Newly Discovered Moon to be Auctioned...

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by isclay, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  2. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yeah I just read that. its a wow amazing for the person who buy it IF they know how to market and draw in customers on their own.

    The person also needs to know something about design in this game and how crafting and mining works etc.

    Best would be if its bought by someone maybe in a country that there is not already a PP in to help draw in their local population.

    Someone lend me the peds for buy this K! Tnks! Bai!

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  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Am already putting the feelers out to my friends for a wee loan
  4. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Don't know what to think about. On one hand, from a marketing point of view, things like this are making their way to the public and maybe bring few more players. On the other hand, what we really don't need atm is more Areas (LA's, Planets, whatever). Trying to attract new players with always bring in new Areas is not the right way - in my opinion.

    We already have enough lost places, deserted, without ppl around. But hey, maybe it works like suggested from MA, I doubt it, but who knows...
  5. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    why would they need to know that. From what I read it looks like another CND i.e. the buyer pays for all the advertising and MA manages and does all the development. The only change being a revenue share rather than tax. Neverdie had a deal to his own loader to get newbies to start on CND.

    from my perspective that says where and what things will look like.

    It's more like a Planet Partner Lite where there's only an advertising team and no development costs.

    The interesting thing is that it's got 100 apartments and 14 shops right off the bat and yet a PP has to recruit before they're allowed anywhere near that many.
  6. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    If I was a PP, I'd be kinda pissed about what Spike is bringing up. These people are working hard to make their planets #1, but MA keeps on throwing curve balls at them.

    Ark is starting to do pretty good, but ROCKtopia, Next Island and Cyrene are almost empty of people. Caly already has Eudoria, Amethera, Hell, FOMA, CP, and on most of these they have LA and different territories owned and managed by people already. We are already a very small base of players for this vast Entropia Universe, why add another one? Why not optimize and developpe what we already have and make it a success before expanding again? If investors are so eager to purchase new stuff (from what I've read we are talking from 15K to 150K USD here), why not invest in LAs or existing available or purchasable areas and use the extra dollars to make them the most hunted, most mined, most everything areas in EU?

    Not sure this is their best move yet. Might piss off a lot of people, make only a very few happy and only bring in a minuscule amount of new players to the pool. I'm sure there are better ways.


  7. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    My feeling is that if there was more "viable" interest in PP licenses, this type of short-term revenue grab may not be on the table.

    Or maybe... they're just testing the hybrid CND / PP model. Either way, I hope it works out for all parties involved.
  8. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    so now we know why maximus sold all his CLDs so fast....
  9. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    i dont see why this would bring more players in to the game.. most likely it just draws the current playerbase in there leaving everything else empty... so not good news to PPs.. i bet we see another dead planet soon..
  10. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Hell is on RT, RT has a stable amount of players and is providing a Niche to the playerbase.

    Yes, NI is dead, it was DOA and needs help from a good development team. one that is free from past contracts, and has no obstacles to face, only a clear path forward. It would be a shame to lose, it has such great potential.

    Cyrene made the mistake of a "Soft-Launch", prolly ran low on funds, and had to push the envelope.... hard to say, but they unleashed a product not ready for the open market, and players had no viable economy, or way to start one, and most lost interest... No need for another NI...

    Arkadia, well thats the gem... It was properly developed, and was a burgeoning economy from the start. There were rough patches, but the development team is down to earth, they talk to the players on equal ground, giving them the advantage. They do not have a pompous air surrounding them. They want to succeed, and they will.

    I do feel sorry for Ark, it seems there is a power struggle in EU.... every time Arkadia shines, and shines the brightest, it must be pushed back into the darkness... I can only hope the Development team can work through MA's constant setbacks, and keep up the good work. Who know's, maybe the new owner of the moon would want it moved to Arkadia space....
  11. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    Fist of all, i wish we could stop accusing MA for working against Arkadia, i really hate that. The planet partners knows the rule of the game, the pp are the ones who should promote and attract new players to their planet. They must know new planets will come and compete against them when they started the whole thing. But i can also agree on that the amount of players are not enough for keep all planets healthy, but you can't only blame MA for that, the planet parters should bring on their own players.

    Second, remeber that even if an Arkadia created avatar leaves the planet for the Moon or and other planet, the owners of Arkadia still get some share of the revenue the Avatar are spending on the other planet, i don't now exactly how much, maybe 25-30 % or something like that. So the most important thing for Arkadia is to bring in new players, even if they leave the planet at some point it will help them to finance the development of the planet. My personal view is that this revenue sharing is a really brilliant thing coming from MA.

    The Moon itself is a interesting concept, and a thing i have wished for, or at least something like that. Stuff like this will help in bringing more life to the space. The moon will probably need a lot of space travel and trade to bring in stuff to it from planets, because the moon itself will probably be very limited in crafting and such. And we don't know where the Moon will be located, who knows, it could be near Arcadia. I would like it to be somewhere in the middle of the space map, between all the planets.
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'm not promoting this investment group, since I'm not (currently, anyway) part of it and no none of the details, but Star is giving an opportunity for players to invest in the moon, if the group wins the auction, of course. 20% in 1k shares and 80% in 10k. I have no idea how much income a 1k investment would provide (nobody does at this point) but I thought some of you who stay away from PCF might be interested. If I had peds that I didn't need to keep liquid, I would definitely give this some thought.

