New Girl

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by Lillabeth, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Lillabeth

    Lillabeth New User

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    Hi there,

    I'm Lillabeth, I've played many games of all sorts over the years but I have to say this one is looking to be the most overwhelmingly huge one to learn, but I guess that's most of the appeal.

    I hate introduction threads with a passion, but it's the best way to get past the 3 post rule, I suppose. And it seems rune not to at least say hello, even if nobody is listening.

    Well, I think the game has patched finally so see you around!
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Howdy Lillabeth,

    Welcome to Arkadia and EU! Don't hesitate to ask questions, as I'm sure you'll have many (we all have at some point). This forums contains a vast repository of guides and information by just searching.
    If you get stuck or frustrated, just drop any of us a line and we'll help get you sorted.

    Recommend you explore as much of Arkadia and Entropia Universe as possible. Quite a few of us have been hanging around for nearly a decade and still enjoy what it has to offer and the community that supports it.

    Good luck!
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    welcome to Planet Arkadia and our Forum Lil :)
  4. Lillabeth

    Lillabeth New User

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    Thanks for the welcomes!

    I'm getting a hell of a lot of jittery lag when I move in game, and 4 times now it's crashed after 10 minutes or so of playing. I turned the graphics down a little, but I have 4Gb of memory with a decent graphics card and I don't struggle to play most games with a higher graphics spec. Any suggestions?

    If I can't find a way to improve it, I'll have to just give it up :/
  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'd try repairing your installation, in the client loader > Tools > repair. You could also try clearing the shader cache (under Tools > options). That may help with the crashes.
  6. Lardinho

    Lardinho Member

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    hello, nice to meet you ^-^

    a very fast i7 and 16 gig of RAM and although I play pretty smoothly, when I go to Odysseus Landing, I get horrific slowdown unil everything is loaded.

    I also play on "Good" rather than "Very good" and don't use Anti Aliasing becuase it seems to cause quite a few CTD.

    Regarding everything else, it is a tough game to start, but welcome into the fold and GL with everything you do. I'm a mentor myself and a mentor's role is to introduce new players to the game and ensure that their disciples get fed all the information that is needed to ensure you get the most out of your ped, should you decide to deposit and to get you onto a pathway to sustaining your gameplay whether you deposit or not.

    You will surely get offered man mentors but not so many Society invites, as many Mentors don't invite their disciples to their Society. We do and the society I'm a part of, Rising Potentials is one desired purely wth the intestion of helping new arrivals, so you end up getting good advice from anyone who is on really. Its a very cool atmosphere with no mandatory events/hunts about and most of all, we like cake, bacon sammich and rum. Well I do :O

    I'm from the UK, too and most of our Soc is European time based too yet we have an increasing number of American/Canadian players which is great and means the Soc isn't empty during NA hours.

    Let me know by private mail here if you need anything or any advice, or add me in game and we'll go from htere.

    All the best ^-^/

  7. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hello Lillabeth,

    Jittery lag like you keep re-runing the same area over and over? 4GB graphics card should be fine, if you have 6GB system ram and a i3 or better processor you should be fine system wise.

    Do what Neil suggested but I am probably going to say your having bad lag on your network connection with the server.

    By any chance you playing on wireless connection, I use to have this re-running the same area over and over using wireless, I now am hard wire connected to the router and it barely ever happens, usually only when flying low over land areas with lots of mobs around, and probably because of lag between server and client syncing up.
  8. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    Welcome Lil, I had the same problems when I started EU. You definitely need a gaming system to play. It is also an extremely complex universe (much like real life), and takes a while to get your feet wet. It is by far the best MMO that I have played though, and anybody here on the forum is more than willing to help with any questions you may have. Have a blast!
  9. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Not sure if you still here, but crashes could be also related to sound bugs.
    Try to temporary disable sound (via Client Loader) and check out if that will fix issues.