Looking for Space Ship Crew @Arkadia

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Smoerble, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    If possible, please keep this in General section, as I learned from discussions, that players are interested to join the crew, but would never consider a PVP fight (so PVP would adress the wrong target audience it seems). Also I wouldn't call this a service thing, as I don't offer a service, I look support from people that want to make Arkadia a safer place.

    For those who don’t know me:
    I chose Arkadia as my home planet long before the release and moved with all my stuff to Arkadia on day 1. Since a while I own a Privateer class space ship. I don’t do any regular flights, so this is not a hidden ad.

    I fly nearly every day to other planets, so very often I see priates. Most of the time they don’t attack us, this will change due to this post. So this is a call out to every brave soldier on Arkadia:
    Let’s make Arkadia Space Station a pirate free zone.

    For this I need of course a lot repair crew members, but more important:
    We need more gunners. This might not be a profitable business, but it’s fun and, to lower your costs, I pay a tiny(!) price for every dead pirate.

    I need you, the ship crew needs you, but most of all: Arkadia needs you!
    Apply for this membership right now!


    What does a membership cost?
    Nothing. I am too lazy to create any kind of regular service. So I don#t promise any regular service for you, in return I don't ask for any money. I want to have a crew, when we want to fight. Due to this, there is no setup fee or any other payment involved.

    Process to become a crew member?
    Easy: add me via player roster (you should know, how to do this).
    Send a PM that you want to be a gunner or repair crew member.

    What happens, when we want to kill a pirate?
    1) Whenever I see a chance to fight pirates, I will send a call via PM to every crew member who is online.
    2) If you want to support us, drop all your inventory to your storage.
    3) After a few minutes, you receive a message that you can beam directly to the Starfinder XIV.
    4) You can leave this window open until you dropped all stuff to storage and then confirm.
    5) You enter the hunting team in space, choose your preferred gunner seat and we’re off for a fight.

    What is the ship’s home planet?
    As explained above: Arkadia. The ship is in space around Arkadia about 20 hours/day.

    Can I do something when the ship is not under fire?
    Yes, we keep the ship damaged most of the time and you can repair it as much as you like (as long, as it’s damaged).

    Do I get free flights to other planets?
    No. If you want to fly with us to other planets, you will need to pay for the trip(s) (most of the time, you can fly both ways for the price of one ticket, depends on who the pilot is). As I don't want to get flying customers with this post, I will to discuss prices here, sorry. No regular flights at all. People who try to use this to get free tickets will 1) get kicked from the ship and 2) will be announced officially on my blog as a warning to every other space ship crew.
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  2. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

    Long waiting for this and now that I leave arkadia for a few weeks....damn :'(

    I'll join as soon as I get back :p
  3. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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  4. Camilla DK

    Camilla DK Member

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    sounds like fun, and since u are from Germany, we have same time zone.. would not be bad to get repair skills a bit p, or even kill some pirate bastard.. im on Ark so will give u a freind request later..

    // Camilla DK
  5. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    I may be able to do some weekend repairing, or gunner. Either is fine by me. Also depends on if I am in a hunting run at the time. I'm currently lvl 30 VSE, but can always use more skills. I have not had much time in the gunner's seat but it is not something I just have to do either, depends more on funds availability than anything else. If interested let me know, I can add you to FL in game.
  6. Lokia

    Lokia Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Smoerble, I already have you on FL, and am happy any good ship in Ark space. My repairing has slowed down alot because it is really not worth the flight to Calypso to skill. If I have funds I enjoy shooting in space even if I'm not that good at it. Feel free to have me come up and repair any time though. I always have the funds for that.
  7. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Great to see some gunners join the team, thanks a lot. I check Arkadia's space station later tonight... :)
  8. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Just a little update:
    A few days ago, I saw 3 pirates waiting in their Quad Wings at Ark Station. They did not attack us when we were heading out. So we came back, headed out again afetr a while... nothing... they were attacking a Sleipnir thoiugh.

    We even tried to lurk them out by sending a quad wing in the direction of Arkadia... they did not attack. So that's harder than expected.. a few weeks ago we got attacked all the time.
  9. nirfu

    nirfu Member

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    Could u please add info about what ammo is needed to bring for a gunner? And maybe the cost/shot or what amount u would need.
  10. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    The Privateer has a TT on board, no need to bring anything. I don't know the exact prices for shots, don't even know, if they are all the same. Will check this.
  11. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    If the privateer has the same guns and dmg as a MS, then close to 1 ped per shot if I remember correctly. But it has been awhile since I been up there. Still it is fun to shoot at mobs, human or other wise.

    My 5 pecs worth.