Herman ark - 10

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Shinobi, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    OoooOoooO baby! If this is as good as a DOA Foeripper or ML-35, I sure gotto have me one please lootius please :p

  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    More details will follow in time, you might have seen the picture of the Herman ARK-20 that was released in the Entropia Times magazine.

    This is no where near a Foeripper, this is the 10 (think Opalo).
  3. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    *SMILES* :). If that gun is supposed to be the equivalent opalo, that would be just awesome lol.
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Whaaaaat? Equivalent to an Opalo? But it looks so awesome! I can't wait to see (and hopefully loot ;) ) a bigger weapon!
  5. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I really like the presentation of the weapon in the video, not just the weapon but a little 'story' around it. Keep it up!!
  6. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Oh, I feel so fooled lol. Well if this is equel to an opalo, I cant immagine what a uber weapon would be like like on Arkadia. But I think it will be scary in the very least, perhaps even better than a DOA or ML-35. Lets s just say I shall hunt myself silly looking for something awesome and unique and never sell it ;)

    Will Modfaps also be lootable cos there are way too few in a expanding verse?
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I can see modfaps as treasure to find, but we're all hoping not to see as much loot drop from animals here, from what I saw mentioned. So modfaps might well be a good treasure to find in some old, abandoned hospital or military base, along with a few of those heavy weapons you mentioned.
  8. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I agree with krm. I could see a modfap equivalent (or other uber item) being the loot in a super big treasure hunt a few months after Arkadia opens (as a PR stunt to attract new colonists to the planet maybe).
  9. Fox

    Fox Member

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    Is is just me or is this just a known design for a small BLP weapon?

    Really, when do we get REAL wepons, not just this nice to have toys?

    There is a war, right? Where are the aerial weapons? Bombs? TAZERS??? EMP weapons? Chemical weapons like CS or smoke bombs? MagRifles (WITH more Power)?

    Or is Arkadia a planet too, where "weapons of mass destruction" are forbidden?

    Once upon a time I asked Marco from MindArk back then, why can't we have magnetic accelerators for our BLP weapons or EMP weapons against robots. And he said, that this are weapons of mass destruction and forbidden.
    I asked, why not a 0.5 Sniper Rifle or an Elephant gun? He said, no, this are already ingame. Like the Marber Tango or the Desert Stalker.

    But today I know, we are just allowed to use harmless weapons, we are protected by soldiers nobody ever saw and we have vehicles, that have designs thousends of years old. We have space ships and Quantum Technology, but we use just old stuff.
    And I asked, why do we have recoil with laser guns? And Marco just smiled...

  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for your input Fox.
    The key focus is on gameplay and the economics of the planet when it comes to weapons. A single weapon that kills 20 people with one shot would not be much fun/challenge and would have to cost too much per shot to be usable.

    I love you idea for smoke grenades, I'm going to have a look at that. It'd could really add something to pvp. Could even be made into a weapon for a vehicle to release a cloud of smoke out the back when being chased.
  11. Fox

    Fox Member

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    Yeah, I'm a miner, not a hunter. "Hunting" is just defense for me on my mining trips. And I think, the best weapon is a weapon you have to fire just once. But then I'm standig there with a Mad4 and shoot and shoot an atrox in the face, but nothing happens. Okay, not much...

    Smoke would be cool, but think about the necessary particle effects (-> gfx cards!).

    David, would it be possible to get a screamer? A ultrasonic "weapon" to scare away animals? Like an inverse aggro? THAT would be cool! ^.-
  12. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    You are right about the particle effects, would end up being a lag weapon!

    I don't think you'll see a screamer weapon. There will be plenty of areas you can mine that aren't covered in mobs. For areas with mobs, many players operate as hunter/miners so they can shoot their way through them.
  13. dragonfly

    dragonfly Member

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    great idea ozi :) look forward to something like that :)
  14. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Fox, do you have any experience with Decoys? I haven't tried to use one for years, but the TT has the Distractor DD-20 under Tools. You use decoys as ammo. You shoot the decoy out somewhere and the mob runs after it instead of you. Meanwhile, you're busy sneaking away. We played with them for a while, team hunting Araneatrox back in the old days.
  15. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    Smoke Grenades would be pretty sick. HAND Grenades would be more so epic, that is of course our arms don't "decay" lol.

    Minus the cost of such a gun, Mindark will never allow partner planets to introduce better weapons than the ones they currently have (at least not for a looong time) Not only would ubers complain/quit/sellout and cause MA to lose a lot, but it will effect the market huge, thus causing the ridiculous pricing of items to drop.

    Partner planets from what I hear have to get weapons and such drops approved by MA (which is a nightmare) and even if/when MA approves THEY decide how often it drops, having complete control over their own market, a monopoly one might say.

    Often i hear people complain how the low end armours like pixie and kobold have stopped dropping as often in Calypso, well thats because Rocktropia has pixie and kobold looting like mad! for the new players there. Low end stuff will spam partner planets like crazy.
  16. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    David, will there be a chance for the new colonists to secure some high powered Unlimited weapons in the first few weeks? The big problem with the old Planet Calypso is that all the good UL stuff dropped years ago. I think if we see some kick ass UL weapons dropping, Calypso will be abandoned!
  17. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Oh yeah, a Herman ark-110 (uL) ME (Moonshine Edition) :whistle:
    Can't wait! ;)

    /*polishes weaponry, verifies inventory*/
  18. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    If one disable all in graphic card and smoke and such effects will not be visible, such a weapon will not be verry effective. Would be fun to have tho.
  19. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I like David talk about PVP and using smoke for PK people fun more. Can be great too if inside PVP zones you must aim manual only, so can not be posible take your lifebar and shoot at it.

    So, if you drop smoke or move quick, PK fans must have not so easy shot you. (Ummm, if they are not using rockets of course).