Cyrus|Arkadia Community Manager Interview with Normandie Radio!!

Discussion in 'Normandie Radio' started by isclay, Mar 15, 2012.

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  1. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Was a great interview, well done Cyrus and Isclay :)
  2. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  3. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Great interview Isclay! Thanks to Cyrus for taking the time to do it.
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  4. Kevlie

    Kevlie Member

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    Very interesting interview, great job Isclay and normandie radio ! :)
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  5. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Cyrus Interview~Transcript: Part 1

    Hey hey! It's DJ Isclay on Normandie Radio. Everybody welcome! We're here at Celeste Harbour with Cyrus Chen of Arkadia Studios. Just want to welcome everyone to the's not going to be your typical show today. It's just gonna be a conversation we are gonna have here with Cyrus.

    I: So how ya doing Cyrus! Welcome to DJ Isclay's Cafe.

    C: Thanks Rick...Pleasure to be here. Happy Easter guys thanks for listening in.

    I: Ah that's nice of ya, very nice of ya...somebody bring us some Easter Bunny's please.

    I: Well you know we just wanted to sit you down and talk about Arkadia Studios and talk about you in particular. You know...find out a little about you and let our listener base know just what's going on in your life if we could.

    I: What we'd really like to know right off the bat here is: What's a typical day like for ya here at the office?...I mean how does your day start, how do you get to work? You know just give us a little tid-bit on that.

    C: Ah..well let me see here...Well every day is pretty much different. I take on various duties within the company which includes production work like the videos and marketing collateral’s and maintenance of the website, social media platforms, client loader stuff. I also attend meeting regularly with various partners but usually I just let Dave do all the talking. (laughs) It's's good. He's never aggressive and had the uncanny ability to get what he wants without being pushy. It's a great learning experience actually. Dave makes sure I get to learn these things and help develop my skills like how a business is run and how relationships are made. So lots of good things to look forward to in the office and I enjoy it very very much to be honest.

    I: Oh I bet you are and understand from David that you guys work a lot of long hours?

    C: Yeah, yeah, uh we do. Sometimes it can be 12-16 hours in a day.

    I: Well you know that's good I mean the way David put it to me what the people get in the office there and put their heads down but they still like to have a lot of fun to and I can sure appreciate that.

    C: Yeah, yeah we do have a lot of fun. Especially during our weekly meetings it's like all of us share ideas and stuff like that.

    I: I you guys toss a little football around the office sometimes?

    C: Nah nah we don't. (laughs) That would make everything messy.

    I: Yeah I bet.

    I: And Speaking of David anyways...You guys have known each other for quite some time and uh, I just wanted to get your, well obviously you've told how Dave is but does he have to put his foot down sometimes to get everybody back in line?

    C: Ah...He's really not that strict b/c all the guys know what we have to do here. For me personally he gives me a lot of freedoms to do what I want and uh, never really questions what I do most of the time. And this I really appreciate.

    I: I bet you do and I mean it's good to have a boss that doesn't micro-manage right?

    C: Yeah right. Micro-management is...I don't like micro-management. (laughs)

    I: Yeah...No one does. I don't think anyone like to to have their shoulder looked over at all times you know.

    C: Yeah.

    I: Uh well I gotta ask ya about this, um, I understand you're gonna get married?

    C: Uh...(laughs). Word does get around doesn't it?

    I: It does.

    C: Well I was supposed to have it last month but due to some personal issues, uh, it has been put off. I haven't really had the time to think of a replacement date date has been set yet.

    I: Ah...See that was going to be my next question. And when you do set a date make sure to ah, obviously if you're inclined to, you can let us know when that is so we can you know ah, send out gifts and everything else.

    C: (laughs)...Uh that sounds good and I'm hopeful that it will be this year.

    I: Well yeah...I'm hopeful too. And congratulations on that, you know, the heart wants what it wants, that's my mantra.

    I: OK so let's go with entertainment. What do you like to do when you're not at the office? What kind of activities do you do? I know that's not very much, you're not outside the office very much but you gotta get down the bar or something sometime don't ya?

    C: Uh right now I'm trying to get a little fitter so I've been trying to hit the gym at least three time a week. And I do enjoy the occasional movie of various genre and I'm also a bit fan of Manga's and animations ...have you heard of it?

    I: I have heard of it yes.

    C: Oh they are huge in Asia so..

