Avatar Update #2

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Jenny ferr, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Originally posted: Avatar Update #2

    Feedback received through support cases and community forum discussions indicates that several issues related to the new avatar creation system have resulted in many participants finding it difficult to create their desired avatar appearance.

    MindArk wishes to do everything possible to assist participants in achieving their desired avatar look. As such, it has been decided to temporarily allow participants to go through the avatar creation process as many times as they wish. This offer will be enabled when the mini-patch is deployed early next week, and will allow participants to use the avatar creation interface an unlimited number of times for a period of approximately one week.

    Below is a list of currently known avatar system issues. Please do not submit support cases on these issues, as they have already been identified and will be addressed in the VU patch next week. For other issues not listed here, please make an effort to include as much description and information as possible when submitting support cases, so that the support and development teams can better prioritize issues and implement fixes.

    Known Issues

    • Locked movement can occur for Body Sculptor Designers after closing the Body Sculpting UI. In such cases a relog will correct the issue.
    • Locked movement can occur when trying to enter avatar creation areas that are full. In such cases a relog will correct the issue.
    • Due to last minute integration issues, makeup masks will not be available in this release. Makeup masks will be activated in the release patch, expected in one week.
    • Makeup masks created during the avatar creation process are not visible in the Start Room, but will become visible again once your avatar arrives on a planet for the first destination.
    • Female makeup masks appear fully decayed when arriving on a planet for the first time. This is a visual bug only, the masks are not decayed.
    • Performance issues with certain graphics cards in areas with many avatars on screen.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work on resolving these issues in the coming days.
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  2. saradu

    saradu Member

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    This is really great news and I was telling Roni before MA did this that they should let us fix ourselves as many times (within a certain period of course) until we are happy with the outcome. I do think MA is doing the right thing here. I am sure the weird looks, the clothes looking like crap has slowed down game play some. For sure many will not buy anymore clothes now until things are fixed and so this hurts the others that make clothes etc.