
Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by Shinobi, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    I am curious. Will archeologists need special tools to asist them on escavation sites? Something like detectors and diggers simular to mining as we know it?

    For example, I find and escavate an ancient 5000 year alien weapon but its broken. In order to back engineer the device I would need specific recources, including item and BP, perhaps found with device, to fix at a crafting machine.

    Not just weaponry, swords and such, but for example ancient resedue DNA also. Perhaps rare electronic parts for crafting purposes.
  2. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    First, repair yes, we had BP's from everything we find they'd be mass produced and having one would be worthless. more or less. The 'treasure' part is owning something unique, or at least rare, so manufacturing everything we find is a no-no to me.
  3. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Mabe I shouldve specified the BP paramiters. BP (L) with 1 guaranteed succesfull use for the found item. But hey, I am all for the repair factor without Bps if thats possible.
  4. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Id rather find something special and not have a stipulation there MUST be a cost to finding it. There are plenty of ways for the platform to make its money. It truely does not need to pervert every aspect into a money making scheme. We are wandering away from the reason to go to new planets by continually giving the OK by sugessting more ways to take from us. The whole reason to go to new planets is to refind the "Fun" within the gaming.

    Post your Ideas of what to add...Let THEM struggle on ways to take the fun away by not stating we are willing to be sheep at the slaughter.
  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    I honestly dont know where you get that idea Bill, but ok. We live in the Entropia Universe and all planets run on a real cash economy. Arent you being a little too parranoid? I depo and have fun, latelly my funtime is limited to a day or two of playing before comming out broke. Earlier I used to Hof and Global frequently enough to keep me gaming on till my next depo-time. I AGEE tho, that Calypso has worsened in that regards making clients feel terribly financially violated and cheated. Mindark are indeed terrible game-hosts. But do you realy expect where greed plays a role that other PPs would not eventually become like that?
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Member

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    If the changes to stats in todays VU are anything to go by... treasure hunting appears (at least for now) to be just mining...
  7. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Whistrel, read above
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  8. warpath

    warpath Member

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    sounds like a good idea, similar to the way DNA parts and event pieces etc have popped up in mining from time to time. Hopefully there will be more SOOTO happening.

    Also maybe knowledge of the backstory and landscape might hlep you narrow down the search areas for certain types of artifacts. Fingers crossed
  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Member

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    ok to be honests, once I had a chance to properly look through everything in the vu and get the low down on mining I was actually thinking we have got more for Arkadia than I expected. I really just thought treasure hunting etc was a "code word" for "mining". Having mining restructured to allow more flexibility was more than I was realistically hoping for....
  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Treasure Hunting will certainly make good use of the "Something Out Of The Ordinary" system. As already stated, this system will not be operational at launch. Treasure Hunting (as some have noted by the value per drop) will be the premium end of the mining section and as such we are working to ensure it delivers on that.

    It's been written in a few threads today that Treasure Hunting should be more than a system linked to mining. That is certainly true. Treasure Hunting within Entropia as a profession (and skills) is linked to the mining system. However on Arkadia, as I have previously stated here on the forum - won't be limited to a single profession. It forms the theme of the planet - as such it will drive the story, the instances and events.

    I'd encourage everyone to keep sharing ideas and to keep an open mind for the future. The launch is not the end of production, it's the beginning of the journey that you get to share.
  11. dude

    dude Active Member

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    Very interesting quote. I assumed that the Treasure hunting part was made for Arkadia only, as we never had anything like that on Calypso. But based on David's info the Treasure Hunting skill and ability will be platform based and available to all Planet Partners. AWESOME
  12. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Thank you very much for the clarification David!
  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This was a reply to Arwens post earlier...Forgot to click the quote button.

    Sorry for long awy period....

    How is speaking the reality of the way MA operates in anyway confusable with paranoia? MA has proven themselves EVERY VU to lead me to the way I see things. Im glad you depo to play thats what keeps the game going. Personally I have a rule to NOT depo to play on and will NEVER do that again. I will however depo to invest in new gear, new toys, or the ocassional I am bored and wanna go nuts and play crazy times.

    At the level of my main profession if I can no longer play at least on the small scale I do and support my avatars working needs then there is no longer a reason to play. I refuse to be a sheep herded into a vicious circle of payme payme by greedy devs. They promote the game as having the possibility to play for free and possibly make a few peds. When the day comes that possibility no longer exists (which is what the sheep in this game that keep suggesting they take more from us in everything they bring up) that will be the very second I am done with EU and will take recourse in anyway possible to recoup what I would feel at that point was blatantly stolen from me.

