DON'T TT that Riptor Hide: let me create something lovely wiith it instead!

Discussion in 'Services' started by jaywalker, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    As a level 26 material manufacturer, I can easily craft the leather into texture for you, and as a level 16 Material Designer I can apply it to anything you like! I can also apply colour up to lev 17. (for illustrated list of the colours and textures that I've maxed, plus loads of other info on customising, please click the link in my sig)

    There is no charge for either service, but tips are always welcome, of course!

    But hang on! I hear you say, doesn't Riptor texture look disappointingly grey? Indeed, it's bugged. But thankfully the bug drops away when you apply the texture.

    Riptor texture actually looks like this once applied:

    View attachment 6416

    A bit too much "in your face " for your tastes? Well, you'll be amazed what can be done by applying a bit of paint of it, and/or mixing it with other textures.

    Here are some pictures of things that I've created using Riptor texture. I think it goes particularly well wih blue and green

    View attachment 6414

    The shirt is something I made today with Riptor, Aarkan and Hekia, to match my Riptor-and-Nusul coat (which i posted before). The green colour is just common green paint, which only costs about 2-3 PED per field to apply.

    Here's a Lodod Tanktop that I customised with Riptor, Nusul and blue paint:

    View attachment 6415

    Well, you get the idea? I'll take a bit of break now, them come back to you with some more info and pics

    (oh, and i need to figure out how to get those pics coming out big)

    jay :)

    PS, Thanks to the ever-helpful Mr Snape, here's another pic:

    View attachment 6429

    And another:

    View attachment 6428

    The singlet has two fields of Riptor and one of Halix. I can't quite decide if it's really cool or really ugly lol. Sems to depend what mood I'm in.

    I used Riptor and purple on the flowery bits of the shirt to make them a really bright pink. (Now I just need to find a man who will wear it )

    And finally, to help you develop some ideas. here are some views through the texturiser window, to show how riptor looks on a variety of shapes and colours:

    View attachment 6430
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  2. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    How much Riptor texture do i need?

    The majority of items have 3 customisable fields, Some have 2, or 1. You will probably not want to put the same texture on all the fields.

    It is generally agreed for full saturation, you need 323 textures, The risk if failure with this number is tiny (provided the texturer has skill enough to max that texture). Alternatively It is possible to get very good results with 200 textures (around 96% saturation). Failure is improbable ( but a lot more likely if 3 fields are being done)

    323 Riptor textures = 122.74 PED
    200 Riptor Textures = 76 PED

    This might seem a lot of PED to spend on texturing; but remember, when the texture is applied, you get 90% of the TT value back in PED. So the real cost is one tenth of those figures all the mu paid (where applicable)

    Making Riptor texture from hides/leather

    You will need to refine the hides into leather. Allow twice the TT of leather/hide for each field. eg to get 323 textures , you will need about 246 PED of hide/leather. As results do vary, it is safest to add an extra 10% to this figure. You will also need some basic leather extractors (less than 200 per field. iirc).As I always keep stocks, I can supply these at reasonable cost, and will only charge for those consumed.

    This does not mean that you only get half the TT back. Part of the TT value is returned as residue rather than texture. However, this part can vary considerably, so it is a gamble! You might get a total of just 70% returned (It is seldom lower than than this, in my experience, but lower returns are possible) or there might be a HoF and you get back more than you put in! on average, returns are around 90% of TT value put in

    I will return all residue to you of course. However, I cannot be arsed with videoing my crafting runs, so if you do not feel you can trust me, just don't ask me to do the job!

    Contacting me: when on Ark, I usually hang at Celeste Quarry or Celeste Outpost. I travel a lot, so if I'm not on Ark, I might be on my way!

    Feel free to add me to FL from the player register, and PM me. Bear in mind that I often craft AFK...and sometimes fall asleep without logging off :D. So if you don;t get a reply, do try again later!

    jay :)
  3. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    Added essential info to 2nd post. Still haven't figured how to make the pics big, so holding fire on postimg more pics
    (Yeah I've posted big pics befire but can;t recall how :D)

    jay :)
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Free service, though a tip would be nice too ;) :p

    Seriously though, just double click the pic once you've placed it in your post (but still whilst inside the post editor) and it will give you a range of options.
  5. saradu

    saradu Member

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    Very nice Jay :) Just saw the blue and violet gown. I like that. :)
  6. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    Heh. well actually, maybe 50% of my clients give me a tip, so i guess i'm not pressuring them too much ;). (Seriously, wouldn't want to. I know some have to really scratch up the PED for the job in the first place)

    Tyvm for the info re. posting pics!

    jay :)
  7. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hey Jaywalker great thread.

    I'm interested to get something like this done on my master coat... I have a bunch of skins. Hmm maybe not quite enough for a 100% coat yet... give me a day or so and we can talk more about it in PM.
  8. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    Sounds as a great offer to me :)
    I add u to my FL when i back in game :)