Missions More reward choice in challenge missions and make it based on kill points

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by cute781217, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    From the pictures posted by Cyrus that IFN challenges given attributes token in stage 3~5 plus some choice of skills. But now we know that attribute tokens have a cost, we need to give up skills for attribute tokens. For myself I don't really care about my Psyche but if I'm forced to give up potential skill gain to take it, I would be really unhappy. so I hope we can get as many choice as calypso iron challenges.

    So it really doesn't make sense to kill some higher maturity mobs when you are doing missions. Even David said higher maturity mobs tend to drop different stuff than young in Arkadia, but many smuggler equipments actually dropped from low maturity too(young~provider) according to entropia life(please don't change it because I say it:p). So yeah if David want us to hunt more high maturity mobs then easiest way is to make them based on kill points(young for 6 points up to 15 for stalker). It would make hunting high maturity mobs has real advantages than smaller ones.

    I hope A-team can consider what I said and make some possible changes. Thanks :D
  2. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Looks like not much people care about it, but I just knew that we are forced to take whatever tokens mission offered to us at the cost of our skill gain.:surrender: I really hope A-team can change it in the future update. Because it costs A-team nothing but costs us quite alot of skills so I think it is fair to give us a chance to choose take token or not.
  3. Samuel Sam Robet

    Samuel Sam Robet Active Member Pro Users

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    Yah i would def love it if it was KP.

    I like killing stalkers... vs young if its in my capability
  4. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Some people like skill gains, some people like tokens. In the end you get both for free while doing your regular hunting.

    In the past we only got a creature head for completing the 4800 now we get skills and sometimes attributes, so rewards have actually increased on arkadia with the mission changes. Off course things can be better, for example i would prefer it if all mission rewards were evade, but really how realistic is that?
  5. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Cute.

    Thanks for the reply, we will look into it for future missions. However there is one thing to be remembered with opting to go purely for the skill reward, you will nether be able to get that attribute reward locked away in that mission.
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I tend to hunt higher maturity to make it more interesting for me. Then when I get the mission completed its a bonus.
  7. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry, if I understand it correctly you mean if you add the option to pick either skill+attributes or skill only in stage 4 and 5, and if I pick skill only in stage 4 then I can only get skill only in stage 5 too? Is it works the same way in calypso? The quote is from Charlie in PCF, so it seems possible for PP to offer several options for players to choose from rather than force players to take tokens at their own skill costs.

  8. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    No if you choose purely skill in stage 4 you will still have both options available in stage 5 however the attributes you skipped out on in stage 4 you will nether be able to get because the mission can not be repeated. Effectively that attribute is locked up in a completed mission for ever, whereas the player who opted to gather the attribute can gain the skill via other means (natural skill gains or chipping).
  9. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Ah ok, thanks for clarification. I personally prefer skill because I can definitely feel the difference when I gaining 50 TT of skills while I feel nothing when I get something like 1 Psyche or Intelligence. I was ok in the past mission because it was just a bonus that costs me nothing. But now it costs me a heavy amount of potential skill gain to get it, so I'm care now.

    I think many people like me only care about certain attributes like Stamina and Agility so I would like to have options to choose from instead of being forced to give up my skills for Psyche or Intelligence that I don't even care. http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/f...n-option-in-Iron-missions-after-the-rebalance This is a voting poll in PCF that ask if you would pick attribute token or skill only. I'm sorry for taking PCF stuff to here, but that's because no such poll in here. Not much people voted but there's 62 out of 98 people would take a few or no attributes from the missions.

    So yeah I hope you guys can have some discussion about it and make some possible changes. Personally it is more concern for myself than Kill points thing, because I don't like being forced to take whatever stuff that I don't want to especially it costs something for it.
  10. fluske

    fluske Member

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    yea,skills are much much more usefull then attributes,i could really not care less for psyche
    i find the skillrewards a bit disappointing btw,im talking about the choice of the skills,

    most players will want to get something evade/medical or hp-related.
    plasma tech/explosives tech,vehicle repairing,inflict melee damage etc..its not somethinga lot of people care for..i know i dont anyway
  11. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    Hang on guys, I think the A-team are being smart here.

    There's a cap to how many attributes can be offered, per planet, in total now isn't there? and there's a cap for skill rewards, equally.

    Doesn't this mean that we can collect ALL those attributes and ALL those skills eventually, if we do all the Ark missions? Whereas if they offered a choice we would miss out on one half of what they could've offered us otherwise?

    I mean, if you are given a choice, you have to choose NOT to take part of what's on offer, right? But it would still count towards that maximum total.

    Cyrus, have I got this right?

    And , if I have, please , please don't change it.

    jay :)
  12. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Hello, Can you show me the link to that skill rewards has cap too? Afaik it never be mentioned by calypso or mindark official or I just missed. If what you said is right then that is the other case. I doubt it tho.
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I believe you see more smugglers dropping from low maturity mobs simply because people hunt way more low maturity mobs than high maturity mobs. I don't know the actual numbers, obviously, but I would not be surprised if there are more than 20 youngs killed for every one stalker killed.
  14. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeah for sure there are more young being killed everyday than stalker, but why? Isn't it simply because there's no attractive point for most of people to kill high maturity mobs? Something that can taken into account is when MIndark implement( of course I don't know if they would) people get kill point depends proportional damage in team, I think it would be much easier to distribute 6~22 points to many people than 1 point. But yeah I can understand if A-team don't use kill points, it certainly bring more revenue with kill count I think. So I would ok with it if they don't do it. But I would be not happy if they don't add more options in mission reward, because it costs A-team nothing but some calculation and adjusting.
  15. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    I'd sooner wait for feedback from the A-team, as I asked. Am not altogether sure of the second part, and don't wanna trawl through fora, looking for info that might turn out to be dated/ otherwise misleading anyhow.

    Either way, I am now focussing on Ark missions rather than Caly missions, because, -like most players- whilst I'd really like to collect more attributes, I do think they should be thrown in "for free" and, as far as I'm concerned, if I'm not offerered a choice then they are thrown in for free. ( And now you get something more than an ugly trophy head in the penultimate stage ,the Ark missions do look a lot more attractive than they did before! )

    What if skills are not limited, after all. but attributes are? Well then , for anybody who gives half-a-damn about attributes, it's no fun being tempted to turn them down, is it? And then you wonder why you're being given this incentive to sacrifice them? If attributes mean a lot more than MA admit, after all? etc. Which MA refuse to coment on, thus far. None of which is the A-team's fault. So, in any case I like the way they sidestep that mess, and don't force us to weigh up imponderables like that.

    jay :)
  16. jaywalker

    jaywalker Member

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    Indeed. The real difference in loot between low and high maturity mobs is not in the items that drop but the oils etc. Higher mats tend to drop higher TT oils, which once carried more mark-up, but are now so common that the reverse is often the case (even on Caly).

    The basic problem here is that there are ever-more mid-level players, so mid-level mobs drop low mark-up loot. It's really hard to see what can be done about this. Whatever incentive, lootwise , comes on offer, loses value by being looted too often, or else drops so rarely that it isn't really much of an incentive.

    We need more newbies, i guess, so that newbie loots become more common. And easier progress at high levels, so people aren't stuck at mid-level forever. And more blueprints that use these higher level mats.

    More killpoints for higher maturities would probably help, like you said. But doesn't fix the basic problem, which is a disincentive to progress in the game *sigh*

  17. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    At least calypso official said Attributes barely doing anything. Of course it would be great if Mindark can do a developer notes regarding the usefulness of attributes. I have never said A-team doing anything or have any fault. All I have said is I think this is better because all players can pick up the rewards they really want/need.