Right now, I've got a 2 liter bottle with lemon sweet tea beside me, which I actually like to just drink at room temperature, so I keep it near where I'm going to be for when I get thirsty. What's your drink of choice? I know several of you are going to say beer. lol Edit: I believe I derped and put this in the wrong place. Sorry to whoever had to move it.
I love coffee but these days I limit how much I drink it so usually only have a large mug of it in the morning. The rest of the day I drink tea or water. But my favourite drink is an Australian concoction called Milo - a type of drinking chocolate. Every night before bed....
Coffee for me... coffee all the way... though I'm pretty particular with my coffee. Usually around 12-15 cups a day...
I used to drink a lot of coffee but it doesn't agree with my stomach. Tea isn't the same but it's just as good imo.
I used to drink a lot of coffee but tend to drink more energy drinks like red bull and V even though they are worse for me than coffee :/
A morning with out coffey is a sleepy morning ;p I mostly drink currant juice tho (black berry) But i dont mind a good wiskey ones in a wile either tbh
I have a cup of tea every morning with my breakfast, a coffee on my way to work and mostly water whilst at work, though tea and coffee do get taken at work too but rarely as the brand work has is shite. Most of the time I'm at home I drink tea or water unless I'm feeling particularly fruity and then I'll put on a pot of coffee (Jamaican Rum is my fav). Sugar free softies are a treat now and again. Used to drink a ridiculous amount of coffee and energy drinks when I was studying but if I do that these days I get palpitations as my system isn't used to the sugar and caffeine in such horrendous quantities. Only time I will consistently drink coffee now is if I'm around Vans place (he makes awesome coffee!) catching up.
I actually genuinely believe that Lipton is actually owned by the big US coffee companies. What they've done is Lipton has been able to manipulate the market with aggressive marketing and at the same time has ensured that the US stays a coffee nation by making Lipton tea taste like watered down gnats piss. I can tell you, coming from the UK, that there are many many many different teas out there that are wonderful. Whether you want a run of the mill cup of tea with milk and a dash of sugar, or if you want to truly enjoy the taste of tea and have something like Earl Grey or Lapsang Souchong which needs nothing more than boiling water and a period of cooling down. I must say I do enjoy coffee as well, not really into instant, but percolated ground coffee is good, even if a treecat has vomited it up. I sometimes pick up the stones that Osteloks hack up from the fruit they pinch if the grass is bare, a few of those stones heated until dry and then ground up does make a nice brew. Although during testing I'm fairly sure that it turns out its hallucenogenic, either that or Osteloks know Ethereal Soul Language and were talking to me after I cut the heads off, telling me the weather was good for this time of year. So both, yet tea is actually very good for you, next time you have a burger or something really greasy, a cup of tea after (no milk or sugar) totally cuts the grease, your mouth will feel like you've brushed your teeth after its so good. It also stops the body absorbing anywhere near as much cholesterol if taken after a particularly fatty meal. Scientifically sound.
Tea or diet coke that I've removed as much co2 as possible i.e. flat as I think it tastes better that way.
Back in the drinkin days (AKA Navy) we used to say anything that fit in a glass. Having lived thru that period.. I am much more specific now as some of the things that were put in a glass were not really meant for human consumption we think. Anyway most times its coffee here or water. The only question left is what to mix with either as they are far too plain straight up.
Coffee is needed all the time! I am just glad the French guy where I work makes decent coffee or I would be doomed!
I go for coffee, but I usually dilute the coffee taste with sweet creamers until it might as well be closer to hot chocolate with caffeine.
Currently I am doing my assessment course and it is bit hard to study along with your part time job. I like coffee most because it helps me to work late night and no to feel so sleepy. I do have to study for long and this helps me a lot to study consciously rather then falling a sleep. Tea is also good according to me but only if it is green tea.