartment nobody will know it is there, because you can not see it from the street, so you'll have to advertise it a lot some how.
  18. Caro

    Caro Member

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    a bit late and all, but welcome welcome welcome! I've been bouncing around arkadia for a month or more now, loving it here. Especially the apartments and the people. Hoping to see you by the moonshine bar in the future :)
  19. iDisOrder

    iDisOrder New Member

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    All great advice and i have considered the options.
    I think until I find a shop on Arkadia I'm going to look into the shopkeeper pad(s).
    I'm aware the apartment based shops may not get as much foot traffic, but I can advertise on forums.
    Also, if others are like myself, I've explored each and every level of every structure I've come in contact with and made notes as to where the best prices were for items I may be using now or in the future.
    Purchasing the shopkeeper pads to use in an apartment will not be a waste...
    They can simply be moved into the shop once I find one or left in place to grab "explorers".
    I do have a question about both tho.
    When a sale is made via a shopkeeper pad or a shop directly, who exactly is the sales tax going to?
    Who is the "landlord".. is it Arkadia directly or are buildings as a whole owned by someone?
  20. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sales Tax goes to the LA owner or to Ark PP, depending on where the shopkeeper is located.