So arkadia has already cost me a few k peds and it isn't even launched yet?

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by harmony, May 17, 2011.

  1. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Excuse my language down here, i'm feeling a bit ill and tired today and was taken by surprise by the latest VU.

    I'm an aspiring crafter and had the oa-102 and the MA-104 blueprints, both bought for a substantial amount of peds, and both skilled upon with substantial losses. And now the system is changed, because it was to complex for changes in the future (i.e. arkadia and treasure hunting). And now i have two exactly the same blueprints, one of which has lost a lot in markup as well as i figure there will be a lot of them on the auction soon.

    I had high hopes for Arkadia (and still have), but this really pisses me off.
  2. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Ouch! Well, its the price you pay to stay ahead of the game. Hopefully, there will be more luck next time. Good luck
  3. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeah I guess one of my 2 refiners lost some MU too... well the whole system changes are MAs work ofc tho. So it has nothing to do with the Arkadia team itself.
  4. warpath

    warpath Member

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    not sure why you think this has to do with arkadia, t was a MA change??
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  5. Calin

    Calin Member

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    Totally on MA. They screwed a lot of people out of a bunch of PED with this.
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  6. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Why are you blaming Arkadia for this? It was an MA update, not a Planet Partner update.

    You probably should have thought a bit more first before wrongly accusing someone.
  7. ifuri

    ifuri Gold Member Gold Member

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    hi ;)

    I just finish to translate in french the patch note... and what can i say, i'm confused. Today i lost again a quantity of peds, but this time, without playing, and that pissed me off, really :). The idee of this new mining feature are really good, but they can't do what they did, it hurts. really ! now i have all my equipement in double and they lost probably 50% of is value.
    Today, stop the game cross my mind, but I have thinking about Arkadia, MA change is feature for it, so that will be stupid to do that without seeing this !

    I can do only one think today!

    Wait and see :)
  8. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    As long as everyone understands that it was MA's patch that screwed you all over (from the looks of things), then we're ok ;)
  9. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    There is no need to point the finger at anybody. Its a system change, plain and simple. The system change was brought on by the treasuring hunting system and the very much likely possibility of there being more evolution of the mining system which it looks like Treasure Hunting is a part of.

    In analyzing the risking in investing in any specific skill, item, estates, you must take into account that Market Value can change at a moments notice. It happens all the time in RL and it will happen all the time in virtual worlds, more so in developing worlds.
  10. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I disagree with a lot of you that there is either noone to blame, or that it is MA's fault. I know a lot of you seem to think MA is some sort of evil genious out to get you all, but i don't feel that way.

    There was a change made to the system especially for Arkadia, so there is a shared responsibility between MA and Arkadia, and because i feel that i have a better chance getting listened to over here then on entropiaforum, i vent my "frustrations" here.

    Although i understand you might think it is about loosing a few k peds (maybe original post was a bit unclear), it is more that i spend time, energy and peds on something unique, and every time i had a terrible crafting run i said to myself, it's ok at least the qr of the blueprint increased and i will do better next time. I wouldn't have cared if they had put MA-104 bllueprints in the trade terminal, i bought mine for a price i found acceptable, and i had fun using it, and i was happy with the qr-increases. The main problem i have is that all the hard work i have put into crafting ma-104 is for nothing because i know have two identical blueprints.

    I agree that markups rise and drop, and you have to take that into consideration. But this isn't just a markup drop, it's the removal of items, last time they did that was 8 (?) years ago with the removal of the a20x amp blueprints. How would hunters feel if MA said that all those different guns was way too much and they would limit it to 10: the breer p1a till the breer p10a, and all the weapons you have know would be converted into one of those?
  11. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Entropia Universe is not a bank. It's best to be compared with RL shares. You invest into things you believe will be more valuable in the future. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong.

    The system is changing, these days way more than the past 5 years together. I personally think we're heading into the right direction, that's why my PEDs stay in game. People who think it's getting worse, need to cash out immediately.

    If you think it's the wrong direction, you are not able to make the correct assumptions to invest in the right things.

    Ofc I can be wrong too (example: I value a Hangar at 50k, other pay 140k). But if you don't think, the changes are the right way, then you WILL loose money.

    And in the end: it's a game. We have no guarantee for nothing! You should only have money tied here, that you are willing to loose. If you don't want to loose money, take it out of game.
  12. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    That would suck badass :eek:

    I feel your frustration, and it is a natural thing to express your anger :soangry: when you face what is perceived as injustice.
    I hope you'll get over it as it is like that. You know, EULA crap blahblah:fineprint:.... the virtual items don't really belong to us:shrug:.
    So.... bow down and take it like a man is what is left for us to do.

