Don't TT all your mob loots!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Few Scars, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Right its about cycling ped not keeping it in storage making it dead ped. As a hunter/miner you have to have stuff that is used in local bps, if not your stuck with it unless you are willing to take a lower mu. Low mu is better than no mu example: I was buying alt and a guy wanted to sell me some Ioffered 130% he wanted 142% because his mentor told him that was the going rateso he did not take my offer of 130%.

    The next day I went back to RT and he was still trying to sell it now for 140%, he seen me and asked if I would buy it for the 140% I explained I had bought 300ped at the 130% and really did not need it any more. It took him 2 days to get rid of it and he ended up taking only 132%. I asked him if it was worth the 2 days and he was like… “NO”, I should have took the 130% you offered. So the moral of the story is don’t get robbed but better to sell at a lower mu and be able to cycle ped and maybe get a hof or global than to sit in the quarry/twin/lagoon/janus hoping to get a buyer to buy your loot for full mu.

    When I log on I get minimum 5 pms asking if I’m buying loot lol. And what planet I’m on, if you want the top mu for an item it would be best to list it in the auction house or fill orders, I personally do not place orders in the auction house because they charge the seller a fee and the buyera fee it’s like double dipping the pot and affects the overall mu you lose. I buy around 2-3Kped a week in mats and I have to say 70% is from the universal mats to craft my caly bps, because I just don’t have the ark bps to craft and who wants the ark-10 other than mostly noobs? So I use alot of them for my hunt teams. If I had more ark bps I would be crafting them more often and buying more ark mats.
  2. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    As a service to my fellow crafters, i buy all loot and sell some loot at TT. That I dont sell at tt, I put on auction. This does not make me any money, but it does make a few friends. So if you see me, or anyone offering to buy at tt, sell to us! It does not hurt, and actually helps the economy making more needed items available. If we cant find the mats, we cant craft, plain and simple. So there is no reason to tt these goods except speed or spite. Help a crafter out, dont tt, sell to me!

  3. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    ^^^^^^^^ now this is what im trying to say.....

    Imsorry but if you want preimium MU on you loot hold on to the stuff your self untill you have worth while stacks and then sell it off your self.. truth is tho that people want to come off there hunting/mining trip and get rid of there stuff and re stock on ammo/probes and go again, I have no problem with this ofcorse but It gets a little irritating when there asking top ped for tiny amounts of everthing.. and they will hold onto it for days just trying to prove a point...

    Look my inv is bursting atm but to accumulate stacks like that ive had to invest a LOT of ped.... and becuse people just want to empty inv and get there ped means I have to buy a lot shit as well or verry small amounts witch can take weeks for me gather enough to make it worthwhile resseling....

    Then my favourite is they want an overal % on all the stuff they have... np..... then they tell me im robbing them when the average MU on there stuff is 105% but they say.... "why you rob me that ore is worth 130%" of whitch they have 9 of while they have loads of low mu stuff..... well I carnt offer 115 120 as an overall of that... I offer to calc it all individually so they get better price but they are not interested..... so who is getting robbed here? Sure aint them.....

    I wish these mentors would tell these people that how this stuff works... I.E

    1. If you want top doller save the stuff up deposit some cash so you can go hunt/mine without having to sell you bits and auction it off ya blinkin selves
    2. Generaly the mu is taken from that given item sold in reasonably large quantities at auction NOT bloody 9 pcs and then istill have foot the auction fees....
    3. Traders will give better prices if each item is calculated, so dont expect 130% over all for an inv full of shit....

    Im sorry guys but It just gets me savage, I dont see what is hard about it really I dont....

    Its one of the bad things about having a real money economy, people really think your robbing them... well NOTHING COME FOR FREE HERE.... are the space taxies robbing you when they charge 10? Well just like all areas of this eu if you feel the answer is yes they go buy your own quad/mothership what ever .....

    If someone comes to me with 800 pcs of somthing ill give a much better price on that item as it helps me gather resselable amounts a lot quicker hence ill pay a lot closer to mu but dont expect that if you have 15 pcs...

    If you want to go hunting mining asap then you ned to pay for that in this game by either depositing or selling you limited inv off at reduced mu... simple.. there are 100s of mmo's when you can shoot till your little heart bleeds and it doesn't cost you dime, in this universe farting costs you... understand that or move on ffs..

    As said in the post above these people wil, hold onto there shit for days to just prove to I dont know who that they can get a nats ballbag under the daily mu, we all know they wont they wil, just stand there spamming like lemmings.....

    And this is my point ped isnt moving fast enough here in ark.....

    If there isnt enough bps or crafters then why are prices so inflated.... lack of demand drives prices down not up.... the reason prices are so jacked is morons wanting daily mu on an inv full of shit. So if it does get brought it inflates prices or it gets tt'ed when there brain cells kick into gear and they realise its not going to move at that price creating a false shortage further jacking prices...

