I'm interested in obtaining a set of Liakon (M) for my collection/use. If you have a set and are willing to part with it, then please let me know. Depending on price, it may take me some time to get the funds together so I'd appreciate the patience. No hurry though.
I have feets and shins available if youre intrested, might have thighs as well (already have potential buyer for those). All male parts.
yeah he does and KJ has a sword i would like too, but i recently bought a few things that chewed up my savings a little so both are going to have to wait for now
actually I was bumping this more to help someone else out then for myself currently....And yes I do still intend to buy that sword
Bump because I want Liakon set, failing that, any pieces would be appreciated also ^^b paying pure peds or a mix of hot lovin' and peds.