Zadul foot

Discussion in 'Resources' started by Jasdar, May 26, 2013.

  1. Jasdar

    Jasdar Member

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    Ran across this earlier today in loot. I know they seem to be very rare. There is no market data on it and I know its 1 part of what is needed to make zadul DNA. Question is this, what is a ball park price on an item like this? I know it will very depending on a number of factors. Just trying to get an idea of what to ask if and when someone would need it.
  2. Bandido

    Bandido Member

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    Yes, I wanna know too because I found an Ostelok foot worth one PED. if I auction it off I want more than one PED.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    It's impossible to tell at the moment how much they are worth...What you have to ask is what are you prepared to part with them for.

    From reading the item description on any DNA part you will see that there are various amounts of 4 animal parts plus a Blank DNA Cartridge that are needed to be collected in order to refine them into a DNA sample. People will be able to put multiple DNA samples onto a Land Area when one is bought and the popularity of the eventual mob will itself be based on a number of factors.

    So, based on that information, it all comes back to what you think it is worth and what you are prepared to sell it for.

    Sorry I can't be any more helpful than that
  4. Jasdar

    Jasdar Member

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    Not a problem Snape, your comments are always welcome. I figured we wouldn't have an idea as of yet till someone decides to buy the land area but it never hurts to ask. Who knows maybe the individual who is looking into buying might reply with what he would pay and then we might have an idea. Oh well I'll save it for now but if you ever hear of anyone looking for parts to zadul DNA or DNA of any animal for that matter point them to the thread and we can go from there.
  5. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    I just looted the blank cartridge for these DNA parts so I'm very interested in this question myself. It seems to me that it would be best to approach the question of price for the DNA parts from the point of view of the value of the complete DNA to a landowner. That would give a "price with profit" figure which should then provide a guide to the sorts of prices the the individual DNA parts should be set at.

    I'm hanging on to my blank cartridge until I can get a clear idea of prices.