How to fix mining and the economy in 30 minutes.

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Uncle Mo, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    I believe I have stumbled on a solution that will finally make all miners and players happy. Please please check it out and comment.

  2. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    A pseudo part 2 to the previous video. An open letter to David Dobson, Kim Calypso and Mindark.[video=youtube;eODuIV5RiHU][/video]
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There are a ton of things that come to mind after watching most of the video. Ill only touch on a
    few things I see and let discussion go on as I am sure many will chime in.
    First and foremost I think you are misunderstanding minings function in game. You are looking at
    it from a playing standpoint and not as a pertinant game function. Minings only fucnction is to
    support crafting. Period. Its not something designed as a playable entity whos function is monetary.
    Its only reason is to replace materials used in crafting. If crafting slows mining sux monkey balls
    plain and simple. That leads us where we are now with all the added crap and the spreading out of
    soooo many new and useless items in loot things will only get thinner and thinner for each player.
    EU is a closed loop economy for those that have not figured it out yet. It runs on a set level of
    available ped implemented and monitored by MA. Thats the only reason it is not classified as
    gambling and the only reason governments have not given it a second look for taxation. There is only
    a limited amount of financial resourses in the game at any given millisecond. The economy is based
    on shifting that around. If a crafter makes item X and uses materials 1,5,29, 56 etc then the game
    relists value of those materials to be found again. This is also proves that it is NOT a free market
    economy as everyone thinks. My proof is in the fall in mark up of nearly every thing in game. MA cant
    have high mark up items with more people playing and still only keep the same set value to be circulated
    within it.
    Mining has not changed.. you can still find things where they have always been. The system has been
    modded to balance returns in a more stable manor elminating alot of the big hits the gambler type
    players want. The reason for this is simple. There are more people playing now with Arkadias efforts
    advertising but still the same limited ped amount of resourses set as the in game total by MA. It
    seems we get less because of this change and that will not change until MA ups the total value of
    money we as players have access to rotate around within the closed economy.
    My theory of a closed loop economy is proven by the simple fact that even in the worst economic
    time in the real world Mindark has managed to not only keep the doors open but still be able to
    siphon off enough money to keep the doors open. How is that.. well if there is only X amount of
    resources used by the games system and that stays untouched it can theoretcly go on forever. Now
    a system like that allows MA to simply remove any and all assets from the game that are not part
    of that total. Thats why we have so much L stuff now and not as much UL gear that requires
    resourses be held in reserve.
    The trick to all this is how it all gets "Balanced". MA robs Peter to pay Paul amongst the player
    base and keeps that finely tuned as best they know how. The current problems we have are due to
    growth of the game with added planets, added players, and more and more people who cant play a
    game without exploiting its vulnarabilities. This is now compounded because of retention. More
    are playing thus that return from the set over all value gets spread thinner and thinner. With
    more exploiters and abusers here taking the lions share of that the avg player who does not know
    how all that works sees a perpetual "Lossing streak" to Pay for all that.
    MA, more specificly Calypso devs are compounding this even further by the never ending events and
    the insider knowledge putting them into one upsmanship mode. Everything the new planets come up with
    for their worlds gets countered in the same VU its released by something on Calypso to counter its
    effects on the other planets income. Like the changing of the weapons recently where other planets
    worked out designs for decent firepower and eco being reset and the appearence of Calypso gear suddenly
    being the most eco. Add to that the increasing damage out puts of all this new crap being tossed into
    the game and we get to where we are now. The typical nerf n patch of every failed MMO to date. This
    really wouldnt matter in a normal mmo where the monetary system isnt real and management is not a
    necessity. Unfortunately money plays the most important roll in EU and if this all continues they
    will eventually hit a brick wall where people cant afford to fire their weapons and simple low level
    mobs will cost hundreds of ped to kill to keep up the rebalancing for the larger gear.
    Ill stop here and let the discussions ensue but I do have much more to say about EU and where its
    all headed should all this continue.
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  4. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Nice videos there Mo, and I think you might be right that MA needs to change some radical stuff.

    And an interesting theory there Bill and one that could very well be right.

    This would mean that with, lets say 25.000 people playing this game there would be, I don't know, 2.500.00 dollar going around as liquid funds, so one player wins 1000 dollar 10 other have to loose 100 dollar. Every extra fund that get put in by players is extracted by MA in order to keep PED rotation predictable for them and for governments. This means that with more players playing the game they SHOULD raise the amount of liquid funds in the game, 30.000 players => 3.000.000 dollar etc to keep the balance.

    You are saying they are not doing that, so does that suggest they just don't have the extra static cash to convert into liquid cash and therefor for every bigger loot, more people (say 15) need to loose less than 100 dollar (say 67) to even it out. This way one player will loose less money, but there will overall be more players that loose. By lowering the big loots they reduced the amount of player needing to loose money.

    So basically the lowering of the big loots is a reaction to their lack of static funds to add as liquid funds to the game?

    Never really thought about it like that, but I will now, interesting.
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Close Razer.... MA is not losing money rest assured.. they simply got used to the nice funds they siphoned off under the guise of a bad economy and don't wanna give up that profit margin.. They had to hide a chunk of that money in that castle they brought in so much so fast. Tax reasons and all the buisnessy things they do to make the books look like its a losing business. No....... shit returns boil down to nothing more then greed and corrupted morals Im afraid. They could be making an effort to twart the exploiters but they don't care what happens in here anymore they just want the cash flow. They will leave game growth and perpetuation to planet partners thinking all is good in the EU world. They really don't have a clue of the full potential of EU now and wont do anything to reach it as long as the money flow they do have comes in steadily.
  6. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    OK that should be:

    "You are saying they are not doing that, so does that suggest they just don't WANT TO CONVERT extra static cash to into liquid cash and therefor for every bigger loot..."

    it seems
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There is no static cash per say. The Economy hold X amount of peds.. Everything over that is liquidated and distributed into pay roll, development and the rest is moved around into financial entities to maximize its use for profit and avoid more taxation of it. The problem we are seeing currently is that the X amount of ped established within the game is NOT enough for the player base to function and grow. For example.. all the new crap loot used in all the new bp's that will probably never get used enough. People find the best gear for their function and they stick to that making 90% of this stuff looted useless as those bp's that don't fall into that category will never be used. To make this worse is that each planet is in a rush to add more and more of this unusable crap as filler. That puts us at a more balanced tt return but nearly zero mu to grow or sustain our avatars. Now with that balance equalizing among many added players due to planetary growth the bigger loots will be further and further between. Sadly most of those will go to people exploiting flaws in the system which has ALWAYS been a problem in EU from way back after the structuring after the bankruptcy. Hopefully this puts you close to understanding what I see about how EU works and is currently functioning.
  8. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Ah seems I might have confused the term liquid cash there. I was thinking of liquid cash to be the PED that are in the games economy.

    And it puts me very close to understand how you think EU works and it also seems to be the only safe way for MA to do this.
    But I do wonder where the dollars come from that people withdraw, is that taken from the PED in the economy?
  9. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    My guess is if they are business savy.. they have an idea how much money is withdrawn on a regular basis and that amount is held in escrow collecting interest.. That's the only reason I can see MA taking so god dam long to process stuff is they wanna squeeze every freakin penny out of our money they can Especially when we can depo and give it to them in milliseconds.. 40 - 90 days to get it out seems obvious where it will come from.