Wolf's Arkadian Arrival

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by ElbryanWolf, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    It has been close to Ten years now since Wolf has arrived on Calypso since his exile from Planet Earth.

    3rd son of a large farming familly, with almost no chances in taking over the family enteprise, Wolf decided it was time to try out on his own and see what he could do with himself. Since Caly had only started to be colonised, without any money, with only the Colonist Standard issue clothing on his back, he decided to work hard and see what could come out of it.

    Once landed on the planet, he started as an errand boy for Etopia Bozzo Paraceltz and iulrock bark abaddon, collecting materials of hunters and miners in small quantities and re-selleing to these big crafters with a very small mark-up for profit. He also sold their manufactured goods with a small commission for each sale. They also showed him the ropes and though him how to move around by using the Teleporters, and what was were. At one point, he worked up enough PEDs to purchase his first weapon: his trusty Sollomate Outbacko. Hunting in team with these great crafters and also with his trusty friend Chorbal Bal Balikan, he worked up the food chain to gain his first armor set of Pixie and Goblin, his first FAP-5 and his beginer's mining tools.

    Over the years he's grown by changing equipments, by changing society, by creating his own soc (Lightfingered Looters), by investing in game, by supporting new arrivants with fun games (find the Jester D-1 in PA), by participating in some events and by building a great network of people who enjoy this new planet and it's variety as much as he did.

    At one point, he took a small break to enjoy his appartment in Omegaton West Habitat 1E and take it easy for a while. The robot threat on Caly had slowed, the argos Black Orb had disapeered, the Asteroid had stabilized in the atmosphere, the Egg was now in safe hands, the new continent was being developped and the Umbras were no more.

    Then last year, a new challenge showed up on his radar, Arkadia. After being discovered and with some of his trusted buddies moving to the new planet once the Oratan's treat had been tamed, he decided to try it on for size. He started by getting back in the game by skilling and re-assembling himself on Caly for about a year before he had the proper amount of PEDs and skills to purchase his first Space Ship and try out for this new promised land.

    It has now been about 2 months since he's arrived on Ark. He's still figuring out his suroundings and getting to know the planet a bit better. He's trying to stay as active as he can and help out where his mercenary needs are required. He's participating in events and trying to help in this world's discoveries.

    Who knows what is to come ;)



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  2. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Welcome Wolf! It's good here! :cool:
  3. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Enchante', Wolf. Glad you made it to Arkadia. :)

    Hope your stay is memorable!
  4. Hodges

    Hodges Member

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    Welcome to the Ark.
  5. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    Took a break for a couple of months on Caly for the migration. Now back for more Arkadian hunting :)
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Welcome to Arkadia you former Calypsian, enjoy your stay! :)