    This Is the reason why there are so few bp. Crafters as there job is just not financialy viable......

    Finaly all the above makes traders visit and see this crap going on and sod off back to caly so then we have a shortage of traders witch then means crafters have to deal gatherers themselves and forced to pay stupid amounts for whats considered small quantities. ?..

    All the crafters that do any decent crafting here in ark have there own contacts who will sell there loot at decent mu, but this is stunting growth and inturn the economy.
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Not sure I accept the reasoning that selling to crafters at tt has no benifit to those with only self interest in mind. The cheaper goods are to manufacture, the cheaper they can be sold for. TTing hunting or mining loot is just like tting crafted goods. If I make something, and make ped off making it, why bother even passing that savings onto you? Why not just tt it and get my money out instantly?

    When greed and self interest is the primary drive, the only one who benifits is MA.

    Again, I have many items for sale for tt. Add me to buy or sell.

  5. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    I was actualy refering to the post above yours lol, you posted while I was typing mine out :D.....

    But no.. what your doing is grate, its moving loot into the hands of those that need it nence moving the economy forward, you must be loosing out bigtime though unless your buying for tt....

    But no cudos to you for it.... im talking about people wanting top whack for the good when they have BITTS of this and that, pushing prices up all over the place ....

    Basicly what you just said, I said the same a few replys back only MA ARE WINNING ..... they must love ark because they make a packet here lol but its even in there interest to make ark work surely..... not that im blaming MA for ark as its the playerbase thats holding the economy back....

    But no getting loot moving for as cheap as possible is a good thing, its the over inflated prices im talking about.... I mean the auction in ark is simply laughable... no other word for it and thats bid % the buyout % just gives me chest pains lol....
  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Here is the problem in a nut shell...


    I have played for near 7 years now. I worked into a LOT of decent trade deals with traders. The problem here on Ark with the trading and the crafting is you all seem to think everyone is a desperate new player that doesnt have a clue.

    I have working relation ships on Caly that buy items for the daily MU minus the 3% for the Auction fee. NOT at half or less MU. These people tell me they do very well with trading as they either deal directly to crafters for huge amounts of stuff or have large enough stacks to sell they can make enough profit off auction. Hell there is one I dealt with so much he would randomly hand me mining amps for free on ocassion because I would bring him so much material each month and I dont mean 101 amp. these were 105 and more then a few 109 amps back in the day.

    Traders make profit..cragters CAN make profit if they are not the crackhead gambler crafters and even then its possible. NORMAL thinking people will NOT hand something over to someone to better them if there is now reasonable reciprocation. Nobody is here to finance someone elses fun. LEARN that fact and do buisness accordingly and everyone will benefit in the end.

    I for one scratch someone off my potential trade list for good if the try and treat me like Im a one day nub. I will tt massive amounts of materials JUST so they cant be abused in that manor with no problem at all. I know where to find it all I can get more at will. So traders may wanna rethink this stratagy of being ruthless. you can trade 2 to 10 ped for half mu and struggle or you can trade k's of ped respectibly and make far more profit by volume.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Another thing to remember is that each material often has different purposes, and each of those purposes can use it at a different MU.

    For instance, I've been looking for banite to grind a certain bp. I'll be TT'ing the product (it's not sellable). Since I'll be losing around 80% due to TT loss, I can pay up to, say 120%... but no more. Right now the cheapest banite on auction is around 150%, which I won't buy. Another player may be making an item for sale, or desperate to craft something special, and they can absorb or pass on the extra MU in ways that a grinder can't. So... sometimes people offer less because they're simply greedy and don't want to make an equitable trade, but sometimes the ore is genuinely worth less MU to them because of what they're using it for.

    Also, when thinking about traders, keep in mind that a trader buying 2000 ped of ores in one day would only make 60 ped if he bought them for 3% under official MU and sold them for official MU. But, that's assuming he had no auction fees to pay, no travel costs, and no prices rose or fell between when he bought them. In reality, he would be making far less than 3%, 1% max, unless he can take the ores off planet or has a very big ped card and can hold onto them until prices rise.
  8. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    Cyborg bill....

    "I have working relation ships on Caly that buy items for the daily MU minus the 3% for the Auction fee. NOT at half or less MU"

    Where are the margins in that??.... im sorry if this makes me a BAD trader but I couldnt buy/sell at those prices .. I just dont understand that at all... whats the point?

    I do agree that there are some greedy people about and they do cause issues as we have been discussing but at those prices its basicly a swap not a trade....

    A minor goes out day after day enjoying his trade and leveling up in various skills and same for a hunter.... I spend my game leveling nothing standing about using fuel buying and selling, im not going to that for 0 ped.......!!!

