Don't TT all your mob loots!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Few Scars, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Fellow hunters and miners. While trying to craft one usually needs to do more than 5 clicks. I usually do runs of at least 200 clicks. Problem is the key ingredients for many Arkadian BPs are being TTed every day because they don't have recent auction data.
    Eg: I see Otorugi globals each day. How much Otorugi hide/leather do I see on auction....0

    To help the Arkadian crafters, put all Mob ingredients on auction as crafters need them. The other day I thought I would buy some Carabok leg fur....0

  2. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    It is pretty easy, just place an order for the loots you want at a tempted markup then you will get what you want alot faster :cool:
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree, I think orders is the way to go for this. It would sure help if there were reduced auction fees so you could sell small quantities.

    For the miners, sell to me... I buy all that stuff, even the TT resources. Crafters, if you need treasures or rares, let me know and I'll collect it for you. I regularly have to take some of my resources to calypso, not because they don't sell on Ark but because I'm always maxed at 30 simultaneous auctions... so it's great to be able to sell direct to players (cheaper for you too) as that keeps resources on Ark and helps the local economy.
  4. saradu

    saradu Member

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    Oh I am guilty of this, been hunting and globaled a few times on the Otorugi, I may have TT some hides but I may have some in inventory too. Thing is the quantity is not that high and might not be worth putting on auction? If you ever see Roni or myself in quarry, ask if we have some............. :)
  5. Hodges

    Hodges Member

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    As far as Carabok Leg Fur is concerned, I don't think I've seen that in my loot before, and I used to hunt carabok constantly for skill. Out of the thousands of them that I've hunted, if I ever did get any leg fur, I certainly don't remember it. Someone showed it to me just last week and, though I've heard of it before, I don't remember ever seeing any.

    Is it just me having bad luck getting it, or is it a rare drop for everyone?

    If I do get any, I'll be sure to save it for you.
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Carabok leg fur isn't really a rare drop. Maybe you hunted them before the leg fur was put into the loot pool?
  7. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    Leg fur is the caraboks rarest drop, considering they don't drop any guns or armor or any tools or anything rare at all, the fur is thier rarest drop.
  8. saradu

    saradu Member

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    I do have *some* Otorugi hides and put in a friends request. I will hold onto them for the tme being and if you need them I can hold onto what I have and sell them to you close to TT price. :)
  9. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well One would assume these things are getting tt'd because they have no value. Should one desire to have items to craft with maybe they should post orders that might reasonably at least cover the cost to post them in MA's wonderfully set up auction that makes it prohibative to low finance players to use but virtually costless to people who already have money...

    Might I refer back to the first days of Arkadia where all the crafters wanted everything to start at no value so it would be very cheap for you all to get a foot hold here but very harsh on everyone else in the community. Well this is what that structure crafters have built has done for the Arkadian economy.. people simply tt most things because there is absolutly zero reason to feed others pocket books while they themselves struggle to make a start here. (most of which could be cured should MA decide to stop manipulating markets to keep the finances soley in their favor and make it a true market driven economy)

    Maybe crafters might want to rethink their buying stratagies and at least offer prices high enough to cover the auction fees making it viable for people to sell and not actually save ped by tting stuff. That or make public the willingness to work with people outside the auction structure as you have done. I know its not all crafters working this way Bjorn and I am not picking you out but just making a general statement since the topic was broached in a thread you have started.
  10. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    All mob specific parts dropped in loot can be used. I will make a thread and list all the parts needed. The problem with orders is it costs 10 ped just to list for 10 days. So it is a double dip from the auction terminal, taking a fee for the player listing the item and a fee from the player ordering.
  11. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    really? I have never placed an order lol, but thta seems like a double edged sword. HHHHMMMMM ty for the info will remember that when i look at placing orders
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Stoner logic 101.... keep it all in the family....
  13. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    agreeded............ so who whats to be my sugar mama ;). no but I agree if you think about it it is cheaper to sell to a crafter than to tt or list low amounts in the au.
  14. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I try to never TT anything if possible i'd rather sell it for TT. Orders is a good option but just posting like stuff you need here. Also get to know some of the hunters that are hunting the stuff your after and make relationships with them so that they know to "save" it for you. I'd gladly put stuff asside in storage for you. I'm hunting the smallest mobs right now doing the new missions so PM me what your looking for and we can add each other to friend list if your not on mine already.
  15. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    Ok here is my story/take on this.....

    Im pretty new to the game, but I join for the sole reason to trade, not bothered about hunting mining or anything else and EU sounded just what I was looking for... so instead of leveling skills ive been reading and reading and then some.... and just getting me head around the markets/% what have you...

    My home is ark, butnafter a few day here i decided to go to caly spent a few very productive few days there and have recently returned to ark, the reason.....? Ark needs traders BADLY...... I learnt a lot in caly and comming back to ark opened my eyes to a few things.....

    So here is my suggestion....

    1.. basicly we just need to get things moving..... get loot and mining loot moving... the amount of TT'ing is killing this plannet...... no one wins by doing this... crafting is extreamly difficult atm there is either a shortage of materials or the prices are so stupidly inflated its simply impossible.... this means less crafted stuff goes out and if it does it either hi in price or sold elsewhere..

    2. The high number of noobs in ark is very high, this isnt a bad thing, this thread proves that, the loot that rthe noobs are mining/hunting is desperately needed on the market here and this is where ive found the biggest problem as a trader..... im getting newbs who are comming to me and have small quantities mostly tt food and they maybhave a few peices of loot where the MU is preety high say 170, so I say ill take it no probs but they do THERE circulations and there asking for weekly/daily MU on eveything.... ..... so I tell em what im prepared to pay and they think im ripping them off bigtime.... and then the trade fals through...... no ive done lots of trading in the last few days with more exp players and all is well,, there happy to get a decent MU on what would have been thrown into the tt....

