Hi all, Well let me see where to start.. oh the beginning!!! So few Soc friends came over to Aarkadia and talked me into following them and let me say this.. it is my new home.... I had awesome luck mining on Caly and Foma but when I first hit Ark well needless to say i was dying... so I started to hunt, ran a few of the keys.... and left.. then came back... Love the nusuls most of the time you can find me there just shooting.... I finally started having luck mining and adore the area called Prospectors Seclusion... Well Im a bit of a rambler.... If you see me in game dont hesitate to say hello..... I will definetly return the greeting!!!! Bella
Hey Bella. Am new to Ark to - made the flight from Caly in my vtol on Sunday night...loving ark so far. cya around & hello to the rest of you Arkadians!