Instance Stairs of Insanity.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Ben Coyote, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Ben Coyote

    Ben Coyote Member

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    Well here's some feedback on the instances. Now while I like how the instances are done, there is one complaint I do have and I like to call them 'the stairs of insanity'.

    These are in fact the tight stairs that loop down in one direction from anywhere from 4 to 6 turns.. And there in lies the problem cause the stairs are narrow, and in fact can drive a person crazy as you try to wind your way down and around each of the narrow passages..

    Luckily for the players since this is not timed, you can take your time navigating through the stairs, but because they are narrow you really can't get two people through this "spiral of insanity" without getting stuck betwen the leader, and other players..

    A good solution would be to widen these tight twisting corners..

    Also for Variety, there should be some loops that go left, and otehrs right, as you descend down the levels..

    Other than that I think the instances would be a good thing if not for these insane spirals that can get some players dizzy.. or disoriented..

    So maybe this needs a little tweak.. Wider and roating in different directions..

    Benjamin Ben Coyote
    a.k.a. "The Blind Sniper ":cool:
  2. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for the feedback, We will take a look @ changing the stairs with the next partner update.


  3. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I didn't have a problem, personally, but I can see how others could. I'll also add that overall I really enjoyed running through it. :)
  4. Ben Coyote

    Ben Coyote Member

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    Well I don't have a problem with the long wide winding staircases near the bottom as that is well planned and thought out.

    The issue is the tight narrow stairs that turn left (every time) (Now sure it's okay to have the door turning right or left at the bottom of this set, but to add variety to the challenge, I feel that some of the stairs should turn right..

    Furthermore with the tighter stairs, it's very hard for a two or more man team to walk side by side.. the logic behind it should be that when you enter the next mob infested room two people should be able to get inside and start to clear a path forthe others...

    Other than that I really don't have any complaints other than the consistent Left turns and the lack of variation on each spiral..(Like a left left left left..

    This could be altered to be left left right right, or any combination..

    So i closing I feel 'the stairways of insantiy' sin't a bad idea, just widen them out a little for two wide traffic, and then add in the variations of turns (Left / Right) and things should be fine.

    Benjamin Ben Coyote
    a.k.a. "The Blind Sniper":cool:
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The stairs are easy and work great as a single player or even two people. Im not sure how you steer your ava Ben but I use the straiffe (A nd D keys) in combination with the mouse steering left and I zipped down the stairs really easy. If you steer just by turning I could see how they coukld be troublesome.

    The problem withthe stairs and passageways will show up more so when larger teams are trying to get thru these instances. I am already reading people having aiming issues. (but thats another topic see what I put in the feedback thread about that)
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    In these situations, I steer my avatar using aim mode, which makes it a piece of cake to maneuver through these winding stairs. My only thought running through these was that perhaps the light could be dimmed a bit so that it doesn't look like daylight in those small tunnels. I don't want it dark, but it just seemed a bit too bright for torch light. Could be my graphics settings... I'll have to adjust them and see how those stairs change.
  7. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    The stairs are interesting. It took me a few goes to realise how to navigate my way down the instance. I had missed a small door on one of the levels and was stuck in a perpetual going round in circles, I ended logging out to escape the instance.
    If one gets disorientated would it be possible to have a optional arrow. I for one have no experience with these dungeon type set ups and maybe for new players and just for instance Level 1, have arrow guides available.
  8. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I could go for them being a bit wider as well. My avi has always been a bit 'drunk' anyway, so winding stairs (especially running) means an awful lot of bumps on the head :D Main thing though is for bigger teams in the later ones I think, a bit wider to stop so much jostling into each other maybe.
  9. Foxypilot

    Foxypilot New Member

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    I had no problem with the Stairs, just be in aim mode and run full blast but pick mouse up and set down with slide to the left repeatedly , makes them very easy and fast to get down.
    My issue with the instances was the small creatures are boring and annoying. I liked the sword guys but had hard time seeing them sometimes., maybe I was trying to goto fast, but that might have also been caused by boredom with the 3 small creatures and wanting to get past them for something more interesting.
    I did a #1 and a #3, also crafted a #5 for next week but can honestly say I did not find these remotely any fun compared to Beacon missions on Calypso., and will probly not do them very often.
  10. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    What Ben forgets to mention is that he is legally blind, and plays EU with a magnifying glass.. So turning corners/seeing corners aint too easy for him in there..
  11. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    When Syer, Anhithe and I did Keys 1-3, we actually had a blast with the winding stairs, but that's what you get when you have 3 nutbars on TS having an adventure (especially when Syer is around). We really didn't have an issue with the stairs at all - however, I can definitely see where widening them would be of benefit when you have a larger team.
  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    He also forgot to mention that two hours after running a third one he was still spinning with vertigo. Because of all of them going the same direction.
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Maybe a better solution would be if MA made some better accessibility options... like high contrast modes or modes that would highlight walking surfaces vs walls, things like that. I think there are quite a few people who play this game who have disabilities, and even for those of us who can see well, we sometimes go cross-eyed.

    Ben, were able to even see the Aakas Defenders? I can barely even see them.
  14. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    He has a hard time seeing anything that doesn't stand out (Halix against green grass, for example). I was in voice with him during a couple runs and he had a hard time finding the Raktas (of course, we all have problems with those -- they're small and sneaky). He uses the Windows Magnifier and therefore can't see the whole screen all at once.

    I didn't have a hard time seeing the defenders... My eyesight isn't perfect... Unless I'm wearing glasses, of course.. :p
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'm hoping you meant carabok.... :)
  16. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Try re-reading..

    I should have added "like" but thought it was fairly obvious I was giving an example of something that did stand out...
  17. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I still get that when I re-read it, but I can understand what you meant.