Hi! I want to offer a service for those that are intrested in making bids on the new LA's @ arkadia. Instead of paying MU on coins u can provide me with keys and ill grind em like crazy to bring in as many Arkoins as I can. So the deal looks like this: You provide keys, I run the instances. You will get all Arkcoins looted (screenshots can be provided). See examples below for how it works. Example runs: Run 1 (key TT=120 ped): Arkoins looted 98 ped. All Arkoins is returned to the investor, If i made profit from this run I will pay the remaining 22 peds as well. Run 2 (key TT=120 ped): Arkoins looted: 160 ped. In this run I lost 60 peds and Ive looted 40 ped more than TT value on key so MU on those 40 ped Arkoins will be 150%. Run 3 (key TT=120 ped) Arkoins looted: 160 ped. No losses for me this run so the remaining 40 peds of Arkcoins is sold to u for TT value. Run 4 (key TT=120 ped) No Arkoins looted. If I loose on this run I will give back same %:age as my return. If I have 97% return i will give back 97% of the key value, If I profit I will give back full TT. I might also use a second hunting partner thats very thrustworthy to gain some speed. I can do up to 8 solo, maybe 9 as well. I dont know how many instances ive made so far but quite many. Im using eco gear to keep losses at minimum. If u find this intresting send me a pm. Sorry for my swenglish If something is unclear just ask me. Jimmy
While it is a nice service, i think you (jimmy) will loose out badly when doing this. Unless i misread the first post, I would strongly suggest you keep track of some returns before offering this service.