    ----- other comments -----

    Some of the wording and comments on other forums are a little confusing, I think. This is not a planet partner (the cost and work is not even comparable to a PP), it's just a way for Mindark to release a new space-based area (similar to foma or CP but not tied to Calypso), and having the playerbase pay for the development and be motivated to advertise... and get part of the profits in return. The new owner will have some input how it's developed. I think it's a good idea.

    I certainly don't mind that more land and mobs are being added to the universe, in fact, I think it's great. I never understand why people say "there's too much land for the playerbase". I love to explore, I love to mine and even hunt in solitude. In my opinion, I'd love to be able to drive for hours and not see a single green dot, as long as each planet or asteroid has one populated location where everyone gathers to do business. And really, one well-designed TP is all you need for business to flourish, it doesn't matter how many square kilometers the universe has.

    For location... i'd probably put it at Nyx.
  13. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    but u dont seem to understand that the loot is where the players are.. u hardly see big ones in arkadia coz theres not many players hunting there to fill the lootpool.. i bet u remember when arkadia opened.. everyone was there bombarding the hof list and ath list now its quiet and seems that some random 300pedders are the biggest u can get on arkadia..

    and while MA said that there is no personal lootpool it must be all the players filling the pool that is most likely divided to each mob and so on...

    so more area there is more peds get "Lost" in the areas very few ever visit
  14. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I would just love to see NOBODY bid on it.
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I get the same returns on Ark as on Caly. I get as many globals on comparable size mobs. I had my largest HOF of 5k on Riptor. So really a smaller population isnt generating issues as far as loot goes. The only potential problem I see is with economic health. A larger population provides a more robust economy, stimulating demand for a wide range of items and a loot. As a weapons crafter I get good turnover of my items but its probably a little tougher for miners and hunters to reliably sell. Let's just hope that the new owner has good ideas for marketing to bring in those extra players, wherever they end up.

  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think that's just plain silly. I get the same (actually better) loot returns on Ark as on Caly. AND, some of the best loots I've ever had were on a mob that was brand new and which nobody else was hunting or had hunted before.

    Edit: don't read that as a personal attack... i'm just rejecting the idea that the "loot pool" needs to be "filled" by X number of players before "good" loot is returned. It doesn't make sense from a programming standpoint and certainly not from experience. In fact, I'm pretty sure the other way around... best loots often seem to come from under-hunted mobs, under-mined areas, and rare BPs. Zig when everyone else zags.
  17. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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    Yep my returns on Ark are about 110%. My returns on Cyrene are at 100%. Returns on RT is at 115%, and my returns on Caly, about 88%.

    For me this new moon will be like CND in its glory days, as long as it has the right person marketing it. :)

    The idea of profit sharing by bringing in more people is a great idea. It will drive the new owner to market the shit out of it, and bring in more people into this universe. Win win! :noob:
  18. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Well said.
  19. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    I don't think Arkadia has anything to be concerned about - they have progressively and consistently delivered an amazing evolving planet over the last almost 2 years, with an intense attention to details, which for ME - makes all the difference in the universe. They are quality-driven and care about the players, not to mention top-not communication, and I have every confidence that this trend will continue to find an even higher level of efficiency.

    Whomever the new Moon Manager is, I wish them success, but it won't be easy, and there are still a lot more questions to be answered - I'll leave it at that.
  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    For me it would be a matter of trust and track record before even thinking of gettin involved in this.

    With the recent changes and MA breaking their golden rule of no gear stats changing I think the little bit of trust left in them is depleted or at the very least flopping on the floor like a fish out of water. They have shown time and again if they think it necessary they can and WILL change things to suit their benefit financially even if it pushes more and more people away. If I were able to invest in this game at that high a level I would surely not be confident they can be trusted.

    Now the realistic part is this.. MA is going to do the developement of this moon. REALLY? First off they cant keep up with the planet partners they have getting stuff out. They havent in the 6 years I have played got one VU out without major problems. They are way to understaffed for what they need to do now. Then add to the fact they are obsessed fat cats counting cash all the time and the creativity that inspired the universe has waned to nothing from their part of it all. At best the new owners will see copy cat stuff taken from Calypso or at the very best some generic get it in fast crap that will be under par texture wise like Calypso and end up just another lag fest because of the lack in texyture optimization.

    Lastly from the track record.. MA is interested in big money. Once its in their hands all that "enthusiasm" gets dropped like a hot potato for the next big money scheme to draw attention. Hell we STILL dont have all the professions back from the switch to cry engine and the ones that did come back are noting but ped sinks and not all that impressive from what it used to be.

    Seeing fast dollar signs is clouding too many peoples minds on this issue. Whom ever buys this will be the redheaded stepchild of EU in the next 6 months when their next big scheme comes to light. Specially cause its the low man on the totem pole as far as a planetary investment is concerned.

    Who knows I could be wrong.. but the devaluation of everything I have bought on my small scale play says the running trend of all this will never change .