    I: Oh well yeah...

    C: And being Asian I'm kind of hooked.

    I: I've actually read some of that stuff myself for a number of years.

    C: Do you like it?

    I: Oh I do, I do. Some of it's a little bit difficult for me to understand at time but you know I enjoy anything that's animated.

    C: OK, that's cool.

    I: Let me get a question in here from our Society and Normandie Mothership. DJ Bonnie
    or Captain Bonnie as she's known on the MS...Ah she wanted to know who's idea was is to make the Nusul so cute?

    C: Ahh...The Nusul, it was Dave actually. Dave really wanted to introduce a creature that is vastly different from any Mob in EU. And bring in some reactions from the community, which I think he seems to have achieved.

    I: Oh! It think so. People are excited about Nusul...Very excited about Nusul. I know I am.

    C: I know some people have said it's too cute..and it looks like Barney.

    I: (laughs) Barney!

    C: I think most of it is pretty positive.

    I:'s all positive. I haven't heard a sideways word about Nusul. Not one.
    C: OK

    I: So back on that question, DJ Bonnie she also wants to know would this Nusul be tame-able at some point?

    C: For this we will have to see what the taming system can do. It's being re-introduced by Mind Ark and yeah I don't really have an ETA (expected time of arrival) for this.

    I: OK yeah and I wasn't going to ask for you an ETA but just as a side note there...You know a lot of people are into the taming thing and uh, it went away quite some time ago. I know I'm excited about it b/c I have Pet Deeds myself so I kinda wanna see how that goes and I know that you don't have control over that part of it so.

    C: Yes but it's in the plan since we made Nusul so cute so if we can we will most probably make it as a pet.

    I: Well that sounds good to me...I'm clapping my hands. That sounds great!

    I: Well I wanted to touch on Arkadia Advisers just really quickly. It's a good program. I've got a lot of good friends in the program and I think the player base really appreciates with the Arkadia Advisers do. And I just wanted to know if you thought things were going well with Arkadia Advisers?

    C: Yeah I think it's going really well. The aim was for the AA's was to work with AA's to assist new players. The Advisers are also a great source of feedback on what's going on in the game. So we as developers can focus fully on producing great content for the community.

    I: Well yeah...we uh, are out wearing the vest and everything like that you know I'm getting a lot of questions and we go up to the bar there at Resolute and we see people coming in and we just try to chat them up a little bit. And that's basically all you gotta to for player retention. All ya gotta do is be a friend to somebody and help them out a little bit. That's been my experience and it's been a good one.

    C: Yeah I've heard from some of the new players that you guys are so friendly that they think you're scammers. But no worries people from Arkadia are like this.

    I: No we're not scammers and we're also not the police and I've said that before but ah...I just wanted to get your feeling on that.

    I: Now I got a question here now from Silvia Unicorn Hart and she wanted to know: Do you have a skateboard or surfboard or do you do these sorts of activities?
    C: Skateboard or Surfboard ah? Ah unfortunately I don't to both of these but if given a chance I might try surfboarding. Nothing special for the choice just a matter of personal preference.

    I: I've done a fair bit of surfing myself, it can be really fun. My recommendation is you start out with a boogie board.

    C: Boogie board? Ah...What is a boogie board?

    I: A boogie board is ah...think of it as a small plank but about 3 feet wide and you can put it against your chest and kind of ride waves and get used to how the water is.

    C: Ah yes..I've seen this in the movies and shows.

    I: Exactly right...Cause if you start with a surfboard it can be daunting...very daunting. Now the water is warm over there isn't it?

    C: Ah yes it is but the waves are not that big here so you really can't do surfboarding here.

    I: Sounds like a trip to Australia is in your future?

    C: Yeah I'm planning a trip there...I haven't been there myself but I hope there's a chance in the future.

    I: Excellent, excellent. She also wanted to know is there other things you do at the office that's not related necessarily to the job. Do you mentor people or do people mentor you?

    C: Ah I think I've mentioned it before that I do other stuff in the company. Like production work and marketing collateral’s...and I also do other ad-hock duties like sending the Alien-Ware Mouse to the post office, repairing and sending the computers down for repairs when needed.

    I: Ah OK alright. It kind of gives us an idea of a day in the life of Cyrus Chen and Arkadia Studios. Ya know the one thing I have to say about it is, we sure do appreciate your work. You know we do.

    C: Thanks man.