    When I buy each trade is different. If someone has a large stack of a given item I will pay a lot closer to mu if we are talking bits ill be wanting it at reduced mu........ I have to store it untill I can get sellable amounts, I dont rip people off I try and give them the best deal I can while making a small profit for myself,

    Now you have to be selling strait to crafters at that price I carnt see how anyone could make those numbers work..... personly the better I do on a stack the cheaper ill let it go to the crafters... I always pass on or try to pass on what I can to crafters, they are pivotal part of the universe like the guy above said, somtimes a given item isnt worth mu to them.....

    Now starting at the bottom I.e hunters miners..... they come back off a trip full of loot and ofcorse they want to get there ped back and get back out.... now im sorry but I aint gona give them daily (of all stats) MU for it..... thats not saying they carnt get it if they gather enough and and take the time and hassle in auctioning it off themselves... all power to em... but if they want to unload quick and get back off they carnt expect top whack for it simple as that..

    And this tt'ing is what im talking about..... so you would rather tt items basicly give a wheelbarrow of peds to MA instead of letting it go at a slightly reduced price? Ok I understand there are some people you will just tell to dream on but come on man....

    This is exactly what im talking about folks people having said item looking up the mu and think thats what they should get but carnt be arsed investing the ped to make sizable stacks and auction it off themselves and when they dont get there top whack they run to the TT and give it MA witch just screws the economy....

    Now these relationships you have MUST be direct to crafters or drunks one or the 2 no trader can make that work,, but if your selling direct to crafters and it sounds like you do so in decent numbers (stack size) then thats grate buisness for the pair of you...... you get near bang on mu and he saves the % on auction fees and gets it a bit cheaper.... thats grate..... but general trading carnt work like that and trying to do so is exactly the problem we have here....

  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Actually, when you TT materials, you're not "giving" any peds whatsoever to Mindark. All you're doing is not taking extra peds from other players. All MU comes from other players. TTing materials does not always hurt the economy, but usually it's not a good idea.
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I won't sell to anyone for TT unless its a trivial amount or sometimes to a soc mate. If no one is willing to pay more than TT then there is too much of that stackable around, and the best thing I can do to boost my chance of getting better prices in future is to reduce the supply by TTing.
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    To me this sounds like you taken on more then you can handle, a trader for me is someone you sell to when you don't have enough to auction yourself and the trader is there to deal with smaller amounts.
    Of course the trader need to make some ped but the trader also needs to know his or her "level" of play just like everyone else in Entropia to be successful.

    PS. please stay away from colors, make it impossible for me and others who use "debris" skin to read

    Edit: KJ makes a good point on the post before too.
    I don't buy for tt either even if it's just a pec extra it's something above tt.. (I'm sure I done it sometime but I'm not doing it a habit even if offered at tt)

    and to crafters etc.. if you see me selling something, at least make me a fair counter offer if my price seems to high and maybe we can come to an understanding.
  12. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    was you refering to me about txt color? I dont remember changing anything, just checked its on auto sooooo im not sure ....

    back back to the point in question....

    Im not 100% sure how the above denotes im taking on to much... ok to me its as simple as this...

    Its all about turning ped around, how fast you can do that and at what % profit....

    Now... lets say for example someone comes to me with 32 gazz ore..... now this is a typical amount you see and for that I will give a average %.... now if I get someone come to me with 1k+ gazz ill pay a higher preimium, why? 2 reasons.... they have a large enough amount to auction off themselves so its understandable price should be better.... more importantly to me its an instantly usuable stack, throw it through the refiner and I add that to my stack and I can auction that off pretty mutch when I choose cycling my peds back into more capital I can buy more stock with.....

    Now if for example a person comes to me with single digits or low doubles ill want it at a better price as its going to take a lot of trades at thst amount to make a resselable stack keeping my peds tied up for longer periods, plus the amount they have is next to usless in those numbers..

    the quicker I can get my ped back out of a stack the better because there could be a goldmine of a trade around the corner where I need a good lump of capital, its no good to me as a trader having loads of peds tied up in half builtup stack....

    There are a lot of ore's and ematter out there, so you need to be carefull (learnt this the hard way) that your not buying bits of everthing because then you just lock yourself into a situation where you dont have enough to sell in bulk so you just end up selling it to another trader with ped...... so cut a long story short the quicker I can turn my stacks into resselable sizes the better it is for me, I would rather loose a couple .% and turn my ped around then hold out for the higher profit.. because I can use that ped to do more buisness...
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, the text color was set to white so it's not displaying for people using a white background. Just that one post though, the others were ok. You can select all your text and click the "Remove Format" button before posting to give your text the default color (default will show properly on all themes).
  14. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    Thx for that its this damn pad thing its got a mind of it own.... lol...... it keeps randomly depositing funds aswell :D

    thx again
  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    And this tt'ing is what im talking about..... so you would rather tt items basicly give a wheelbarrow of peds to MA instead of letting it go at a slightly reduced price? Ok I understand there are some people you will just tell to dream on but come on man....

