Arkadia i love.. Don't make me leave!!!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Nova Genesis, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    I love this planet.

    The scenery, the missions, the mobs. I soak it all in!

    But I've got a problem that is almost forcing me to move away.

    I am by no means a high level hunter. Level 6 laser pistol as we speak. But I am fortuane atlesst more so than some my level as I usually can go 500+ ped in hunting before a cycle is required.

    Now my issue comes with that cycle, unless I want to wait a week or 2 sitting on anywhere from 100-1000 ped in loot, for my next deposit. I've noticed im pretty much gotta TT everything. I spend hours looking for traders with little to no success. So a player with a much smaller budget is in a much worse position than I.

    I don't want to leave nor does the new player but it seems like the only option.

    what do you suggest community?
  2. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    This is definitely a problem on ark, a fairly large float is required if you want to hunt continuously. The upside if you are capable of having this size float is that you can get a much higher % mu for your stackables then you would on caly. Increase your float, scale down or go to caly... unfortunately these are your options.

    For a trader to make peds from oils/wool/hide they need to trade in huge amounts as the % mu they get so small, unfortunately there is not enough small scale hunters to support the traders.
  3. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    I'll be increasing my float to 1-2k ped as needed.

    But really my issue is that most people I come in contact with are either not interested even with a 1k stack of wood/hides or they have like a 20 ped trading budget and really are not traders
  4. Berentain

    Berentain Member

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    You need to have a larger amount of ped to cycle your hunting effectively. I suggest 2k ped +, but it all depends on how big of the mob you hunt.
    Try to hunt for the mobs with MU or high demand items, that way you can sell and cycle some of the peds faster.
  5. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    there are no traders here, i am looking for a trader also and i wane get rid of alot of loot :D
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There really isn't a lot of interest in wood. Furniture doesn't sell well. Potential buyers of hides and wood include:
    - Honey Kitten Little - makes furniture and clothes, textures
    - Freyr - Clothing, textures
    - Jennifer Jenny Ferr - textures
    - Juniper Jaywalker Jones - clothes, textures

    but I don't know that they will necessarily need what you are selling.

    I generally turn wood into furniture or textures. Hides into clothing or texture. Then I apply texture and paint to the clothes or furniture and TT the result. I get skills, residue plus some amount of peds. Not sure that is viable for everyone though.
  7. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    If you have large stacks you want to auction on Calypso, you can cheaply and safely do it yourself without needing to find a trader. (though traders certainly do offer convenience)

    Check out my ships and how they operate and chat with the crews on our website at

    If you are low lvl, you can cheaply take one of our slow flights, and if you are a higher lvl and in a rush you can always upgrade to a warp at any time.

    Then just fly yourself back (or hitch a ride with us) and continue hunting on your favorite planet :)

    Good luck, and have fun.

  8. Killahbee

    Killahbee Member

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    this perfectly points out the biggest problem on arkadia: Selling Loot.
    Some of the biggest crafters on arkadia left , which resulted in most of the miners leaving to RT/caly. That IMO is the reason traders with deep pockets are no longer around..
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hunting loot, most of it isn't used in crafting on ark, except oils. Extractors and components under 120%, TT them unless you're going to use them yourself. They're rarely used on ark except for a few extractors (basic leather for example). You can cart this junk to Caly if you want but most often you'll just end up TTing them anyway after 7 days of no sale plus auction fee. Oils and wood, collect stacks over 50-150 ped and sell those on auction or to a crafter. Paints, collect and sell in quantities of 323 units or multiples of that (just doing that can increase your sale price significantly). There are also colorers who like to buy paints at TT price for skilling. Low level armor, it's your choice if you want to collect pieces to use yourself, try to sell, or TT. Most of the "junk" armors I loot ~ lupus or above I will almost always sell for 105%. Some pieces are higher of course. F armor pieces I often TT, knowing that they don't sell well. Weapons, price them reasonably and they will sell. Hides... most of the higher level ones you just TT, but it's worth asking some of the higher level colorers/texturers if they can use them or know of anyone using them. Looted weapons, of course, sell those on auction or use them yourself.