    I: An let me get this question, I gotta ask...It's still again from Silvia here...she says: what do you think of a "bot" that travels around ark with a camera...that might provide some streaming video to the Arkadia's website? That would keep people staying on the site and create a unique challenge for the player base (maybe) to find the bot, shoot and loot.

    I: It sounds “dynamic” to me but it also sounds fun too.

    C: Yeah. I think it's an interesting idea but I don't really get involved in the technical side of things so I'm not 100% sure that it's possible to implement. This may be a good one to share in the Developers Section on the forum and I can have the Dev's check it out and reply.

    I: I will do that...I will do that for sure. I will definitely get that into the Dev's place there.

    I: So...let me think here...I had a couple more questions here: Ah from Bjorn, if ya know Bjorn ah...he wanted to know: Was there any news on Arkadian style limited and unlimited spacecraft?

    C: Uhmm...It's not high up on the agenda yet b/c you know we are pushing to launch the Treasure Hunting System and our focus in bigger picture sense is to get the Instance Missions up and running this year. I think most of the players would like to see the implementation of the Treasure Hunting System this year rather than say...10 Spacecrafts right? We don't really have a big team so we have to measure up our priorities like always.

    I: Oh sure, sure...and then now that you mention Treasure Hunting...Are we still sort of close to the release of Treasure Hunting and Underground?

    C: Ah, we are getting closer but I thing there is no point in giving a date which I am not sure of.

    I: No, absolutely not.

    C: One thing I can confirm is that it will be this year. Yeah we're working hard on that.

    I: Ahhh...That's great news.

    C: I have a question here from our good friend Corrianna Trina Xenophage...

    I: Cyborg Bill...

    C: Cyborg Bill right I cannot pronounce the last name but ah...What he wanted to know is: If Arkadia will get their version of rare ores and en mats..meaning is there any plan for ores that are really rare you know like what they have over on Calypso with Redulite and things like this?

    ~END Part 1~
  6. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Cyrus Interview~Transcript: Part 2

    C: Ah no...It's not in the plans currently. We are monitoring the situation and I think we can explore the various solutions to it. And it's not my position to confirm that we will have a solution but I can let you know that we are keeping tabs on the situation.

    I: Oh good, good. I think that's all that's needed you know? Are there plans for it is really what's it's looking like and I know from me, I'm a miner and I do some really good mining here on Arkadia. I mean the best mining I've done in my entire state of game-play. It's really good here...I have just nothing but great luck here and I've had more globals here than I ever had before. And so any information about mining is just very near to my heart ya know.

    C: OK

    I: OK...I've a got a question here now from Yao-Te

    C: Yao-Te (correctly my pronunciation of the name)

    I: Ah he says that how ya say it?

    C: is...I've actually met Yao-Te in Taiwan.

    I: Yeah OK...Cause I wouldn't have known that but now I will know.

    I: Ah...He wanted to know: Kim said Mindark's employee can play the game with a secret avatar just like regular players, the ped they spent are from estate, Mothership etc. that have been sold through the auction. Does Arkadia has secret avatar for employee's?

    C: Not currently...ah b/c of the Arkadia Adviser Program and also by the way we have been communicating with the player base either on forum or in game, we don't need a secret Avatar. Again we'd rather focus on building a good game for the community than say playing around in an Avatar.

    I: Well you know I don't always see ya but I have you on my FL and when ya pop in I go “Well there's Cyrus, he's just come into the game, he's just come in.” And obviously when David comes in or you come in or anybody that's high level I don't try to bum-rush them. You know I don't like run right to where they are go hey! But I imagine it happens and people see ya and say “hey man!” and ya get like PM's PM's PM's PM's right?

    C: It happened initially but now people or so used to seeing me around and they're like “Oh hi Cyrus..ah bye.”
    I: Yeah right well and I know your a busy man and I think people do realize that you are busy and you're not there necessarily to come in and answer questions all the time right?

    C: Yeah they go but it's good that I go in and receive some feedback from the players sometimes and there is always something new to learn for me as well. Like something we may have missed as developers.

    I: Right and obviously we try too. When we see thing that are you know a little off kilter or strange or things that aren't working we try to report them right away. Especially as Arkadia Advisers b/c we get the reports. People come an say this or that is wrong or messed up...we try to submit those as we can ya know?

    C: Yep.

