Well I'm very hesitate about this purchase. I start to hunt alot since I finished LT iron challenge in last October, the reward of it boosted tons of my evader and make my hunting runs become alot more enjoyable. So I really want a dante to make my hunting more effective but am I also very hesitate about stuck 2k ped in a single amp, especially when I'm in the military that don't have as much time as I used to for EU. So I decided to make this offer to potential sellers to let them decide if they want to sell. I have placed an TT+1850(Since most of my ped still stuck on auction and offer has to buy dante at full TT so can only place TT+1850, but I could offer TT+1900 in p2p trade) offer on auction for 7 days, people who want to sell dante can contact me ingame or forum or just sell to the order on auction during the 7 days. But I'm going to back to military a few hours later, so might not be able to contact me ingame or forum. I think I mostly won't get it but whatever just want to do a fun thing during my boring weekday in the military.