The problem with Treasure Hunting

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by slither, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. slither

    slither Active Member

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    After doing a fair amount of treasure hunting (enough to get to about level 10 if I had used a new avatar) I find that the main problem is that for 99.99% of it there is no difference to mining for ores and energy.

    In all the T-hunting i've done i've only managed to get a single SOOTO. I keep at it hoping to get a piece of the new armour, but I know that in a few thousand drops when I finaly get another SOOTO I am most likely to get a vase, and instead of being pleased with this i'll be totaly pissed off that after so long all I got was a minor treasure and i'll have to drop another 10k or so probes in hope of getting another treasure.

    In order to keep treasure hunting interesting and different to the other mining we really need to be getting more SOOTO. I don't expect to get one every run or even every day, I also don't expect to be getting great armour tresure all the time, I just need something to hold my interest.

    So can the ark team please try to figure out a way to increase the number of SOOTO and make treasure hunting fun. We could have a couple of rare 'ores' drop (like handsidian and angel on caly) or you could create a load more treasures (a lot of work) but It seems the easiest and most interesting way would be to let use find parts or fragments of treasure.

    Maybe we find a fragment of pottery and have to put it together with 5 or 10 more pieces in a refiner to create a vase, or we find a strap, metal shielding, padding etc to put together to make a complete piece of armour. I think this would be especialy good if these fragements could not be sold on auction so that treasure hunters would have to seek the parts from other T-hunters to complete something, maybe having weekly swap meets :)

    ATM treasure hunting is very little different to mining for ore, when just a little more thought and work could turn it into the fun and exciting proffesion it should be.
  2. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I makes sense but then the components could also be hunting loot as well, especially on low level mobs.

    Doing this gives the miners and hunters a common point that bypasses the crafters.
  3. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    Agree. As it is atm, TH is just a more expensive kind of mining, no real difference - in my view.
    I had hoped for more, for something new, fresh, exciting.

    Possible that not all is implemented yet, possible that there's still things to come, but at least today it feels kinda unfinished, dull, same old wine, just in another bottle.

    Ideas to make it better:

    • More SOOTOS. This could be any low-value find, a few entities from an ore/ enmat not available on Arkadia else, weapons from other planets (UL, with low TT - worn out Opalos for instance), Blueprints, decorative items, whatever - something out of the ordinary!
      Just anything but the same old stuff we'd get else. Those SOOTOS more often, instead of a claim we'd get else, replacing any 20th to 30th claim. A chance to find, with a lot of luck, a real treasure, maybe a few stones of Rugaritz in a mini, or even an ML-35 or comparable. Or, with less luck, a worn out Jester.
    • There might be a chance to spawn a special cave-dwelling monster. Depending of the search depth a more or less dangerous one:
      "You hear a strange noise from below, and the earth crackles while something is digging it's way to the surface. What have you awoken? Will you stay, or will you run?"

    Yep. 'nuff said.

    Have a good time!
  4. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I personally love the component idea, but I think those components should only be found by treasure hunting or inside instances. This way gives people more choice to get new stuff, you want it but don't like mining then go to instances. Or you can't afford to hunt with high-end armors then go to do treasure hunting, and the materials can be craft into keys to form a nice cycle to create certain demand for Treasure for a long while I guess.
  5. Calin

    Calin Member

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    After many thousands of drops I still haven't gotten a single SOOTO. IMO there should be some actual "treasure" found for at least every 200 drops. The vast majority of them would be low value items that simply add interest and maybe have some use as part of something more, and some would have enough value to really be considered "treasure".

    As it is now it is simply more expensive mining with not so great MU. If it's not going to be a better route to ped, then it should at least be more interesting.
  6. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I am mining treasures almost all time or more than ores or enmaters since starting June month, and not finding any sooto. I will be happy if i find a vase, i have 2 tables ready in my appartment for expose. Really i think first part for treasure subject is for all we know about new arkadian bp and components (almost all bp are tayloring), a lot of people have arkadian clothes or use arkadian armor. I think when next update arrive we will find more sooto, new-ancient arkadian bp and another nice things. Remember first word in this planet is "archeology".

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Milesio. (Archeology level 10, Treasure hunting level 13 or 14, not sure).
  7. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree when I heard about this treasure thing I was like wow some really cool things to put I’m my apartment or sell in my shop. But I like so many others I have been out their grinding the fields hunting for treasure and taking huge losses. I’m at the point where I’m trying to justify the peds I’m spending. See you drop for e-matter and ore it cost 30 probs, you drop treasureit cost 30 probs.

