Help needed, I'm looking for 4 members, who could help me with creating new Society

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by Nikto, Mar 25, 2013.

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  1. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Hello :)

    I need a little help.

    I'm tired of random invites to join Societies, so I finally decide to do, what I was thinking about 8 years ago - create my own society with only me inside it. :laugh:

    So, I'm looking for 4 members, who could help me with creating new Society (temporary join it) to get out of pending state :)
    As soon as "Pending for qualification" state will gone, I will remove you and close it from accepting new members. I helped friend to do same in past, it takes just around one week (not sure about now).

    I wouldn't post it name here, since I don't need or plan to advertise it. If you are ready to help me, please just post here or PM me and I will PM you it name, so you could join it.

    Thank's in advance for your help!

    P.S. If you are looking for real Society, this offer not interesting for you, sorry :(

    [5 of 4 found, not looking anymore. tyvm]
  2. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Since I got zero PM's so far here and on another forum, I decide message to peoples, whom I helped create a Soc in 2006. They still there, but leave it for a while to help me register new one.

    [5 of 4 found, not looking anymore. tyvm]

    Got reply from them (4 joined) and 1 PM here, so I have 5 of 4 now :)
    Tyvm to all!

    This thread could be closed now or stayed open, as Moderators wish.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    All the best with your 1 man soc then ;)

    *Thread Closed*
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