Feedback after one evening of playing since the new release

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by KikkiJikki, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just wanted provide some feedback on some things I have noticed in the new release. Only had time for around four hours of play so only a little time spent on each activity.

    Crafting: Generally I like the new interface however I find the window a little big. I play on a laptop and while I mostly use full screen, when it comes to crafting I go to windowed mode so I can work with my tracking spreadsheets while I craft. In windowed mode I find that the crafting gui fills almost all my screen real estate. Thats a pain because I am often trading with people to get the ingredients I want, or I am chatting with others in the vicinity. Now I often dont see chat or trade requests. And when I trade, I have to drag the craft window half off the screen. Wouldnt it be nice if we could resize the window, minimize it without exiting the interface? I beleive its designed for other mobile devices and these are generally smaller so resizing shouldnt really be an issue.

    When I buy from auction via the crafting interface, I find that the bought resource is not available for use unless I then exit and reenter the interface. Perhaps I am missing something here.

    There are a bunch of buttons beside the ingredients list. Need those for residues also.

    Would like to be able to untick individual residues. Eg if I want to ensure I only use oil res then I would like to untick the en or metal res.

    Auction: I've noticed that if I pay BO, then the item goes straight to inventory instead of to my won items page. You get no notification message either. I expect this is to make things work better with the crafting interface but for me it is an issue as I generally record the quantities I buy along with MU and I now have to do this before I click the accept button else I lose the info. Previously I used to be able to buy a bunch of stuff and then do the book keeping.

    I don't know if this behaviour flows through to filled orders or items won without paying BO.

    Celeste Harbour graphics: This is subjective but it seemed like I had a lot less lag there tonight. Normally I have a big problem with this and suffer from excessive rubber banding. Also I found that the annoying visual bugs inside shops were occuring less and lasting for shorter periods.

    Hunting: I spent some some hunting mid maturity huons. Loot was interesting. No noloots. No fragments. Most loots included two stacks of ammo with one stack having value under one pec. Not that I mind but I suspect that it is perhaps not behaving as intended.

    Access to storage: Extremely slow.

    Edit to add - size of bp books in inventory has been shrunk to be same as caly books. THis is good as it means less scrolling, though it has less impact now with the new crafting interface. I'm thinking of dumping all my books inside a jar and leaving it in storage unless I travel to another planet.
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  2. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Something that bothers me a lill bout the crafting part is the lack of "memory" of the logg.
    Also the logg seem to be a joy spreader more then anything else. 30% SUCCES = 3 ped profit on 10 klicks I lost huge on? :D

    Other then that this crafting interface shows alot of promise thou I agree to above residue needs to be figured out abit more.
  3. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Profit in the crafting should have withdrawn what i put in. Else ---- hmmm profit is too easy :)
  4. zealousquiche

    zealousquiche Member

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    "Most loots included two stacks of ammo with one stack having value under one pec."

    I noticed this too. It's a bit odd, but I guess not that big a deal?
  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, I did notice that you have to close the crafting terminal for newly bought resources to be recognized. The other problem I noticed was that residue was not used properly when crafting a Vivo T20. I had about 15 ped energy residue and 100 ped metal residue, and set energy residue as the priority. When I got my success, the energy residue was used but not the metal residue, the fap only came out as partial TT. I can't imagine this is the intended behavior.

    For hunting, loot seems ok, but I've only hunted Nusul so far other than doing 2 oratan camps. I'm getting 92% return on about 500 ped hunting nusul, currently with 28 stacks of loot, not counting 3 armor parts and 58 ped ammo.

    Mining sucks because LBML MA changed the way the mining claim looks... so LBML doesn't work anymore.

    Thanks A-team for bearing with this crazy update & working fast to fix problems for the upcoming patch.
  6. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    the dual ammo stacks I believe is because they Intend to split the ammo loots into _all_ loots, - smaller stacks but constant flow.. Something went wrong (SURPRISE!!!) and they forgot to remove the old "normal" ammo stacks from loot.. that you get 0.00 ped on even big mobs, is probably a bug too..

    This is not confirmed, just my speculations.. - this was supposed to be only the first phase of loot change.. (tho we werent supposed to have any changes)
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Little Big Mining Log, used for mapping claims.