
Discussion in 'Feedback' started by stefanbond, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    At the moment to be a mentor u have to be 6 months old in game? I find that request a joke, since i can log in 2h a week and in 6 months i am mentor, and i dont have more game experience as a player who loged in 30h a week for 1 month....

    SOOOO I think it would be realy cool if it was changed FROM 6 Months in game to .... HOURS played. Or Profesion lvl reached..... or anything els....
  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    at least your mentor have to be way higher in skills than you ..and highest proffession should be lvl 15 i think ...and since the new mentoring system you are a bit safer than in the past can kick your mentor ..or he you ..if the partnership dont work well ...
    and....a lot people come from other games ..and they are not used to think in years we here in EU come , you like and stay for years ...or you come and leave within a few month ..:) or weeks
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    some may learn enough to be a good mentor in a month and some in years.

    Waiting 6months isn't much if you really enjoy to play and learn, and a lot people think they know it all after a month but if they stay 6months most have realized they really didn't know much at 1month old and still don't know everything, but have a better network of friends to get help from when there is something they don't know themselves.

    Logged in hours don't mean you are active learning all the time, you can be logged in AFK repairing a mothership 24/7 and then how much have you learned about the actual game in a months time doing that?
    (I met people who done this, so they do exist)
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think the requirements are OK. They are (in case it wasn't clear):

    1) at least 6 months in game
    2) highest prof level higher than your disciple's prof level
    3) mentor's highest prof level must be at least 15

    I might prefer if the level requirement was a little higher, since you could, as you say, simply grind carabok for a couple weeks to reach level 15 weapon profession, then not do anything for 6 months and be eligible to mentor. But in reality, most players, by the time they reach level 15, have learned enough about the game to pass on the most basic info to other players. And they've experienced it more recently, so they can relate a little better to brand new players. Also, some older players have very strange (and wrong) ideas about game mechanics and loot theories, so older is not necessarily better!
  5. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    If I was starting afresh I don't think I'd want my mentor to be someone with one month's experience, even if they had played constantly in that month.

    I'd much rather someone who has been around long enough to digest the depth of the game. For me personally, I would say most of the important things I know about Entropia now weren't learnt in that first month. 6 months seems about right to me.
  6. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    none of u is in the situation of wanting to add some1 as disciple and to not be able to, a person who u explain the game to anyways....., and the game says no wait 4 more months.....
    its easy for a player to that has 1-2 years to say hes ok whit 6 months i bet he would be ok also whit 9 months he has them, if he needs em....
    And it dose not force any1 to pic 1 month old mentor.... players can choose there mentor....
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You don't have to be a mentor to offer advice and help to other players. But I do feel you need more than a couple months experience in the game to be an effective mentor.