Empty areas?

Discussion in 'Mining' started by c0m4ndo45, May 19, 2013.

  1. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    Hello All, i'm a new miner at arkadia although a miner for years on caly. I'm wondering if this is normal or if there simply are empty areas in Arkadia.. I went northeast part of the continent and found basically nothing.

    [removed link]

    Was having a hit rate of 30% just minutes before getting into this area and other areas since yesterday (already mined ~400ped), so i would expect to find atleast 1 deposit after 25 attempts...
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes this happens. Most likely another miner(s) just went through the area carpet-bombing it heavily. Either that or you were just really unlucky with your drop postitions. Either way, 25 NRF in a row stinks but it's not all that rare (not just on Ark, it's true for all planets).

    No areas are permanently "empty" though. Ores will respawn in them over time.
  3. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    there is no areas that someone has bombed empty.. u just hit a bad wave.. after 7 years in game mostly mining imo every bomb u drop either generates or doesnt generate a claim.. and i usually get the most crappy loot from areas i dont think anyone has mined ever
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'd have to disagree. Claims are not generated at the time of drop. http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread.php?8360-GMC-Mining-Research-Notes-1-Overmining
  5. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Based on my expiriance this month, if you look at the map there are 2 regions with no teleporters - Upper left where is white snow and upper right over the ruins. That places are worst for mining and almost no resources there, no mather what type of resources you are mining or when.
    Also down rigth near Celeste teleporters and aorund Resolute firbase is not good to mine.
    Other areas seem good for mining
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Probably because I've been sending my miners there a lot :p If you get them when they're fresh, they're actually pretty good places for mining :)
  7. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    i would say 25 NRF in a row is extremely rare, so rare that when i logged 7K claims last year i never experienced that, and im the type that pushes through NRF regardless. if i remember correctly i had 1 instance of 20+ NRF during this period, and when i say 7K claims i mean claims not drops.
  8. Norm

    Norm Member

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    To add to what Fallen was saying, I've had only 4 times with 25 or more NRF's in a row (excluding FOMA) since late 2005. That spans over 200k drops
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It's really not that uncommon. I've had 3 or 4 of my miners in the last few weeks talk to me about similar strings of NRFs. (Not just beginners btw). The reason that some miners don't get these is because they consciously or unconsciously mine differently (alter search patterns, move to a different area, stop etc) after a smaller number of NRFs.

    I've had up to 42 NRF in a row (though that may have been due to a bug), and ~ 25 NRF more than once. The most memorable was when I was using a medium-sized amp... the reason I remember that one so well is because the first hit after that was a 300 ped HOF.
  10. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    Well i'm saying that because .. well atleast on calypso i haven't ever had 25 NRFs in a row (not counting asteroid but i dont go there), and my hit rate in caly has been like 25-33% for months now. I just arrived here and then i'm suddenly getting areas where i have 15 or even 25 NRFs as in that case in a row, and 100-drop runs with hit rate around 18% so i started to find it quite strange, wondering if i'm hitting bad areas or its just bad luck.

    I'm quite sure its not other miners though. I often run into other miners in Caly and that barely affects my hit rate - 55m circle is not really that big on a huge map, it is unlikely i will be dropping probes exactly in the same places someone just passed by. Also, i have yet to run into a single miner in arkadia and i've mined in the most randomic places i could think of.
    If a miner just passed by an area i am mining, i'm likely to catch up to him as he will have to stop to mine claims and i wouldn't. In addition, yesterday after about 400 ped cycled with -120 ped loss and shortly after about 20 NRFs i got a 262 PED hof to compensate so perhaps arkadia is just different in loot distribution?
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    All the planets give loot the same way. I haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise. The ore spawns are designed differently from planet to planet, however.

