Creature Threat Level Adjustement & Consequences

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Montbertus, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. sostoned

    sostoned Member

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    its not about carabok. its just an example were you have to see it

    Its about entropia wide nerf

    Better example were the rocktropians in the hyperplex region at RT

    they were level 10, now 2 or so. forum trolls in that region were level 13 with 2 hp, now level 3 or so.

    You notice real different skillgain. You must be blind or crazy to not notice.

    and its not about some mob that is overskilling, it happened with most noob mobs entropia wide.

    And Chris, sorry to say that but go on a real investing. Were not complaining about nothing this time.

    Neil, go on with being blind, but dont be rude to people who really pay attention..

    so I dont care that its nerfed. for me it will bring more return in peds.

    Im just telling we have a huge nerf on low mobs.

    How the skill system works is pretty clear for me because i suspected differences in skills before L numbers came.

    When the L numbers came noone did seem to understand them.

    But in time and with killing huge ammounts of different small mobs (2 years almost fulltime) i noticed level is very well saying a lot about hp, agro, skills and loot.

    every change or whatever did confirm it.

    and this one confirms it completely.

    It works a lot like the skill gain. everything is connected. Loot is, also skillgain is.

    Who can explain the loot distribution change any other as with danger levels. Mindark didnt notice loot changes, i guess they didnt wanted to but danger level caused it.

    The muscle problem at ark in the past was because a lack of low level mobs.

    Its probably like different sliders in a mob(maybe not seeable for us) sets different parameters. Sum of parameters with some formula gives danger level.

    If you go change the sliders but keep hp what it was the other things will change like skillgain and sort of loot.

    For example, dunno exact numbers but young maturity under level 6 or 5 will give muscle.

    Mobs above 6 or 7 will give eye oil.

    Btw, things are not exact but within parameters. There is a wave form or something like that in danger level or other parameters.

    Thats why we see loot waves on som mobs.

    Everything is connected.

    My guess is that MA has used a parameter for danger level that was unused in their eyes.

    Its not, because L adjustment adjusts loot and skillgain as well.

    so please dont argue on it, its really happening.

    enough players confirm it to be taken serious.

    and Chris, again, your planet will be hit most by this.

    most skill hunters will leave if it stays like this, although skillgain is still slightly better on ark as on caly.

    dont put your heads in the sand.

    This nerf is huge but maybe unintended. If we dont tell MA they will not reverse it.
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Well said that man. +rep
  3. sostoned

    sostoned Member

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    im not gonna argue with blind people who cant see the obvious.


    Hard to read english i guess.

    too bad the forums are all bad.

    Every time you will say anything the MA babies are gonna cry. guess: YOURE NOT HELPING MA AND PP WITH BLINDNESS.

    dang, never knew that addiction to a game would cause this blindness.

    Thanks to the people who did listen.

    and im finished with this pitty stuff.

    have made my point, ark team, please do something with it.

    the few that sticks their arm into your ass wont rescue your planet.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    LOL Stoney.

    Folks, I encourage you to forget about carabok and pay attention to the people raising a legitimate concern about a change they have observed EU wide. Perhaps we need more data but the sheer volume of people speaking up indicates there has very likely been a gross observable change in the skillgain mechanic since last VU. Personally I think the link to threat lvl is spurious. It's entirely reasonable for different aspects of the game to change at the same time, ie after a VU.

    Chris from Arkadia Devs has put his view and I appreciate that, but frankly his post was as speculative as anyone else in the various discussions across the forums. All we really know is that Ark devs have been told there is that the threat lvl is just a visual indicator and that the method for calculating it has been adjusted. I'm one of those optimists who believe that neither Arkadia Devs nor MA lie to us so I accept that statement as far as it goes.

    However that doesn't address the widespread perception that there has been a fundamental change in skillgain from many mobs. Telling people to hunt something else does not address that perception. Justifying the change to one mob does not address the issue of changes in the many other mobs. We need some feedback from MA. Chris has initiated that by asking them. Let's hope that MA recognise the level of concern and let us know their view.

    Meanwhile how about we let people give feedback we disagree with, without shitting on them.
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  5. Montbertus

    Montbertus Member

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    Thank you all for the input so far and this really intertesting discussion !