    But what is lacking is the ROI, I don’t mean just in ped I mean in treasure loot as well. I would value my ancient vase or other treasure items I find more valuable to me personally then if I got a 100-300 ped hof/global. I would love to have an ancient Arkadian scroll or a piece of pottery or just something in the forum of treasure that would open up a question of what were they like and what did they use this for.

    So I would say yeah I think we need more treasure if we are going to spend the same amount of probs on mining for treasure as we do for ore and e-matters then I think the return should be about the same not less. If it continues to go to less than Arkadia will see a drop in treasure hunting, because who wants to waste ped on something they never get “treasure”.
  8. Three

    Three Active Member

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    Agreed, so far it is a big fail, IMO.
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    After having bad luck hunting, crafting, mining and treasure hunting this week, I finally got something out of the ordinary. I discovered the Liakon Arm Guards (M), and it felt really good. I do agree the rate needs to be increased, though... as it was pretty discouraging up till about half an hour ago, considering the number of drops I've made so far. And considering that most drops are vases and paintings, and it would be nice to get a full set of armor some day, they should not be uber rare.
  10. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    yes i think we all agree with you Neil but i did 2050 drops and have got nothing so far not even a vase or a painting. So im about tocall it quits on the treasue my ROI is not worth the investment so far but it might change with the next VU but....... I fear MA does not like ark as much as the other planets IMO
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ATM, treasure hunting is OK for me... I'm mining only the areas that contain materials used in keys. Half or more of the loot is TT food, but at 130% MU for the others, it's enough to break even. We really need some "consumable" bps to use up the "Part of..." treasures that are only used in clothes so far. Things like mining amps that are used up quickly. Maybe those flashlights we've been wanting? :)

    Ark ores and enmats have been really good so far... only a handful of them are TT food (Pel, xelo, florican, zulax). It would be good to see the same happen for treasures.
  12. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    True i have been looking for areas that loot more of the key items but get stuck with alot of arrow heads and such. i must not be mining in the right areas? but i try to keep by the ruins but i think that is not working to well for me lol
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    There's nothing special about the ruins, as far as I can tell. DD said that they might evolve as future VUs come.

    I agree, unless they change the BPs, there are too many clothes materials vs. key materials.

    Hope I'm not divulging too many trade secrets here:


    1 Khorum Chemset Khorudoul
    2 Aarkan Songtil Vedacore
    3 Vedacore Songkra Chemset
    4 Vedacore Aakas Khorum Aarkan
    5 Songkra Khorum
    6 Songtil Vedacore Aarkan
    7 Vedacore Songkra Khorudoul Fossil Tooth
    8 Khorudoul Aarkan Songtil
    9 Songtil Aarkan
  14. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Really good idea, i would love to get 10 parts of a vase and then refine them into a vase. That way i at least get a sooto once a week/month.
  15. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ya I given up on that SOOTO fantasy, they don't exist people craft those items in their apartments under the veil of darkness and make them items look old and try to sell them saying they are artifacts :D

    But ya I stopped after I dropped over 6.5k peds worth of probes and only found the same mats over and over and not real treasures. I only mine for mats now to craft items.

    When I first heard about treasure hunting there were rumors you could only find them at those ancient dig sites, treasure hunting would have been much more fun if that was so. They should have made the finders like 1 m distance and can only at the digsites, would have been more like you being a archeologist then. But as they made it, I agree it is nothing new just more expensive mining, done anywhere, nothing really special just more mats to take up inventory, could have just did different formulas of same mats IMHO and gotten same thrill. I expect the same for this fishing experience, I expect nothing more then mining on water and even more mats to store and build up.

    If I can't find a river or lake stand on shore and toss my line in and fish, or take my boat out and drop a line in the water and catch something and it is just another finder and you drop lures instead of probes while swimming around in the water and you instantly get some random mat crap back I'll not be wasting my time on that addition at all.
  16. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    this is true Kmax i would have hoped for more to the treasure thing but like the only bp that takes flint arrow head is the modern curtian closed but who will use that ? ppl with apartments if they choose to change the look in there so that item is only tt food and hence not worth the time and effort to mine for it. and has that one even been found yet? And the axe head is only used in ankitus arm & gloves armor bps, and in ifn arctic shirt. so the rare elusive ankitus bp is not going to help the issue with that treasure. but hey im just a guy trying to get a cool treasure i have told my self another 500 drops and if nothing comes i will give it up as well.
  17. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Arrow head is also used in all the IFN Singlet BPs. Actually one of the most popular pieces of ark clothing. Only 1 flint arrow head per clothes tho... might be nice for MU if it used more.
  18. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Just saw a liakon glove drop in the new instances, is treasure hunting totaly pointless now u can find the stuff while hunting? hope something is getting done soon about this.
  19. xichejun

    xichejun New User

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    haha,It's a good idea, I will have a try.