    Now these noobs are just going to hold onto there couple of skins realise they carnt sell em for 50 ped realise they need ped for ammo what ever and tt it.... the whole idea of the trader is buying in small amounts at a lower MU and emass there inventory to solid numbers for resale.... but some people seem to think I can buy at daily mu and put it back out there in usable numbers on the market..... this is impossible....

    Now I COULD put my stuff on auction at the going rate here on ark, but thats not going to get us out of this mess, im going to be selling quite a lot lower than auction prices as they are simply not sustainable....

    Personly I think we need p2p trading a lot more we need to start a network or hunters ..miners good traders and crafters..... ive already got a few contacts up and running and its working verry well.... the miners are geting more than they usualy do and im passing it onto the crafters in larger amounts at way bellow the auction prices witch are ridiculous atm.....

    Im not saying dont use the auction but were possible go p2p trade.... prices are hiked on auction due to fees espectialy at small amounts (in the 100s) but not only that you have no contact with the buyer or seller,, that trade is a wasted trade as those 2 people could have stated a good trading relationship.... the auction is killing ark atm that with the tt issue....

    Lets get the loot moving, no one wins at the tt and loot becomes hard to obtain when tons of it is tted, get it moving even if you selling tt food to traders for tt price and getting a mu on ya other items its better than junking the lot, then we neec more traders to build the stuff up and NOT BE greedy on the ressale..... push it out at a decent mu and not the crazzy % that we are getting atm.....

    And please help educTe the new folks in our city that you carnt expect to sell 2 skins a d 4 ores at daily mu, thats pzrt of the reason the rsale prises are rocketing....

    This Is unsustainable atm at all end of the market..... lets get some trade relationships going here not just faceless auctions with added fees for small quantities. ?.. thats our only way out of this imo........

    Tell you the truth I came back to ark with inter plannet trading in mind, but within a few hours of being back I noticed we dont need imports from caly, we have it all here with us.. its just not moving.... I ports are just another way to raise prices where no one wins.... the trader losses and the buyer, its stupid we have it all here....

    So as I say more looters willing to sell there goods at reasonable prices and not asking daily..weekly MU % and then tt it anyway... more honest traders willing to invest and put it back out to the crafters ans what not at acceptable prices that is affordable ..... and a big thing imo is face to face trading....... if a miner/hunter knows a trader kr 2 that will give him a decent price on his loot he is winning.... and if a crafter knows he can go to his traders and get what he wants at a decent price he is winning also.... more crafted items on the market more cash flow ore happy citz :)

    Just my 2 pecs on the situation...

    If anyone wants to look me up feel free to do so avatar is (Craticus) we need working relationships here, im investing what I can atm to my wifes horror lol, no one is going to be making much yet but lets get this economy rolling and I see no reason why we carnt be stronger than caly....

    Stay safe folks

  16. Craticus

    Craticus Member

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    Sorry for double post above and awfull typing lol did it fast on ipad never a good idea so my apologies :D
  17. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I have several animal parts in my shop. As demand isnt high i place them there instead of auction that just run out. If not sold ill tt them after some time
  18. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    What you say will work in theory but I have been buying all along and have several ppl who come to me when they go hunting but I don’t wantto trade anymore as I craft mostly so anything I buy is in my storage waitingto be crafted but if my items do not sell I cannot cycle ped to buy more mats. Idid a 4K ped crafting run this week for the new vu and got a lot of items but could not sell them and ended up putting some in my shop/au, and the rest wentto the tt machine.

    So I actually took a much greater loss than I usually do butI was trying to get some much needed ark bps lol. But with the mats from ark we need the bps to craft them and to use them and then for players to buy them. See it’s a big circle and sadly it does NOT start with trading but bps because no bps to use the mats....... no need for the mats it’s just that simple. Traders are not the answer here, uses for the mats is the answer (BPS).

    Most traders I have dealt with are buying way low and selling at more than mu or right at mu on the street. That’s why I have a chain of players I buy ALL their loot they have for an average mu it is not the top end but it is a fair mu some 102 stuff gets 5-10% and more mu at times. The moto of a trader is buy low sell high I should know it was what I did for a goodwhile.
  19. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    Orders make a great deal of sense if the cycle on the resource is high.

    Example: 10 hunters will accumulate 100ped of inferior cloth extractors cycling 100 ped each on mob A. 100ped of extractors at 120% is 120ped, the order costs 1ped per day, the order is 4 days. If the cycle was a lot higher than 100ped per character (on the same mob) or more than ten chars, the MU could be set at 116% for 4 days and the buyer would make a "saving", that's why buy orders are lower than sell orders.

    Crafting Basic Sheet Metal you can hold onto the product for 140% or sell to a Buy Order for 130-133%, most people make a few hundred ped of the stuff when crafting for skills on a large run, those percentages offer turnover, and saving, virtually a win-win *(except crafting machine isn't 72% product), the highest MU an ordering avatar pays is quickly converted into a saving when the volume is a higher ped-tt value, as the max cost is usually 10days@10ped (including the review of volume and the adjustments to proposed minimum MU by the ordering party).

    Not saying your surprise profit is in the post, but the 90% you seek is closer when you repeat often (unless there is a trend shift)
  20. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    but at same point keeping loot gets in the way of u hunting on, i got about 200 ped of loot that i need to get rid of.