    For the rest.... enjoy your stay among us :)
    Let's just hope the treasure hunting dynamic feature will be worth the mess.

  13. dude

    dude Active Member

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    Sorry for the loss to the OP. Please send a support case like others have done. MA has compensated players in the past when stuff like this happens. But enough of you have to speak up
    As for the changes I think they are AWESOME. One Finder One extractor One Refiner oh Happy Day Bring on the Treasure Hunting
  14. Wistrel

    Wistrel Member

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    I can see how you have picked up the bad end of the change there and you have my sympathy! I lucked out as the change meant I could TT about 20peds worth of gear (which is a lot as am non depo'ing so far in 2011 and had only 8ped left!).

    I think you would do well to walk a way a bit though, take some fresh air and forget about it for a few weeks. I'm not just being a git here. I can see right now the market will be flooded with a whole bunch of folk flogging their duplicate gear so yes... massive increase in availability combined with a huge drop in demand... really very bad for your crafting.

    This said though the market WILL stabilise again.... and don't forget all the folks coming to Arkadia who will want mining gear... demand WILL pick up in time... in time you MAY even find that spare blueprint of yours will go for MORE than it is now.... think about it, the item can now be used for THREE types of mining instead of one right? Surely that makes it more popular? I appreciate of course everyone else will have the same deal but that is even more reason to believe the market will level out and return to normal demand and prices....

    From experience every VU that has a big change can cause massive fluctuations in the market place in the first few days. I really won't last though... With VU's its always best to wait a while till life calms down before doing anything really... be it hunting, mining or even trading...

    Hope that helps... and sorry if not. You do have my sympathy though to have been faced with this situation... Marco would say "Entropia is dynamic" and as usual, you would be well within your rights to want to hit him ;) I'd say buy some beer and play portal 2 for a bit or soomething... EU will calm down... it always does.

  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have to disagree here...

    This is ALL on MA. If you have been keping up with all the discussions on Arkadia and the way it is meant to work the changes here have nothjing to do with all that. These changes were made by MA so that they can use the new profs on ALL planets. If it were strictly for Arkadia there would be specific tools to use only for he new profession and only available on Arkadia to start. The conversion to what MA did is strictly to make more ped in decays and losses from miners simply because many of us stopped decaying hunting gear protecting ourselves from all the mission trash mobs the have mass distributed all over the existing planets.

    Oh and as far as hunting goes...I will bet that they will do something very similar to hunting. Specially now after seeing that all the ubers are selling all of their elete gear now..(conspiracy theory hats on....Pretty sure someone got a heads up of major change)
  16. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    Since the game developers (be it the platform or the planet) are in total control and don't have to report to any authority or obide any rules, regulations or whatsoever it is a high risk investing in any form or professions.

    Don't think you can really blame Arkadia for giving MA the idea to implement a new system platformwise and not just planetwise however those feelings are totally understandable. Maybe just stick the bps and they will balance in the long run, who knows?
  17. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I completely disagree with you. MA could have changed things to include treasure hunting but keep other mining the same.

    For example, they could have just introduced treasure hunting finders and extractors.

    Instead they chose a different option. Just because Arkadia wants more systems in the platform doesn't mean it's their fault for requesting them and having MA change things in a way that no one had foreseen.
  18. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    It's also unlikely that they'll change it back.

    Lots of players have already gotten rid of equipment either by selling or tt'ing it. Again this is due to the way MA discuss things with the players, i.e. they don't. They change stuff and then the shit hits the fan and they panic.

    I agree that it should have been for Arkadia with it's own items, if the BP's and equipment made it to Calypso fine with me. But with MA refusing to do that they instead annoyed a hell of a lot players and screwed up a working system.

    Treasure hunting appears to be disabled atm on Calypso anyway probably because Arkadia hasn't launched yet.

    If they had asked us if we wanted all of the mining gear made into generic types then many might have like it but I doubt many would have said yes if all the details had been laid out in front of them. More than likely MA would do what they did when tiering was added, tell us about this amazing concept but leave out the important details.
  19. True Juan

    True Juan Member

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    We can moan and moan about it, but nothing will change it... It either adapt, or die :) Always has been
  20. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    correct me if im wrong but didnt MA and NDS both state at one time or another that even when an item is an error once the player has recieved it, the item, its stats and such cannot and will not be changed?