New Features For Racing

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by fallie, May 23, 2013.

  1. fallie

    fallie Member

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    I noticed Arkadia has a racing course, which is very awesome as I've tried it and am hosting a racing event for members of my society for fun soon. I just want to suggest making more features with racing, like allowing craftable parts that can be attached to certain cars for boost in speed, drifting, balance. This will also help the use and cycling of the arkadia ores that are becoming useless(havent seen banite sold much at all). Also some new designated racing courses cant hurt. This can become something cheap for new guys to play with and maybe with higher players messing around.

    Also, maybe implement a feature to enable vehicles to be transparent or not so cars can bump into each other, creating massive chaos. Drifting a bit with the Explorer jeeps would be very fun on a race course as well. Imagine some guy ahead of you with 2 ponds surrounding the track, one bump is all you need to make his/her day :)
  2. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    That is what i thought first time i saw valkyrie. Great idea Fallie.
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    we don't have Cars on Arkadia, we have hoverpods and those can be tricky to operate at times if you haven't tried try it.

    as for more racecourses, isn't one enough? There are several options to use on it too, and nature is great at providing a course too with some imagination.
  4. fallie

    fallie Member

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    Yes it might be very good idea to have races with hoverpods so new players can all join and be able to try it out and get something out of it. It doesn't hurt to be able to have attachments that can be different types of land vehicles similar to weapon attachments.

    As for the courses, yes we can just make our own "start" and "finish" anywhere, but with big enough route and its capable of cheaters, which would require many spotters. It could help(if we get to implement these features) that we have set courses like the one we have that can prevent spawning of air vehicles by making lanes smaller or blocks on the sides. This is reason why I would prefer more racetracks(and also would be pretty cool to have like regionals/planetary rankings and have people travel around for races. Think tennis pro tour if you will.)

    Also, it might spawn some other features of its own by players that want to have some more fun, like betting on races(its iffy right now so probably will have to be handled by a trusty player).
  5. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Courses, you need to understand that these areas is used by other people mining/hunting too and the way you suggested it to keep air vehicles to be spawned will surely make any miner/hunter upset. Sure races is fun but it shouldn't make other activities suffer because a big part is "reserved" for races, which is why I suggested to use nature.
    Even on the course we have there is needed spotters to keep people in check.

    Betting, thats against ToU:

  6. fallie

    fallie Member

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    I'm sorry but I don't see your point in the anti-air vehicle allowed area because i've seen mobs outside the current racetrack we have and none inside it, so it is possible to have a zone that restricts entrance of air vehicles. miners and hunters are able to do outside the race and if it is capable of mining within the racetrack, then using a land vehicle has no problem either. Also, if we are always stuck with being too scared to try something new due to outcry by others, then this game will not be able to attract and keep new players because we simply do not do enough as a game and community-wise to show them some of the good creative aspects of the game. Why not take a shot and see how far it goes if right now it isn't going anywhere much?

    Recently, I've seen many new players joining from the advertising done by MA, but far too many left due to the game not offering enough for the new players without depositing for them to judge whether they want to deposit and see what else it has to offer. If we want to move forward, we will need to step up and show them the many things they can do besides just telling them "you can hunt, mine, craft. But you need money". This racing feature that has already been placed in-game but never utilized to its full potential by the developers nor the players seems to me like a failure on our part as a community. I've seen only very few events geared towards new players to give them a better feel for the game(events made by anyone for that matter) and I've been trying of doing many events to see which works, but this racing event could be another thing that newbies can do besides exploring,sweating, and dying because they are given a free vehicle as well.

    Also the ToU thing is pretty funny and a bit ironic to me, but now I know that betting can't be done. That doesn't mean other features cannot, such as bumper cars(if cars can bump into each other), tag-team racing, and many others.
  7. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok think I misunderstood you there, by putting a no fly zone directly on the track or slightly wider then the track that's fine, but I thought you ment have steep hills so you can't spawn a vehicle that's what wouldn't work very well in more places.

    Another idea, underground racing: have a cave system setup as a racetrack then it would be easy to check so people would follow the right route etc.. too and wouldn't disrupt other activities in the area

    Totally agree, it should be used more by the community and until it is I don't see the need for more

    yeah only your imagination puts limit to things, also wish vehicles were made to bump into each other but I guess they made it as this so the vehicle spammers shouldn't be able to put some people in a prison they have to T to get out of
  8. fallie

    fallie Member

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    Ooooo, very nice. I really like the underground racing, this really utilizes the newbie tunnels we have already. I'll be sure to take a run around them and see if we can come up with something. Thanks

    OLD NICK Member

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    (I know it is a little bit old topic, but as my idea is for Racing, think is better to post here, instead of making a new topic)

    my idea is:
    - a new "race terminal" at the race track - you get a mission to finish the track for "some time" and if you do it you get some peds (pecs maybe) or some exp (think pecs will be better but anyway:)
    - different missions for different vehicles (different time - difficulty - rewards)

    the problems:
    - how to make all players to use "same vehicle" (the one that is listed in the mission):
    solution - when the mission is accepted the vehicle spawn on the start of the track and you can use only that vehicle (when you enter the time start to count and when the time out the vehicle disappear)*
    * to be honest I am not realy sure is this posible in the game

    - how to make all players to follow the race track (the specific configuration of the track listed in the mission)
    solution - when the mission is accepted small waypoints appear on the map and you must go through all of them (for the time listed in the mission)*
    * almost sure that this is posible

    - exploit (hope I spelled right :)
    solution - make that missions daily (one mission from every category per day per plaeyer, like the daily missions on Caly)

    so in this way you can use "specific" vehicle for "specific" mission and will have "specific" time to finish (if you exit from that vehicle befor the time runout, the mission ends after 2 or maybe 3 min and the vehicle disappear)
    (after 2 or 3 min because if you ctd to have time to reenter and continue the mission)
    (or maybe will be "easy" just ... in the second you exit from that vehicle the mission end and the vehicle disappear)

    so ... basically this is the idea

    With best regards

    p.s.: if this can be done (or something similar), there will be another way to have fun ... for new and old players :)
  10. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yeah that's fine Nick, its in the wishlist sub forum so its not really disrupting the "normal" areas. Please be wary of it when you are in the more utilised areas in future though :D