I can't believe I just discovered this game now.

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by DFS, May 22, 2013.

  1. DFS

    DFS New Member

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    After so many years wasted on WOW thinking, "There has to be more to gaming than this..." I finally found my mmo. The first MMO I ever played was UO and I was hooked onto that like a heroin addict but slowly the effects faded and now I feel myself shooting up again... Any ways, I've been playing for about 2 days now going the purist route and not depositing but I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and just do it for now, hell I waste money on stuff I don't even want so why not spend it on that Slepnir that I really really want.

    I like mining, but I also like hunting so my question is can I do both without any penalties to the other? I'm not sure about the skill mechanics yet but most games would have a restriction so you can't do everything so that's why I'm wondering. Thanks, and how do I sell sweat? I don't see anyone advertising to buy any but then again my chat bar is very inactive so I'm wondering if I have to join the channel?
  2. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    In Entropia there are no character classes or anything so you are free to skill in everything.
    And for years I am wondering why people play WOW and other MMOs when there is Entropia Universe :)
  3. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    also mining have a little bit of boost for your healthpoints at some point ;) welcome to the game and the forum

    for the chat ...below your chatwindow you see a few little boxes ..click them all active ..thats the best way ...in time you will figure out what you personally need or want to see and what not ...for sweat ..it is not easy to sell...trade channel is the second little box ...but all chats only work in your radar range ...except the global and HoF chat ...the bright and dark purple ones ....
  4. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    yea one of the best things about Entropia is NO LIMITS on skills you can even sell your skills if you say trained up being a hunter you could sell your hunting skills and then use that money to pursue mining.
  5. Lardinho

    Lardinho Member

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    nice to meet you and welcome to the forum and to planet Arkadia.

    I'm in a Society designed to help newer players, no doubt you'd have had countless people try to take you on as a disciple already, mentors are voracious but not all of them will give you the good advice needed for you to get the most out of your ped. Saying that, there really are plenty of good mentors here also and I have a lot of respect for many of them.

    If you need a place to hand out, 'Rising Potentials' is the Society I am in and started in when I first came to the game, a lot different to how it is now. Alice in Wonderland was my mentor and still plays and is the head of that/our Society. Alice doesn't play as much as previously but still is my friend who I chew the fat with when i have an idea. Both Alice and I are active mentors and become open to newer players all the time. Currently I think we both have space so you'd be welcome to join us whether you've a mentor or not.

    The best thing about being in a mentor specific society rather than having a mentor whose society you cannot join, is that instead of just being the person you think you're bugging each time you private message them, you can get advice from the whole society with us... from numerous experienced players and mentors and will be in an environment with other new players too.

    I'm in the UK so generally GMT (+1 in summer) time I'm on but I hoped to get more Americans in so that we have people in chat over a much winder time range and in the last 6 months we've got plenty from all around the world.

    So if you work out how to add/search someone in the game (open friend list and its one of the buttons at the top of that window) add me, Lardinho, and we can set about getting you into RP. No one else inside Entropia has that name, its unique as I made it up about 15 years ago, its been imped in some other games but I'm the original. We've former UO, WoW, FFXI/XIV players about too, so I'm sure there's some remeniscing to be had at some point, too =P

    Hopefully speak to you soon, Matt/Lard
  6. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    In EU there're no mechanical limits on how much you can increase your skills. . . If you want to spend the PED & time to move up there's nothing stopping you. With you attempting the no-depo route one thing to think about is your PED balance. Generally you need a reasonable sized stack of materials to sell for the most MU (after auction fees ect.) so the more you diversify the more PED you may be tying up in your storage.

    Good luck, and have fun.
  7. DFS

    DFS New Member

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    Its been a few days of playing now and I am really loving Arkadia. I already got a WOW friend to convert, it literally took me begging him that I needed "help" killing a lev2 mob to which he laughed at me only to enter the world and realize we aren't in WOW anymore haha. I understand that this is a game that isn't as easy as 1-2-3-easy mode so I deposited some money and my friend as well (damn those bullets cost a lot haha) We purchased a Slepnir and continued to shoot Halix's til the sun went down. Now that I have a partner, it's time to convert the rest of the guild... Thanks for the offer to mentor me but I really like to discover and make my own mistakes, I think the PEDs I put in this game are worth it and I love the fact that TT rates are the same to sell as they are to buy.
  8. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    you should get a mentor anyways just cause you get free stuff like a full suite of awesome low level armour. but still mistakes cost money so sometimes it's good to ask before jumping....
  9. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    And great 4x4 car with very low TCO ;)
  10. Alisha Ali Astro

    Alisha Ali Astro Member

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    Not being at all like WoW is one of the best things about the game. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate WoW, but after it got successful and so many other games tried to emulate it, it is nice to see a game that doesn't.

    I'm going to mirror RexDameon and say you should get a mentor anyway. I'm a lot like you in that I like to explore and learn on my own, but EU is just so vast (both in actual vastness of the worlds and the vast selection of what you can do) that I really think it would be beneficial to at least get a little helpful advice. It could save you a lot of time and money that could otherwise be spent on your goals.
  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Bring as many as you can, but educate them as you do it that this is a very different way of "playing"...that said, for the money WoW players spend each month, you can have a lot of fun here as long as you use your head.

    Spread the word mate, the more people the better the economic turn over, the more content and features the Planet Partners can bring in and round and round we go.
  12. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    Hi DFS, and welcome! I too spent many a year playing WOW and couldn't believe it took me this long to find EU. I literally stumbled across it while doing research for an article. I've found the maturity level of the players here is much higher on the average. I thought the idea of a mentor was a little odd at first as well, but it was well worth it. The armor is really good, but like everything here, it is entirely dependent on what you want to do as a player. I love the fact that the game is open ended and you're not restricted by class, race, or level. Cheers mate!
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Hello DFS,
    First of: welcome to Project Entropia and Planet Arkadia! We all think you've landed on the best planet héhé.

    Second I'll copy what has been said about getting a mentor. Or at least join a society that is newbie friendly. This game (experience might be a better word?) is very complex and it's easy to make many mistakes. Hell, I've made a thousand myself I can think of and another thousand I don't know about. In that I am a bit like you "I gotta do it myself and learn from my own mistakes." But you gotta realise that you aren't just going to learn and experience a new toy, you are going headlong into a whole new life.
    Joining a newbie friendly society is also good for your contacts and explore the planet together. Kind of like what you did by bringing you WOW-friends. Of course it is also good to have people around you that are at the same level. They will understand when you say "Damnit, this Bokol is hard to kill!"

    Maybe a bad example, but I can't think of a better one at the moment. Let's image you are totally ignorant about the food you can buy at a supermarket. First day you buy rice with peanutbutter. Second day you buy lemons with fishstickes. Third day you buy white beans with chocolate-cookies. Fourth day you cry for all to hear how bad the supermarket is. A mentor/ society would ask you "Are you going to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner or something in between?"

    There are no restrictions in this game. There is nothing stopping you from making the most awful mistakes.
    We would hate to see a post from you in two months hence saying "I've spend 1000 PEDs hunting, 1000 PEDs mining, 500 PEDs crafting and 500 PEDs doing other things. Now I'm down to less then 50 PEDs. This game sucks my money away faster then a bloodsucking vampire. I'm out of here!" There have been a lot of those types of threads.
    Happy exploring and enjoy you time here and that it might last a long time! :cool::dark::cool:
  14. JesterEric

    JesterEric New Member

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    Glad to see I'm not the only one who took too long to find this game. :p

    I don't have any advice I just wanted to add my two cents and share in the bonding moment. :D

    Hope you're all doing awesome!
