Instance loot issue

Discussion in 'Instances' started by Few Scars, May 16, 2013.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Dev team. The other day I was doing a Level 10 Instance. After 1.5 hours, at least 210Ped TT ammo spent over 130 mobs killed, not to mention the Level 10 key (200Ped) I lost my connection and was not able to log back. The issue that is bugging me is that after spending near 500Ped in key + mu + ammo + decay, unlike normal hunting I have no loot to show for my troubles. Support seems to think it is ok for a player to lose 500Ped with no loot. I think if you lose your connection with an instance you either get to continue where you left off to claim your chests, or you get your key and ammo back. Its only fair.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You should get your ammo and key TT back after a disconnect. If you haven't, send a support case to MA.
  3. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    look at PED FLOW CENTER
    there should be refund for instance
  4. Donte

    Donte Member

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    MA became a thief now .. (i know we are playing real money ; i know its a little like casino ) but thats enough! btw after nearly 8k ped in probs clean mining not even a starlight sound ..and what they tell me in report .. its the way they change the economic inside game ..(i was disconnect in MM 2013 and same nothing back not even a message from MA)
  5. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Oos I was about to try lvl 1 door and just read this post. I guess I will wait.
  6. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Bjorn, maybe you think so, i hope that A-Team thinks about it and help you.
    But in Oct 2012 my losses in one broken Hell mission (RT) was 600 PED, without any compensation and SC was opened for halfyear, therefore i closed it by myself.
    I know only one case with compensation of an instance directly by ND, heard, but am not sure that the A-Team has helped someone with broken instance.
    But you must know, that connection issues is not a reason for a refund.
  7. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    Hi Bjorn,

    Upon reading your message the other day, I've already had it escalated to the support team asking to have the refund made. Rest assure I will look into this.
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  8. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The system should automatically refund the accumulated TT of loot you you would have received had you opened the chests at the time of disconnecting in the PED flow center like T79x said. It is a bit confusing that the old message that used to popup no longer does.

    Just a note to this, the server can not indefinitely keep a session open as that puts strain on the instance servers and wont allow any other players to enter once it has reached its limit. If it is changed to keep the session open until the player who crashed can log back in it can be abused by players who ALT+F4 or unplugs their network cable and lockup instances until they are back. For added security it is advisable to do instances with a team member to insure that if one of you get disconnected the server stays alive.
  9. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Thanks for all the responses. I am hoping to do another couple I level 10s this weekend.
  10. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Hi there Chris, and sorry to necro this thread a little.

    I wanted to ask whether you have received any communication from MindArk about instance refunds recently.
    And in specific, I was wondering whether there was anything you could share about the intended performance of the Automatic Refund system in cases where the instance times out or drops you before you can start killing creatures.

    According to various players above, Neil's quote specifically, he believes I am due to receive at least a portion of the TT value of my key back if I lose the instance due to a disconnect. I recently paid for a key and entered an instance only to find that the servers were likely rather hammered, and had issues with the scenery loading. Phased through a wall, disconnected repeatedly, struggled to reconnect and eventually when I logged in the 6th time or something I was outside the door to the instance.

    The team I had been in had been auto-closed and so I could not re-enter.

    So I had been expecting a refund of some sorts based on the previous assertions in this thread.

    But I have just now had my support case (which I opened on the 29th, after waiting 2 days for the refund to happen automatically) closed after being told
    "due to technical reasons both unexpected and unavoidable issues that affect the performance of the system do occasionally occur and, according to the EULA § 5 and § 6, we do not compensate for losses in such cases."

    Which I believe means that their position is that due to the server failure they claim indemnity from needing to perform any refund.

    So would I be roughly accurate in saying that server load and instance-server failure essentially mean that the Automatic Refund logic should be considered a best-effort coding endeavour rather than a bullet-proof atomically transactional piece of code, and that we may expect these sort of things to just happen occasionally?

  11. n55w131

    n55w131 New User

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    Same issue here!

    I had the exact thing happen, I sent in a support case and the response was "They do not return lost keys/ammo under provisions of EULA 5 & 6" What ever that means, but I disagree because my timer had not run out, I was returned to outside of the instance and by all means I should have been able to re-enter. But it would not let me, asking for another full tt key to get in. Like it just terminated my instance.

  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I believe some support reps are knowledgeable, others are clueless. Maybe you just got a clueless one...

    It would be a real shame if MA stopped refunding terminated instances. It would really cut down on the number of instances being run since people don't want to risk losing all that ammo. These refunds don't hurt MA.

    Edit: just read n55w131's post. Sounds like a policy change... if true this is very bad news for instance runners, key makers and treasure hunters.
  13. Zya

    Zya Member

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    In the past they did give some ped credits when an instance crashed. Since when did the EULA change?
  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Eula Changes happen at will with no reference to changes. You literally have to read it every time you log in if you wish to keep up with the sneaky snake moves of MA.