Building a Better Future.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by happy_hipster, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Id love to build a better future. Alot of us would. I have alot of ideas. Alot of us do. There is no way I can afford a 10th of these ideas. None of us can. Really. Im not talking about in game either, in real life. So I play games, because it at least FEELS like im accomplishing something. But its not real. Its not real.

    But it could be. It could be MORE real. More real then reality, that is what keeps me playing. Not profit, but potential. Entropia has the potential to be more, to DO more. The visuals are strikeing, the avatars, the clothes, the wide array of everything, it is so diverse. But grinding mobs or bombing fields or playing the slot machine crafting is so limited. As a player from the real world looking at the future, Entropia can be it.

    Why not add to Entropia a chance to build the future? Our future, in RL? With multiple worlds and the vast expanse of virtual land, why not create opportunities for BUILDING, jobs, actual creation? I understand the partners at MA need to maintain game balance, but this whole GUNNAR promotion got me thinking, there is room for real world products, promotions, work and revenue both for MA and players.

    I want to be a lumberjack. I want to build houses. I build motorized bicycles in RL, why cant I build them in Entropia, and get 1% of the purchase of every motorbike BP in Entropia, as well as RL sales and promotions? Game balance and MA profits are stepping over dollars to get dimes, really. If they could add farmville with stronghold with diablo with space, man, this thing could be crazy wicked. It all ready has potential. But what is potential unrealized?

    I could go on, but I think you get the point. Your smart, you have to be to play this game. To live it. Im just saying there is a differerance between living and just being alive. Building a Better future. Let us in!


    Wish List:

    -actual veins a
    -better vein mapping
    -enviornmental impact
    -Better AI for mobs
    -Mobs Loot Players and Store Up Loot
    -Revive only works on body and skills-nothing else
    -Unarmed Combat(ninja skills and sheet)
    -Blueprint creation
    -defense of property(PVP 4 property)
    -a central mass to hold planets in orbit(sun, black hole, SOMETHING)
    -more ships(small 8-16 passenger)(1 person fast fast)
    -aliens(ship to ship)
    -claiming (squatting)territory on asteroids
    -space suits
    -landing other places
    -ejector seat/trap door/airlock/boot button
    -stop RR repair
    -crafting machine
    -lay down in beds
    -Stop/Slow Revive(duration)
    -Mindreading(read Pm)
    -Wings having impact on falling and jumping
    -Wings for actual Flying
    -Sleeping in beds
    -sitting in all chairs
    -user defined Dances
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You said it yourself... control of game balance. If you're looking for freedom of development (building), 2L may fulfill that desire.
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    DONT taunt the MA brain cells they are just shy of blowing up and being reclassified as plankton. Hang out a bit here and adjust.. youll understand soon.
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    No, its cool. Im not taunting them, Im musing. Recently I wondered how "game balance" would be effected if your old body stayed behind, with all the possessions on it, when you died. I man, why are possessions revived? Reality can be stretched to think your abilities could be placed into a newly made avatar body at the revive terminal because it has been done before. In Battlestar Galactica. But why possessions?

    Realism is realism, death can be averted, reality stretched, but at what point do the distortions of reality not exist for game balance, but for plain simple profit? Who would play, and how would MA make money? A closer tack on reality, not necessarily in the previous example, but in many areas, would draw more players, plain and simple. If hundreds, thousands, even hundreds of thousands are expected to live in an alternate reality, shouldn't it be as real as possible?

    We have big axes, why cant we chop down trees, make lumber, and build a cabin to defend and decorate?

  5. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    One thing that I believe hinders this idea is consequences. In real life we have pure freedom. Full reality. But with that cones control. If we do something it is watched and punishable.

    In entropia its different. In reality we can chop down trees and build houses.. If the area is designated for that. We cq do it elsewhere at fear of pu ishment. In entropia the idea of punishment is greatly deminished. We have jail where we can literally lose portions of our natural life. This reality will never translate and therefore keeping the game in a reality like state is near impossible
  6. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Good observation, but here in entropia, there is a better reality. Some crimes can be made impossible. Sure, theft by deception is still possible, but one can not break into homes, pickpocket, or carjack. It is impossible. Murder is diminished, because it can only happen in approved areas. Urban sprawl, pollution, and deforastation also could be controlled. What about strip mining or hunting till extinction? It just doesn't happen! And consequences? How about temporary or permanant bans. That is just like imprisonment and the death penalty!

    Thanks for your insight
  7. Dusk

    Dusk New Member

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    That brings up thoughts of bratish NCPs that misbehave and need watching all the time, lol.

    I like the idea of being able to build stuff, like houses, or vehicles from the component level upwards.
  8. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    i would like to be able to buy pizza and it should incrrease my life points for 10% for 2h or so...
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    But you can't run very fast right afterwards... And stay out of the water for what? 30 min? :rolleyes:
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Oh God.. please.. lets not start this whole "Buff" thing again...... If you want buffs and all the traditional mmo game crap go play wow.. This game is getting too dam twisted with all the generic fad crap they keep adding as it is. If you like a crafting set up where components used actually stack to make a better item try Afterworld. They have a crafting system like that in place.. PLEASE don't start dragging crap from other games into MA's mind. They struggle far to much with what they have now.