WTB Omegaton A104

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Robinsilni, May 22, 2013.

  1. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    Hello to all EU avatars.

    Ingame, i am well known for uber hofs ....... NOT
    I am low level hunter, looking to attach something on my breer p4. I started playing this game 2 1/2 months ago, been skilling on carabok for a long time, and i finally think there has come the time to buy myself some a bit stronger gun and hunt something other than halix, carabok, feran.
    They are ok mobs, no question about it, but would like to try some other mobs as well.

    I see that A104 is expensive at the auction now, if some of you can cut me some ok deal, it would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Robin the Uber hoffer :)
  2. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    A104's are pretty rare indeed, maybe you can look into an a103 instead? They are more affordable, and you can always look for an a105/a106 amplifier in the future if you want to upgrade your mobs again :)
  3. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    Thank you Harmony.

    My friend from soc suggested me the same thing. 1 damage per shot in minimum and 2 damage per shot in maximum damage is the difference in given breer p4+A103 and breer p4+A104 combo.
    That is small damage per shot, but in long term, does it look like this or my math is totally wrong?

    So per shot i do 1-2 less dagame, so to shoot down some mob i am doing 10-20 damage less per 10 shots, or 15-30 damage per 15 shots, so increasing shots needed to kill the mob, thus increasing the ammo cost. A103 is low mu now, but i end up paying each hunt a little bit more in ammo spent killing x number of mobs. On the other hand, A104 is huge MU now, but i end up paying each hunt a little bit less, saving me money.... Please confirm if that is ok math, i am inch from buying A104 but looking at lot cheaper A103 and thinking about it, having doubts...

    Thanks in advance
  4. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    No the maths isn't exactly right, but the idea is correct.

    If you check out www.entropedia.info you can see what the damage per pec spend is for the different combinations.

    A combination of p4a+a103 has a damage of 2.966 per pec spend, and the combination of p4a+a104 has a damage of 2.977

    So for hunting the a104 is more eco, since you do 0,37% more damage per pec spend. But since it costs 100 (?) ped more then the a103 you will need a turnover of 27.000 peds to have recovered the peds (assuming you won't be able to sell neither amp for markup in the future).

    If you have enough peds for the a104, and are serious about hunting, and have enough leftover peds to sell some of the loot for markup i would always go for the a104. If you don't want to spend as much peds, and are stull figuring out the a103 might be a better short-term option.

    So the main question will be, do you think you will have a turnover of that many peds in the next months, or will you quit before reaching that, or will you want to go even bigger before that?

    In the long run, the bigger the amp the better (with a-class laser amps).
  5. Pretender

    Pretender Member

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