    I understand that this is a buisness... I understand buisnesses must make money...I also understand there is a way to do this within the platform to NOT alieinate every not rob certain parts of the community to feed a specific few others... to have a platform where it is truely possible for everyone to have the SAME chances as the next guy..That is not true in anyway shape or form as it stands now.

    All I ask is for the same opertunities as anyone else in here. I dont ask to be judged simply by how much money I do or do not have which is the way this is run so far. As far as other PP's and that greed thing you speak of look at what that is getting NDS in the way they operate..
  14. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    Since Treasure Hunting is linked to the mining system as we can see now, will the whole Planet Arkadia be a treasure chest?

    While it might be tempting for the Planet Partner in terms of generating pedflow, storywise it would fit more if there is archeological places where it would make more sense? Or do the mentioned instance play a role on the treasure hunting?

    I am a bit confused as what to expect from it really. Right now for Planet Calypso I would guess Treasure Hunters (if that system opens there) will probably be the ones that will loot items (maybe UL versions) or part of items to make UL versions or something similar. Just hope it doesn't because it would mean Hunters become a real boredom :/.

    But on Arkadia am looking forward though confused what to expect from it. Maybe the confusion is more of a fear of wasting peds into something being burned so many years by MA, tbh.
  15. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Must admit this mining thing isn't what I expected, but it's understandable. Dave has said treasure hunting will be across all professions on Arkadia, but in the meantime, not being more than an casual occasional miner I did feel a little frown that I'm only a 'green' Archaeologist lol. Now to figure out how to work on the several new skills other than dropping lots of probes, if it is even possible to skill any of them up until we get the treasure hunt feature on Arkadia active.
  16. tayz

    tayz Member

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    Actually I'm curious to know HOW we got the treasure hunter/Archaeologist ranks that we have.

    I have to assume ( yes i know, and it may prove true) that it is somehow linked to each individuals "mining" skills. Im just not sure how.

    Currently I am level 15 treasure hunter and 4 archaeologist
  17. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I am hoping that artifacts found may be combined with other rare artifacts to make some really cool items. Ancient weapons may be found? The ideas are boundless, I will make a thread for treasure and artifact ideas.

  18. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So far I have added a few % to my archeology and treasure hunting imply by the subskills within the mining profession so ou can raise them before the new profs are just have to mine. I suppose one er two of the crafting sub skills might cross over as well llike maybe engineering and computer.
  19. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Judging by whats happening and whats being said I presume the archeology will be more effect of what gets found while using the mining professions while the treasure hunting will be more tied to the "Sooto" system but be based on the mining subskills that effect the profession.
  20. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    What exactly consitutes treasure? Very rare UL uber items? High-end UL uber armor? Or just plain general loots also found on mobs? Perhaps UL mining amps? Alien artifacts with usefullness? or uttensills, coins and pottery? Bones? Graves? treasure like Gold, diamonds, rubies, emeralds? What exactly in a virtual universe can give a archeologist the same feel and atmosphere as it does IRL? Must also Virtual archeologists document an entire extinct culture from beginning to demise? To translate hyroglyphs writting and languages we will need some reference points to start with lol

    Historical references are important to understand who started civilization. were they hunter gatherers? Arciculture? Animal domesticators? That kinda thing.

    Its just that Archeology is a very specific and responsible proffesion and can be extremelly complex and intricate as a dicipline. This has to apply to a RCE VU environment because of the seriousness of the dicipline and the realism factor.

    A Greedy Gold-digger/Prospector/surveyor out for profit cannot and should not be compared or connected to a Archeologist. neither is a Archeologist a Treasure Hunter cos IRL Treasure Hunter has no respect for a dig-site and certainly can be compared to a grave-robber. Archeologist is legit with permission and papers to prove it and a Treasure Hunter doesnt, unless IRL they do so at sea dredging the bottom for Spannish Bullion.

    The Community needs more clarrity on this. Lets NOT yoke Archeology with Treasure Hunting because they simply dont fit together.

    Its just that I personally feel that Archeology is an Established Dicpline and quite Respectable and should be Honoured as such without the nececity to drag it down to a level of treasure hunting for the sake of profit in a RCE VU.

    Your thoughts on this matter is highly appreciated and valued. Thanx :)