did 1 day of korwils..i came back with around 80 cryogenic chips,i liked it far better qwhen they dropped cap404 + aquila
GZ only different what i can see is the implant deterioration % - UL versions are 2.0 % does the chip you use with L implant decay less or implant itself?
Well eventually once MA has devalued everything in game it will ALL be switched over to nothing but L. That's been the grand plan since inception. We are down to them only having to devalue all the uber gear which seems to have started with this bot event running on caly where they are dropping tons of the uber UL armors like a melted popsicle. The next phase is to keep building up the upper tier L weapons and phasing out the DOA's the ML's and the mod mercs.. After that nothing UL will have an effective purpose in here any longer. That is the reason you find now L inplants.