    Well Mate I have played nearly 7 years.. I have paid my dues in may ways.. I have signifgant time, effort and money invested in here. You on the other hand as you say..dont skill anything. To hand you EASY profit for nearly zero effort is certainly NOT anyones mission in game. NOR will there be many that "Feel your pain". Everything us miners, hunters and crafter do comes at a MASSIVE cost over time.

    For me to bust my ass, lose a signifigant portion of my efforts to MA to hand all this over to someone for less then its worth is plain stupid. a Trader is no diffenerent then any other player in game.. you are not garanteed to make a profit altho trading is one of the ways to do so. For you guys to cry we are poor and cant afford to pay mu for stuff only to be the few that can nearly ALWAYS be able to withdrawl from OUR efforts is to me just a huge insult to the entire community.

    IF you are in fact providing a service by buying ALL things from players and not specificly the high MU highly circulated stuff then I apollogise for speaking dirctly at you like this.. if you are however NOT one that provides a service but merely is profiteering then you get lumped in with the abusers I am talking about and I have no sympathy for your plight.
  16. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    Wow bill....:surrender:

    im not here to upset anyone, your making me out to be some kinda thief or that im abussing the RW ECO to take peoples hard earned $/Ped.... now IMO this is all getting slightly out of hand here the only reason i posted here was joining the descussion of the economy here on ARK....

    Now someone like yourself who is vastly more expeirenced in EU than i am maybe able to shoot my ideas/views on the economy down in flames, and you know what? im willing to except that but im finding it hard to take in just how ive become the bloody enemy here:?

    now this i understand and see exactly where your comming from... and my answer to this is NO.... i dont just go after high MU items, i dont even go after any specific items, im not saying i will completly empty everyones inv. but i do make it clear i deal mostly in ores and ematter.... and 99x outava 100 ill take all they have even if thats leaving me with very small amounts of any given items, so yes i do beleive i provide a service in this manner......

    But i do agree that there are avatars out there who go after just the highly valuable items (we will say ores here just for the sake of it) now do i think this is WRONG? pffffffttt its a hard one, personly i dont do it as i have already said but i will say this, sometimes i may be filling out ordes and i will be after a given amount of lets say errr megan ore due to its value, now if i have to advertise for megan ore and i get a person come to me offering it i will always pay a lot more for it, this is because basicly there doing me a favour basicly in this situation and im after a specific thing... now i see it all the time at the trading squares or people asking for specific items at prices that are beyond me, you just look at the chat and say to yourself "i bet you do m8" lol, now IF they do get any punters then yes this not good practice in my book anyway...

    I have quiet a few regulars, as i say 90% minners, now.... they know 99.9% of the time ive got cash on hip and they can finnish a run or 2 and call me up and ill completly clear out there mining loot, saving them a load of time and hassle getting shut of it.... ive spent many hours chatting with these guys and understand how hard most people have with loss, im scared to walk around to much incase my shoes decay and have to fork out for a new set.... but when i hear these guys talk they can loose BIG ped!, so im well aware its no cakewalk for you guys and the same goes for hunters, now when i get one of my regs call me up to meet up we all have the relationship now where i offer the best i can without cuting my own throat.... but if they have been on one of those runs where they or teetering on the edge of breaking even ive been known to give em that little bit extra so they have atleast broke even, espectialy the smaller volume guys.... there is even one guy who got really screwed on a disatser couple of runs so i gave him a bunch of probes i had kicking around, now ok it wasnt 1000pcs but it got him out the shit and back out minning... personly i think i do my bit... ill always sell @ a discount to my reg crafters and my auctions are always in the top half of the first page on lowest MU buyout, the idea that im basicly robbing everyone comes as a little bit of shock TBH just because im a trader.... well thats what i joined up here for thats what drawed me here..

    i get as sick as everyone else that MA takes a chunk out my ass evertime i leave/enter a plannets atmos... or tele down from the SS, or takes a nice big fat chunk out of my auctions... ... do i have it as bad as everyone else ingame, NO not by a long chalk but you know what? thats not my fault!! its not my fault that you fire your wep and it decays quicker than a dog shit in direct sunlight.... its not my fault that you can chew your way through 1000PED of probes and get laughable returns, take that up with MA not me... im just trying to have a good time here to and beleive me ive DEPO'ed my fair share to do what i do.. ok not as mutch as you have over the years im sure but its no like ive signed up and put nothing into the EU and im raking in the peds everyday... far from it.....

    either way sorry if i offended you or anyone else here, that was not my intention, i was just puting my view of how to get the econmy rolling here in ark... and i still stand by what i say.... people holding for daily MU on there stuff not getting it and TT,ing there loot is screwing this plannet.... but thats just my 2 pecs :D

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