Post your ideas for Treasure and Artifacts

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by Few Scars, May 31, 2011.

  1. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I;ve always wanted treasure and this whole planet to kind of be like a clive cussler novel or like the National Treasure Movies.
  2. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    i would like Items which are telling a storyline and need further activity/investigation of the community or can take part in events.

    - "This is a rusty old chest. Something rumbles inside when its moved. This chest cant be opened without its key"

    - "This is a ancient looking key. It seems to fit somewhere"

    Will it be worth to buy the key from its finder or better sell the chest? You decide! =)

    - "This is a arctifact. No one of the locals could tell what it is. Maybe someone specialised in archeology can?"

    To reveal the items use someone with high skill in "Scan Artifacts" must scan it with a scanner before more can be done... For that you need someone with "Scan Artifact Skill" of course ingame =) After that you get a new description on the item with a new task or quest:

    - "A specialised Archeologist remembered that this device was used to open doors in the past. Where can it be?"

    Find the secret door in some digsite to reveal a depo with a unique item.
    (When you give the chance to find something "unique" then at least let the player search several month maybe =) )

    For a big big big surprise:
    - "Once upon a time the farmer Yos Bodenschwung and some friends of him went to the city for his 50th birthday party. The story's tell that Bodenschwung had his Land Deed on him and lost it as the night was very long and the glasses deep. As Bodenschwung was a lonely living farmer without further family members you are now the owner of a Land Area. Please contact Cyrus at Arkadiaforum to claim your land"

    - "You have found the remains of the farmer Yos Bodenschwung. You see that his skeletton holds a last letter. "On my 50th Birthdayparty i lost my land. Since then i never had anything. Just the last secret. Hidden in the snow."

    What can it be? Find it...

    Land Deed:
    - "You seem to have found something massive made of stone. As it seems to be very massive, further changes to the ground have to be made to reveal it."

    Construction Machines (vehicles):
    - "This is a machine of earth excavation. It is used to dig around massive artifacts."

    - "This is a machine to strenghten a massive artifact while others dig around it."

    - "This is a digsite headquarter container. It is used to coordinate a dig of a massive artifact."

    All players who got these machines can together dig up the massive artifact of the Land Deed finder. To use the machines could require a certain skill level of some profession or so. For instance: Someone who uses the headquarter tent must have a certain skill level in mentoring or promoter...Activity in team and encouragement to skill up =) or just sell your find to someone who want to take part in the dig to offer the digservice to the Land Deed finder... Machines need repair while useing... etc.Imagine such project need to involve 15-20 players for more then 4 weeks to unfold the artifact... that be fun. One Land Deed finder has to coordinate a team of 20 people for a month to get his find... cool stuff and fun fun fun as several players must take time to do so. maybe all even take holiday from work to do it. so its been finished within 1,5 years... longterm teamplay =)
  3. slasha

    slasha Member

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    you have found the ruins to an ancient building ! You obtain the land rights ! (could be for an estate/castle/fort ect or Like a deed for a part of a feudal system land area (1 LA many deed holders )

    fossil bones that form dna for ancient beasts (or one off ((or rare))pets when pets come back!If this happens i want the best one as reward for the idea:p)

    strange mining device's (ul enhancers idea) one device that can summon claims from a huge area at once at least as big as a dome or small LA (maybe you cant un equip these special enhancers once attached)

    Area effect extractors to go with the super summon claim that will drain all the claims after summoning at once :D

    a type of mindforce chip(or other tool/enchant/ that will tp you 110 meters in your chosen direction very accuratly .that is eco too !!

    shades (or helmet for armour too)of the ancient geologists that show you where you last dropped a probe and a 55m grid over the landscape based on your last probe position .
  4. endo

    endo Member

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    "Personal shield, protects people as extra layer of protection, like an electronic armor. It would take a few hits, maybe protecting for 20 points or something, also more powerful protects against more, but using it takes energy that takes time to recharge, so you get maybe 4 hits then its back to your armor for the rest."

    I like this. Powered by sweat.
  5. endo

    endo Member

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    You have found a map.
    Give you location and depth of global/ HOF ore or emat find that can only be hit while holding the map. Map can tell you what type you will find. You can sell the map. (This would be an interesting market). Map disappears after use.