FYI ..New Payment ?

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Milena, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ok ....


    Post Entropia Universe Partners With Sometrics For Amazing Offers - MarketWatch (press release)

    Entropia Universe Partners With Sometrics For Amazing Offers
    MarketWatch (press release)
    "Entropia Universe is happy to offer an alternative payment option to allow users to add funds to their in game account without actually dipping into their own ...

    and more

    ....looks for me like i shall spread my datas all around the world .......
  2. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Interesting, look forward to MindArk sharing details with the players ;)
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    on the starter page (of calypso) there is a link where you can click on. You then login to your personal EU-page where there are loads of deels (at least over here in the netherlands). Personally i can't be bothered with it, but i guess it is nice for people who like this kind of thing.
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    And what about this: "Download and play CrossFire for free now" 14,08PED "play the number 1 free-to.-play FPS"

    Should MA really advertise other games, even it MA calls EU a service most people think of it as a game I guess

    PS. I had to go to the deposit page and click "deposit with ...." whatever the name was...
  5. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    View attachment 4379 :soangry::soangry::soangry:
  6. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I swear it was 14.08 when I wrote that post

    And now it is 8.80 PED
    View attachment 4380
  7. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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  8. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Lol i guess the more people did a specific action the value of it drops, since it's a popular activity. Smart move of Sometrics, it's like seeing the real word equivalent of the sweat market :)
  9. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    other things have also decreased in value(and some increased), and my crossfire would still give me 8.80 PED and most likely a lot of headache and need to change emails etc.. if i did it
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I find this initiative quite appalling. Sucking people into loading lots of crap, consuming extra bandwidth.

    But it doesn't hurt me and I don't have to participate. So if it's something you want to inflict on yourself, it's not my role to restrict your choices.
  11. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    be careful with such offers, ppl!
    For instance, never ever reveal your true RL data - not your real name, your address, your telephone number! And for sure not the EMail you're actually using!

    Several risks:

    • You might end in a "marketing database" and become spammed into unconsciousness.
    • Providing your mobile phone number, not reading the careful hidden fine print, and clicking "OK" might cause quite expensive "premium services" you'd not really expect.
    • You might catch unwanted browser add-ons, spyware, worms, trojans and other malware.

    Again, be careful!

    This doesn't mean you cannot do this - free PED isn't what we'd leave lying on the ground, right?
    There's ways to avoid the risks. Lemme educate ya:

    • Just ignore anything that asks for your mobile phone number. Or get yourself an empty prepaid card not connected to your real data. Maybe registered with a fake identity? But chances are high that such won't work.
    • A fake identity. Write down the address of this big company up the road, find out the phone number of the exchange/ central office, and invent a fancy new name for you. Be kind, and don't use a real name that someone there could have, please! This would be quite nasty ...
      Hint: "John Doe" isn't a good name, using "Xandra 'MadMaiden' Xandottir" will get you ending as a nasty, stinking heap on the sidewalk, resembling sliced salami, and "Sheherezade the Beautiful" lacks a bit of credibility, too. Be creative, and use this fake identity often. The more you use it, the more credible it will be.
    • Use Virtual machines! Both VMPlayer and VirtualBox offer free ones, and you can quite easily setup a separate safe OS, utilizing the snapshot technology offered. Set up a running system, make a snapshot, do what you like, then return to the previously saved snapshot - Awesomeness! They'll feed you dozens of nasty malware programs, but you'll just close the session, restore the snapshot, and laugh at them ;-)
      Hint: Make sure your VM doesn't have any access to your real data, and cannot compromise your network. In case of doubt invest some bucks for beer & pizza, and invite your friendly neighborhood nerd.

    This should do the trick. You might grab the PED's in relative safety now. Anyways, always be conscious that the most dangerous of all security risks is the one sitting in front of the monitor, and that this can be, coincidentally, the best Anti-Virus measure, too. At the same time. Life is funny, right?

    Disclaimer: I have only quickly checked the offers linked at the EU main site. There's no way I could say that anything at all is dangerous with them, I haven't tested them. Reason for this post are experiences with similar offers that got more deeply inspected, and showed a remarkable degree of risk.
    Again: I'm explicitly not saying that anything is wrong with MA's offer. This has to be tested. Until then, I'm just asking for the usual measures of protection.