    If you're having trouble with a low hit rate, I recommend using LBML and making sure that you don't overlap your drops. Overlapping is the most common reason, I believe, that miners get poor returns.
  12. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    I have been using LBML and i never overlap my search radius/drops. The reason i was surprised with the low avg return is the sudden change right as i switched to a different planet - althought i am new on arkadia i have been a miner for quite a while, well over 20k drops by now, so i am well aware of how mining works, but this is the first time i'm mining on another planet so i'd like to know the differences. Appreciate any comparisons :)
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    On Arkadia you'll experience less lyst than on Caly or RT. Also, as you probably know by now, ores are not in simple, neatly placed fields, requiring much more float than elsewhere. Most of the Arkadian ores can be mined at low depths, below 400m, though the new, rare, resources from the last VU seem to be much deeper. The string of NRFs you found was just a fluke. I'd say it's no more common on arkadia than any other planet.
  14. Jinx-Nico

    Jinx-Nico Member

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    Hi guys,

    This happened to me a while back. I made a post where I hit 2 out of 50 drops. I think I was around 35ish NRF's before a claim and the last claim was around 49th bomb or so. I can say that this does in fact happen on Ark. Now it hasn't happened again. I've never gone back to that field and have no plans to do so (it paid find before this run). It might have been just wrong place/wrong time one time bad luck deal. I don't know what the problem was or if there even was one. I do not beileve someone else mined there before me. I have gone up to 12 NRF's at times in a run. It's always the same..... I drop the last bomb (number 13) hit T to leave the area and boom I find a claim.
  15. Norm

    Norm Member

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    Holy crap!!! Delete, delete, delete. You're telling everyone the secret to mining!!!

  16. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    So, i kept mining to see how it went and so far, again could be a coincidence, but i felt the hit rate was significantly lower than when i was in caly. I decided to check that - extracted my hit rate data from LBML to excel, which was a bit challanging since theres no option to extract from the runs (which have the actual amount of drops/hit rate) but i managed to get it by using OneNote to copy text from image, which managed to copy it flawlessly.

    And the results are in:
    Planet Calypso hit rate mining from 04/28 to 05/18: 30,2% out of 1680 drops
    Planet Arkadia hit rate, mining from 05/18 to 05/24: 26,3% out of 1276 drops

    Surely, lower amount of drops overall, but should be sufficient to say that, for whatever reason, i am getting a lower hit rate in Arkadia.

    (if you are interested, i calculated multiplying the drops of each run by the hit rate of each run as displayed in LBML, summed it up and divided by total amount of drops)
  17. Norm

    Norm Member

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    Not sure what's causing you're lower rate on Ark, but I have found the opposite to be true. Just looking back over the last couple months, here are my hit rates for comparison:

    Planet Calypso: 513/1945 = 26.4%
    Planet Arkadia: 1416/4821 = 29.4%

    The breakdown between resource types on Caly is too much of a pain for me to spend the time gathering it, but on Ark it's:

    Ore: 487/1607 = 30.3%
    EnM: 479/1607 = 29.8%
    Treasure: 450/1607 = 28.0%
  18. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    Well, perhaps it's just temporary bad luck since i know i've had exceptionally good luck in the past month in caly. Nevertheless, i'm heading back to caly and will go for my everyday spots there and see how that goes, if it's the same i'll know the game just wants me to pay back =P

    I loved mining around here though, i'd accept a lower hit to stay here because its so much prettier than caly, the problem is that stuff takes time to sell and there's no ore traders, also caly resources end up going for lower markup... I don't have a very large ped card to be able to afford long periods of time without selling stuff, nor do i want to keep going back an forth to caly to sell stuff.

    But i'm certainly going to return! :)
  19. Norm

    Norm Member

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    Yeah, I agree with you wholeheartedly on this. I typically sell resources after collecting 100ped+ stacks. I've been mining here about three weeks now and (excluding a large amount of one resource from a HOF), currently have around 1500ped of resources in storage with no stacks above 50ped. It's pretty much impossible to target ores and enmatters here nowadays, so not only do you need a large bankroll for stacking, but you also have to deal with slow auction sales or trouble finding traders.

    I know you mentioned you've been playing a while, so you may not be interested, but you might want to check out the mining service offered by Neil Greenleaf Stockton (more info here). I only know what I've seen in his thread, but seems like it would make life easier on someone without a large pedcard to stick around on Arkadia.
  20. c0m4ndo45

    c0m4ndo45 New Member

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    Yeah, i read about it and i did think about it too, perhaps one day :) it's an amazing idea.

    Funny that as soon as i returned my hit rate returned to normal/ 30%ish ... so i think i'll be around here for now :)