did anyone find those yet ???? --- > Event Areas - five new event areas have been added across Sentosa, including a PvP (player vs player) area, ready for colonists to explore and discover.
I havent looked for them but if you open up the Events gui and check the various Arkadian event areas, it tells you where the land area marker is. does that help?
That would be odd, considering that PVP4 is already an area on Calypso. But to answer your question, there are no lootable PVP areas on Arkadia at this time.
First, Neil, thx for answer on previous topic about these areas. I have another question. Is it possible on these new areas to make an event where highest loot wins? Non pvp event... i visited all event terminals at those new areas and i couldnt figure it out... thx Baba
That would be nice, but no, I don't think that's possible at this time. I suspect the Land Area owners might be able to do that on their land areas, tho.
Did find it yet but i'm interesting in it? i'm looking for it but find no success do you have any idea where is it?
To find the event areas, you right click on the screen, choose System > Event List. On the left, under the Arkadia section, you will find 5 entries for "Event Area". Click on these to see the coordinates of the event terminal. The event area is close by.