    Miners... either have a big ped card and wander all over the planet or limit yourself to one region at a time and pick ore/enmat/treasure choices so that you can build up big enough stacks to reach at least 50 ped so you can sell on auction. Check prices between Caly and Ark. Most ores sell very well on ark but not all... and some prices are higher on Caly. But it's silly to cart your Ark-only ores to Caly without good reason. Most of them do not sell well there, a lesson most of our Caly-tourist miners learn the hard way (there are exceptions, like ospra, which exports well).
  10. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    i think this could be fixed on all planets by just making a global auction house.. now probly resellers will start barking but doesnt matter.. it would help newbies and other ppl to get their stuff sold.. also the availability of difference weapons and weapons anyways.. i see that on arkadia, arkadia weapons are more expensive than in caly.. well thats stupid isnt it?

    and if arkadia ores, treasure and matter could be bought straight from caly it would sell much faster and probly increase %s and bring more ppl to mine in arkadia.. same with rt
  11. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I do the same, wool/hide gets used in texture or clothing crafting. Skins I turn into textures, all textures I apply myself to gain skills same goes for any low mu paints. Wood I click for boards, and oils are generally sold on auction. The mu gained comes from weapons and higher level L armor parts which I sell on auction.
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Sorry Ruskea, but I completely disagree with you here.

    The one thing we need to do is to fully SEPARATE the planetary economies so they can flourish independently of one another. Separate the individual planetary auction histories and Caly loses it weighted market influence over the rest of the universe. You will then get a proper interplanetary trade and economy start to develop as people start to actually see the difference in MU% between each of the planets and start to move between them to take advantage. Supply and demand then makes more of an impact.

    This also has far longer reaching influences on the overall economy of the game and can (with proper advertising etc) start to encourage more people into the universe overall. The term "Trader" really would become something palpable then instead of someone having to "hang around" at the Quarry or Twins or wherever for hours on end, trying to sell their wares and not having much success.

    Transport providers would also get a slice of the pie too as more people would want "safe" travel between planets with their wares to sell.

    Total separation of planetary auction/MU history would be the best thing to happen to the universe since the first "extra" planet was introduced and it can't come soon enough IMO.
  13. Berentain

    Berentain Member

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    MA did have a global auction house at one point but quickly junk it since no one in their right mind would pay for their ridiculous transport fee. Some items used to cost like 5 to 20+ped for the transport fee per item
  14. Nova Genesis

    Nova Genesis Member

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    I'd love it if we could purchase from any planet and then have to make a trip there to pick it up. Easy and no more standing around the quarry
  15. Killahbee

    Killahbee Member

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    great idea :)
  16. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    When there are traders we call them ripof resellers :)
    When there are no traders we want some :)
    If there are no traders on Arkadaia become one and you will be rich soon
  17. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    Why not just fly to Calypso to sell your stuff? It is really cheap now. You can fly back and forth for just 5 ped (maybe there are even cheaper options).

    Some materials sell for better markup here than on Calypso, although you may need to be a bit patient. All other materials you can stack and fly to Calypso once a week to get rid off. This really shouldn't dent your costs more than selling to a trader for lower markup. I admit this is not an option for a really low bankroll, but playing like that will always be very limiting, even on Calypso.
  18. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    It was that way in old days (before space was opened). You could bid on any planet Auction and if you won, you could fly there or pay huge extra % for delivery (you could still find that field in the Auction interface).
    After Space was opened, both options was removed, instead of only second one.

    You forgot to add fee to TP from Space Station to Planet (unless you want to gift all your stackables to pirates).
  19. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It might increase sales, but it would come at a cost. I can't recall now if the fee was straight peds or a percent, but I do remember that the few auctions I bought with transport costs came out to something like 5-10% over the auction value. This is the same extra cost you see traders add to items they transport between planets, so depending on the fee, you'd really have no net change. If my loot sells for 5% higher on a certain planet, you will be sure I'll fly there and sell it instead. Since the resources that have a higher MU on Caly are also found on Caly, you'll have a hard time selling them for competitive rates and might as well physically take them to Caly and list them there. It would work great for some things that are more rare, but not for most of the common resources.

    Kronan and Normandie dock to atmosphere, so depending on whether you're paying the planet entry fee or bumming a ride, so you can in fact make one trip for 2-5 ped.
  20. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree with Snape's take on things. All they need to do is separate the MU% so it is planet specific, ie looking at items on Arkadia give Arkadian MU%, Calypso a Calypso MU%, etc. Of course there could be a chart to do a quick compare of different planets kind of like the markup chart already to quickly see the differences.

    I would say let people bid on products on other planets would be a great thing to bring back, it is just bidding after all and should be able to be done anywhere just as long as your at a auction broker. But do not bring back auto transporting of the goods, if you want to transport the product you still have to use space and incur all charges and risks for doing so.

    Would be cool if they did add a cargo transport option to ships, so a buyer could entrust cargo to a ship (contract) and then that ship management is in charge of getting it to destinations safely, basically have cargo ships running based on contracts agreed upon instead of having to carry 500-1000+ KG on your own person. Not sure about you but my avatar gets tired carrying all this ore in his pockets along with 10 different vehicles etc. Start adding a little realism into the game, some stuff is just so far fetched it is ridiculous to see, almost like one person called my avatar (a toon), game does have cartoon physics applied in a lot of areas....