Obie surprised me with a belated 8 yr EU Anniversary gift - the Arkoin Broker outfit with the stripes that glow - thanks Babe, I really love it and appreciate your thoughtfulness. I also love how leather-like the jackets look, the A-Team really did an excellent job on this outfit. Arkadia is THE best planet - PERIOD. View attachment 7179
Just wanted to add: I concur heartily. Very pleased with my set too. Just wish they came with matching shoes or boots
I concur! When i get back to Ark, I need to start doing stuff to get coins for a jacket at least. When you are in "the dark" do they cast light like an enblade? Can we have "lights out" raves with these on? PS Hi there, MindStar. I'm back! The Sakura City Trade House isn't the same without you...but that's fine. I'm moving to Ark!
I bought the outfit at AH with a huge MU but just had to have it. I agree about the lack of matching shoes/boots. I wore it for awhile but put it away for Social Events or a party.
Content of the broker MUST be changed atleast every halfyear, otherwise we all will be in similar clothes! About another content...some armor pieces was ended. This caused to increase its MU )
Wow that looks awesome. Certainly a good idea of the A-Team to make use of the glow functionality on clothes!