I am looking for an individual who is a trustworthy community member who is maxxed out on the F-105 finder for enmatter and Ore. This individual will be paid a determined amount of ped to go MINING!!!!. Individual will mine spots That I tell you to, You must take screen shots of claims with map enlarged which you will then Email me. I will recieve 80% of the finds and the chosen Miner will recieve 20%. Please send me a pm with a screenshot of you with a F-105 on the detailed information page so that I know for sure you are maxxed on the Finder, Please also tell me Why you would want to do this and any other information you would like to share. This is time sensitive, so please be ready to start as soon as possible.
Crapsicles....103 ftw? Lemmie take a look see at the 105 and how close I might be... ED: OOp...Well obviously for the free skillz and a 20% cut - why lie? But also to hone in on my mining skills, which although are fairly low, I seem to have a decent sense on mining when I am patient enough to do it. Wouldn't mind getting some tips from Dr. Pig if he happens to throw some my way either. I used to do this for Smoerble on Ark (he let me use whatever finder, but he bought the probes). Ask him for reference...I think he actually made profit on my runs. Tippin'
Just a question... is there something special about the F-105? I only ask because it's got a really long SIB period. The Z20 is maxed 4 levels below an F-105 and it goes deeper too. That might open it up to a few more applicants (lvl 7 vs lvl 11).
Z20 is Fine as long as its around the same Depth as the F-105 its all good, Unfortunatly the F-103 is a bit shallow sorry
So I guess Being 4% from level 53 prospecting and 38 surveying would not be enough to prove I am maxed on teh 105? Are you looking for a farmer or help mapping?
Its a simple question, you are either maxxed on the F-105 or similar finder or you are not. I could care less about professional standings as long as you have maxed the depth on the f-105. Either way I found my miner for Arkadia. Thank you everyone for your interest.