New Arkadian next month

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by Terminator, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    On 2012-08-12 it will be my 6th PE anniversary, and I feel the need to take some vacation from Calypso, so I will come and visit Arkadia.

    I plan to stay 4 months, returning to Calypso by mid December for the MM.

    My plans are:
    - To TP-run the planet, discover the nice landscapes (I have the nostalgia of my PE newbie days...)
    - Try all mobs.
    - Possibly work some of the lower hunting missions.
    - Eventually work a bit as healer if their is some demand.

  2. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Yay for your visit!

    Do yourself a favour and find the "total new player" mission series and run that first.
    It's really, really good, and you'll get a free hoverpod and so on out of it.

    After that, please feel free to wander about and let us know your feedback here, even if you want to bitch for some reason (can't imagine why myself ;) ).
  3. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    Is Entropedia up to date with Arkadia (missions, TPs, mobs, weapons) or are there some other third party websites better recommended? The other day I dowloaded a cool software called Oceanic, is it up to date?

    Edit: also, are there some needs to contribute on some knowledge bases, as locating the mobs, checking their damages etc??? I like the exploring angle, even if its no longer feasible on Calypso. OK, Arkadia is more than one year old but who knows... :)
  4. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome here in Forum and soon on Ark ;) feel free to check Celeste Quarry for one of the Advisers can get a lot infos there´ll find out we are a nice and helpful community here :)
  5. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Most of the time we get mob info direct from the CEO of Arkadia, believe it or not :) He just tells us where to find things.

    That said, I suspect you will find a LOT of scope to do the exploring and adding of notes as to what is where on entropedia and so on.
    And yes - a series of loots from each creature would be nice. We keep track of item drops from creatures in a forum posting but Dave has specifically said that the


    so if you are going to do some extended hunts, and willing to take the time, we would love to get your input on what drops from which maturities on each creature you hunt. I've not had the chance to ge tto this myself but it's on my list to do actually.

    So that would rock.

    At the moment, we have a rather small number of missions on Arkadia, so you should be able to catch up quite quickly, but you're going to be here for the Planet Partner update, which almost always has a load of new stuff for Arkadia in it... So that will be something to look forwards to as well.
  6. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    Thanks all for answers... :)
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There are a handful of mobs for which damage types have not been fully worked out. The newest mob Riptor is one. Check the creatures section of the forum for details. So if you feel like putting some effort into that, I would certainly appreciate it.

    I might be looking to hire a fapper in september/october. Right now I am concentrating on longtooth and Akoz' golden age competition but after those are done I want to try and get into the missions for the 3 toughest ark mobs and I have already proved to myself that I cant do them on my own.

  8. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    And remember to visit all the shops on arkadia in case you need anything - weapon, stacks, mining etc.
  9. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    This is great news!

    After you arrive drop me a PM and I will dust off my hunting gear (it has been gathering dust since the last time we teamed on Calypso). :)
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Coordinates of the new player mission start are 30180,18040. Talk to the barman.

    Entropedia is the best source of info, so feel free to update it if you find anything amiss.
  11. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Ditto all the others said above, enjoy your time on Arkadia, and the forum. I too have not long ago had my six year anniversary, and can honestly say the year I've spent on Arkadia has been the best of all of them, hoping you find the same :)
  12. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    First you must promise you wont try to convert me to mining again... :)
  13. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    But now that you mention it... do you know how much easy HP you could gain by some casual treasure hunting ;)
  14. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    So here are my feedback after three weeks on Ark. Note that I'm just a hunter.

    I will start by the negative impressions I got in the beginning, because even if I like the planet more and more they need to be written in case the Ark team wants to improve them. :p
    - Some low level mobs have incorrect threat level, that's pretty confusing when you don't know the mobs yet (Carabok puny is level 10 I think).
    - Someone made an excessive usage of copy/paste of mobs, Oro/Oweko, Carabok/Halix/Kiana and all the Argonaut cousins... ;)
    - Too many ruins everywhere ruins the "PoI" effect in my opinion.
    - The 5 or 6 Oratan camps -not sure the name- are another copy/paste effect. A unique and authentic one would have been ok. (First feelings, now I'm ok with all this.)
    - The "green" part of the planet is unpleasant : too much grass prevents me seeing the mobs correctly and removing it by tweaking the graphical options results in a ugly ground. I hope the cursor is not stuck on "Max". ;)
    - Have a problem with "Shadow = High" option that lags me in the outpost and bases.
    - Several TPs have same name "Outpost", I hope it'll be fixed, that's not easy to retrieve a hunting spot "Hadraada: north of the Outpost that is south of Steadfast".