    I think thats the wrong register in order to have discussion in a reasonable manner. It is obvious that you do have a strong opinion but the intention of my thread was that everybody can equally contribute and controvert their in game observations in order to maybe draw some conclusions.

    Very true ! Arkadia really is a great planet and has so much more to offer.

    +rep from me too
  6. sostoned

    sostoned Member

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    yes, youre right

    im very frustrated that there is such a burning and blindness while the problem is very obvious.

    I just cant believe the level of ignorance and that makes me angry.

    Thats also why i dont want to argue.

    Same shit on other forums too although on the calypso forum the trolling is way worse.

    this is the 3rd forum where the burning is rough while people that burn others are just pathetic.

    I guess thats the downside of being less ignorant.
  7. sostoned

    sostoned Member

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    Every noob mob is nerfed for what i know now. So there is no other option for starters.
  8. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    My testing so far (and some done by others) indicates that for maxed weapons the hit rate has not changed. The hit ability stat (and consequently hit rate) on unmaxed weapons has increased, and this seems to be the change mentioned in the release notes. So I don't think your theory can be correct.

    Moreover, others have done testing in the past which indicated a correlation between L numbers and kill shot skill bonus. If that is indeed the case, then we would expect a larger difference on a low HP mob with reduced L number, whereas bigger mobs would show less of a reduction even with a similar reduction in L number.

    That would explain why people are saying there's a very noticeable difference on Carabok, while I haven't seen any difference on the mobs I've been hunting (Ambu, Sumima, Leviathan).

    It seems to me that the skill change is being treated rather hysterically by some people. For me the loot change is much more significant and will have a major impact on the economy, and in fact already is having an impact to some extent.
  9. Hodges

    Hodges Member

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    Holy Huon, I didn't think this thread would turn into arguing and anger. As stated, this thread is meant to discuss the situation and try to figure out what's happening. It's also a good place to post about observations and such, as we are always in need of more information when there is a change. Without that information, we would know nothing and go into things blindly. There's no need to throw anger around here.

    That said, I do agree with Neil about Arkadia having much more to offer. That's one point I made previously, and I just wish more people would see it. I'm disappointed by mobs giving less skills and would like to figure out all the details, but that's not the only thing this is about, and it's certainly not the reason I stay on Arkadia, especially since I can barely afford to hunt them to begin with. This planet is my favorite planet with so many good things on it. This thread should not be derailed with senseless arguing or random blame placing, because it's an informational and discussion thread. We can all remain civil while discussing our ideas, I'm sure.
  10. Spinaltapper

    Spinaltapper New Member

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    I know you guys are sick of hearing about carabok but after a few hundred ped cycled the skillgains have clearly decreased by about 60-65%. During the last year when cycling 100 ped on carabok the TT skill returns have been 16-17% of what was cycled. Since the patch cycling 100 ped now yields only 6-7% TT skill returns. This is a massive difference. Whether it is related to mob level or something else I can not say since I am not a developer. A friend and I have also done some testing on other small mobs such as Calypso Puny (lvl reduced from 1/2/3 to all 1) and Halix. They all have had a decrease in TT skill returns as well.

    As mobs increase in health the changes are less noticeable in the skillgain returns. This is no surprise since as mob health increases, skills per ped spent decreases, and EU has always been that way. So mobs with 500 health may only give 2% TT return on skills for 1000 ped cycled and post-lvl decrease may give only 1.9%. This is why people are noticing the nerf mainly while hunting small (10-100 health) creatures and hardly at all when hunting larger prey.

    Since almost every mob in the entire game on every planet has had its level reduced and skillgains have decreased on every mob we have tested so far it shows a rather strong correlation that mob level Does in fact effect skillgain contrary to what Chris has said. Mindark has nerfed skillgains in the entire game across the board so I can't say I'm terribly surprised by this. It is disconcerting though when representatives of Mindark say nothing related to skillgains while hunting has changed when analysis of TT value of skills proves otherwise.

    All that being said I enjoy Arkadia and will continue to live here. Thanks to the A-Team for responding on this thread and their hard work on building a great planet.

    PS: Chris in your testing on the dev server did you actually calculate the TT skillgain returns vs. ped cycled like we did? Would be curious to see if you had any data on that from pre and post patch like we do. =)
  11. Spinaltapper

    Spinaltapper New Member

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    Chris if you are still checking this thread or investigating the issue please also look at some our analysis in these forum threads.