    Have a good time!
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  12. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeh using this websites with fake data is pretty safe I think. I love the hint of inviting the friendly nerd over but I don't think this is necessary for this site. It seems to provide somewhat *legit* services so I wouldn't be afraid of malware in the crossfire client. Giving away your real data on the internetz WHO DOES THAT? :D I had to change my adress etc. so MindArk could send me my GoldCard. xDD

    EDIT: Some of the survey sites are a bit strange indeed. I didn't have any problems with my fake email adress though. Just the usual offers that also ask for a phone number that has to be validated. Obviously DON'T use those. ^^
    So far only one offer for 5.5PED got confirmed for me. However you have to refresh the page to see that. I'll check back tomorrow to see what ended up working and what didn't.
  13. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    hi Xandra,

    you are absolutly right! these offers often reroute you to unsafe(i.e. check sites you usually wouldn´t visit.

    i did setup an new email to check some of the offers but this doesn´t work. you login to your entropia account and i guess you have to use this email for these surveys and stuff too. cause i did some surveys, often kicked out for being not in their `target group`, and all that showed in my account pages was i viewed these particular offers.
    ==>no peds recieved even for completing them and wasting my time.

  14. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Anyone else remember ZEHX and all the flack he got for doing this exact same thing lol. EU just took the idea from him lol....

    BTW ZEHX is the player that made me stay in this game, if it was not for him giving me like 800+ped for doing those stupid things I'd probably left within the first few weeks, his ped for stupid web surfing I could do while I sweated added up and got me hooked on the game. Sure he made more off my actions then me but it kept me playing this game. But then again I was after the PED to play not the cash IRL so it all worked out well for me.
  15. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    yes do all the actions on a seprate pc that you can resetup at any time as some actions from those links will toss tons of crap on your pc, some are malicious malware programs. So be careful and always use a pc that has nothing on it beside what you need to do what you need to get that PED. Also wise to setup a dummy email on yahoo, gmail, hotmail or equiv for those junk emails you will get. never use you primary email and never put any personal info in for anything when it asks. Use fake data unless you acutally want to apply for any of the ad's.
  16. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    On newer computers you can install VMware Player (free) or VirtualBox (free) and set up a second PC on your primary PC with either Linux or a 30-day trial of whatever version of Windows you have laying around. You can also download Windows 8 for free right now, since it's pre-release and use that.
  17. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    This whole association with Sometrics has many players very worried. Firstly security issues linking this company to your private details and the spam that will follow. These sort of sites that get you to give details, fill a survey for 50 cents and then get spammed forever is not a good look. Surely there are better ways to attract players than this. This clearly wasn't well thought through.
  18. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    again, in now way I'm able to say that this service does anything malicious, or just risky. I just haven't tried, I'm busy with other things at the moment. I don't want to spoil the reputation of a service that could be perfectly legal, benevolent and good to the community!

    My post was based on my experiences with similar looking services that I have tried, and on my experiences as part-time system administrator and security helper (in business I'd use "consultant", it's what those MBA's love to see ...).

    Being a bit more careful never hurts. I don't surf the web w/o NoScript (and AdBlock Plus), and never with IE, for sure. It's a bit tedious, I know, many web pages will only load after thinking first, then allowing the desired features.

    That's the price to pay. I don't want to get hijacked with any other malware, and, since my job requires it, I have to visit "shady sites" quite often. A site not working with NoScript enabled qualifies as "shady", usually. Did they only have most poor web designers, or have they been injected?

    For this the virtual machine, resettable to the basic snapshot. On a computer capable of running EU it should be no problem at all to run a VM too. Just one problem, from most VM's you see your network, or shared drives at least. This is dangerous. A malware will try to spread to any available discs.
    So, from your VM, no local disk nor computer should be accessible - not only in the explorer, but with ping, too. Explorer might fool you. But the malware might find it regardless.

    It's not this hard to isolate a VM, reliably. But 98% of the users might be heavily overcharged doing this. Thus my call for buying beer & pizza & inviting your friendly neighborhood nerd. It could be me - I'd enjoy it, provided you had bought enough beer of acceptable quality, and not the cheapest of pizzas - we're picky ...
    Don't forget, you'll not want to see him starving - you'll need him again, sooner or later! Hell, just - Feed your friendly neighborhood nerd well, or suffer the plagues of software hell, without any chance of rescue.

    Kind regards, your friendly neighborhood nerd :)

    PS: A "spare identity" based on RL verifiable data, isn't this standard yet? With suitable EMail accounts? Can you do Facebook and all this without shooting your legs, without?
  19. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    We understand what you said, Xandra. And the default setting in VMware Player is to bridge with the physical adapter. It therefore has no access to the host machine that you don't specifically give to it, which you have to install in the guest OS to even activate.

    Note: Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate is NOT suitable for this type of application. You must use VirtualBox or VMware Player (or Workstation if you want to pay for it) or a new VM in VirtualPC.