    On a neutral angle as I can't decide if it's good or bad: most of the mobs have 3 damages types. As a result:
    - the plus: it's easier to take big mobs.
    - the minus: the mobs do 3 more defensive decay than a impact-only Calypso mob.

    Now the good impressions:
    - I really appreciate the not-mixed spawns.
    - All mobs I met so far are pleasant to hunt, reasonable aggro, higher HP than on Caly but due to the damage split it's ok to take them with mid armor. Scoria and Riptor are just a little hysteric but well...
    - I'm simply falling in love with the desert area. :cool: The landscapes are just amazing, and these are IMO the perfect conditions for long hunting sessions: almost flat ground, nothing to hide the mobs. The artic zone is not bad even if I don't appreciate much the "excessive mountains" syndrom as on Caly.
    - The lower population seems better than on Caly, but as I'm a solo guy and don't discuss much with people I can't really say. Anyway it's good to hunt several hours without seeing GD aggroing mobs everywhere as on Caly.
    - Didn't loot any UL item yet, just (L) FAPs, armor parts and weapon, but who needs to TT a Pixie part anyway? :)
    - I'm surely wrong as it's a MA topic, but the loot seems more regular than on Caly. Or the lower population makes the loot waves more stable and/or easier to detect?

    The conclusions are:
    - I really appreciate the planet, and I feel it *could* become my home.
    - For the moment I will stay here until mid-december as planned, then will go back to heal on Caly for MM.
    - After MM I will decide if I stay on Caly or make Ark my new home (moving all storage).
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  15. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    You know i've found it the same way not sure if it is because of the population difference but it's more populated here then on RT where i had way bigger loot waves that didn't make sense and felt unbalanced so not sure it's a matter of it being lower or higher but more balanced.

    I agree with just about everything else you said too very great constructive critisim and points out the good that they should keep doing.

    I havn't had to much issues with terrain though. I actaullyl like one oro spawn where they are all in this rocky area and they kinda sneak up on you and stuff though. Have you tried Oratan yet? They are pretty fun cause they have low hp but insance regen so you kind of have to kill quick and it feels like your in a standards first person shooter and you have to be carefull not to get swamped by them.
  16. Terminator

    Terminator Member

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    Didn't try the Oratan yet, first I couldn't leave the Owekos and now it's the Hadraada. I plan to finish my "try all mobs" round anyway. :) And yes, I'm now hunting in internal view as MA broke the external view hunting in VU10. :/
  17. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Great review, good and bad points are always helpful I think for everyone to think about, both developers and other players.

    Below are a few responses about some of your quotes, kind of my feelings about the topics and rumors I have heard.

    True, but I heard the development team is working hard at individualizing the mobs more. However Oro are the small class of Oweko, the Carabok are the smaller Halix etc I think is a nice addition to just adding a L0-100+ to the end of the same mob name.

    I kind of like the ruins myself, I think if treasure hunting was changed to be more like archeological digs at ruins only instead of just mining everywhere it would play a very important aspect to the landscape of Arkadia.

    Here also I like the tall grass in the green areas, sure it makes it somewhat harder to see the mobs but it adds to the aspect of the game. Make you feel more like your out in the wilderness hunting animals.

    I think they were just reserving naming these outposts for future additions or maybe even providing special names later on to go with the storyline or to honor players that do something outstanding etc. Kind of like MegaVolt Camp on Calypso.

    Ya I'm not sure about this one either, it is a blessing and a curse all at the same time it seems.

    There are a few mixed spawns on Arkadia but for the most part you are correct here and it is nice to be able to target particular mobs when needed. BTW the mixed spawns they do have are kind of fun to hunt in and some players enjoy those areas so hope that the current mixed spawns stay there.

    I agree I like it that the population here is not to the point of chaos. I hope that if it does start to get to crowded they introduce more land area.

    I've been hunting on this planet since 3rd day it came online and have never looted an UL item so don't feel alone on this one.