Why stay on Arkadia???

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Axe+l, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Axe+l

    Axe+l New Member

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    I NEED a reason to stay on Arkadia now.
    After a hunt on Scoria, i went out whith 1000 ped of ammo, and 134 ped decay when i got back. Lot (TT-value) was only 435 ped. A smashing loos at 700 ped.
    Support??? Ohh no, paste answer is... u need to do somthing else then.
    So, why stay on Arkadia?
    Spawn are great, never ever whil mob run out. Taxes are ok. Auktion works mutch better here (Almost everything gets sold, whit resonable MU). The feel of planet is good, but.... 700 ped loost in a singel round......

    Dynamic as it is.... this loss is to great to accept for me. Changing mob now, try somthing elsa is now in progress, but....
    I am on a mission to find a Mothership next log in.

    So, Why stay on????
  2. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    you can have such return on any mob on any planet ...
    specialy now whit New loot changes on MA side

    and this is 1 single run ..
    scoria is BIG mob ,whit lots of HP and regen
    if you wana good returns on them you need to hunt them more ( 2-3 runs daily and camp spot for weeks..)
  3. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Well you can not judge on one hunt.
    I have been doing the Halix missions and after close to 2000 Halix I'm at a TT return of 93%. Yes I had a 50% and 60% return hunt as well, so should I just leave because of that. If I had done that I would have missed the 160% and 140% TT return hunts I got just a few days later, which levels it all out to 93%

    What you should do is reevaluate your gear and see if it can be a bit better (more eco) and just kill another 1000 mobs and see how you have done after that, pretty sure you will have at least 80% TT return.
  4. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Quite easy really go out and hunt levis on caly and the result will be the same from time to time.
    When hunting scoria this is the return U recive. Scoria IS a gamble and it will hurt ur pedcard HARD if U dont hit period.

    Reasons for me to stay.

    1. The only team that communicates alot . Has been going down some lately but still best there is the MA way has not really come around here yet.
    2. The layout is well good :)
    3. Arkadia is improving alot and more to come.
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    If you are truly asking why then go out and look at the other planets. Only then you will find the ones you like to be on.

    Personally I like Arkadia because of the mentality of the people that play here is better then other locations. More of a friends and family feel as apposed to a crocked scamming feeling you get when interacting with other avatars on other locations. Other then that I go to other planets often to do other things, no reason to ever just say I will only play on one planet and screw the rest.
  6. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I think your main question shouldn't be why stay on arkadia, but why should i keep hunting huge hp mobs on a taxed landarea with a low amount of peds, knowing well that one bad run will ruin my day?

    The only answer to that is because you like gambling, and you hope for a big uber hof. And it might come, but chances are you won't.

    I would suggest some lower health mobs so your returns are more stable (since you kill more, and there is more chance of it evening out).

    Best of luck on whatever you decide.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Assuming Scoria has similar long term returns as other mobs and assuming that long term TT return is 90% of offensive costs...

    1) Your armor decay is too high. If you were to continue hunting these mobs, you should hire a fapper or hunt them in team instead.
    2) Scoria young are 3000 hp (I think), which means each one costs 10 ped of ammo. That means you only killed 100 of them. You need to be able to kill a lot more, say, at least 20 times more to expect to see a close-to-average return.

    As the others have said, it sounds like you need to hunt smaller mobs.
  8. Axe+l

    Axe+l New Member

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    That run, wasent my first, i had 10-12 of those. One... gave me 110% back, all other over 50 but less then 85% in return. My decay on every run (1K ammo) is 120-130 ped. Decay i can afford, that last run was the edge.
    I know... lot is dunamic, but... 30% return??? Och sutch big run as 1000 ped ammo is.
    I like scoria, as mentioned, time to chat, no eminent danger of geting killed, short run to restock and low agro on them.

    I am now back on caly, but..... As mentioned... It looks so mutch better, feels a lot more and.... I whish MA fix the lot. Bad run back "home" as well, only 70% return, but here i feel (just a feeling) that i can go longer whith my pec's...............

    I guess, i be back soon.
  9. slither

    slither Active Member

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    The others have said it but 1000+134 run on scoria is not a big run. If you scale it just on hp then its the same as a 97ped run on argo young.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just a quick note.. returns are not determined by the planet partners.. that is all under the "Loot balancers" thumb. I would seriously rethink a move as it surely will NOT be better anywhere else. On Caly you have other "Issues" faceing you not just returns. Id stay here where at the very least you know things work and wont have to worry about "If" things are working every time you cross a server border like on Caly.

    But what ever you decide remember what you get back is determined by how you play and the mathmatical brainchild in the loot balancing department at MA NOT the pp's.
  11. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Because it's the best planet to be on for friends