    I: Ah....OK let's see here. Wanted to get a laugh out of ya so...AJ...AJ502 of the Motorboating Chinesers he says uhm: What about the Bar...Tell us about AJ's Bar.

    C: Uh...come on AJ it's been such a long time man...(laughs) get off it. OK seriously we are not considering to get an AJ Bar in game anytime soon.

    I: Is that what it's about?

    C: (laughs) Yeah...b/c of before the Moonshine Bar was implemented he was saying he wanted to get, he wanted a bar at Celeste so...but at that time we already had the Moonshine Bar in the test server so I told him it was coming but it's just not A’s Bar. (laughs)

    I: Ah...well I've liked the bar...ever since you guys implemented it. I've spent some time know...come in...drinks on Isclay today, you know what I'm saying.

    C: Yeah

    I: Sit around the bar and tell stories...we do that up the The Resolute Bar too. I know I was doing a show from the New Arrivals Lounge and we were just sitting around in there for about an hour before the show just telling stories...Like give me your stories and I might read them out on air or something like that. It was pretty fun.

    C: Yeah that's really cool man.

    I: Well and the new players they come in and they see that there's like 15-20 people standing around and they're like “What's goin on???” and we're like “Hey we are having a party here, you're welcome, come on in!”
    C: Welcome to Arkadia.

    I: Exactly right...welcome to Arkadia and the first place you found was a party.

    C: Yeah.

    I: Yeah it's all good.

    ~~~Station Identification Here~~~

    I: I got a question here from Huskie from the forum. I'm not sure of his avatar name. He wanted to know, he says: With the announcement Kim made of MA overhauling avatar and clothes appearance, will that affect the release date of Arkadian clothes? As in: will you wait until that overhaul or implement them on your own time schedule?

    C: Ah...I'm not sure to be honest. I can't guarantee these things since I'm not the producer but ah I think we can expect to have clothes in by the end of May. If not it will probably be in another update in following weeks.

    I: Ah, OK Cool. I think that answers the question. For the most part I mean. They're gonna overhaul the clothing but we don't know when that's going to be.

    C: Hmmm actually we do know but...(laughs)

    I: But you can't disclose it yeah?

    C: Yeah.

    I: OK well that's fine. That's all good, I mean, I'm not asking for a time line on that. But I wanted to clarify so that Huskie understands that it's not something that you can control but you're not necessarily gonna wait is the way I understand it.

    C: Yeah we'd like to have clothes in a soon as possible but some things can't be helped as well.

    I: Uh huh. Alright well let's go on to the next question here. I got a question here from Dean Scott who is also an Arkadian Adviser: What was your biggest disappointment and best surprise in first year with Arkadia?

    C: Biggest disappointment? There has been things that took longer than expected like textures and shops & apartments which are now in game which is good. In the process they were improved a lot of times so I think the final production release is better. And yeah I think that was the disappointment part. As for surprises...ah...don't know about surprises but maybe highlights. I think the highlight for me this year was the release of the New Player Experience. As Dave put was it was instrumental for us to increase the retention rate of players coming through from Genesis. So seeing how the team developed the area and the quality of work in such short time was really phenomenal. And seeing how the team worked through that period, I think it was a highlight and a surprise for me.

    I: Well that's good. I know we discussed that with David and we're really happy with the NPE and I know anybody who's ever done it, I have heard nothing but good news on that.

    C: It took a lot of work as Dave has already told you in his interview.

    I: And the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] part of his question from Dean Scott is: Which planned feature, more than any other, do you hope to see implemented in Ark's 2nd year?

    C: definitely the release of Treasure Hunting System and Instances.

    I: Yeah.

    C: Looking forward to that.

    I: Yeah everybody's looking forward to that especially me. I think I'm the #1 Treasure Hunting fan and it's hasn't even opened up yet.

    C: I think the Arkadian Community have a lot to look forward to this year.

    I: Yeah we do and it's very exciting. I mean people come and ask and we have a lot of chats about this and that in our Skype and our Society and everything. Ya know about new features and things that are coming and I just think it's wonderful. Most other people do as well.

    I:Alright well let me ask you from Tim Fisher and Tim is also an AA: Do you think that we will lose some players to Cyrene, Planet Cyrene? I know people are excited about Cyrene but do you think we will actually lose players or?

    C: Uhm OK...I have no doubt that Planet Cyrene will be a great addition to EU. And personally I'm looking forward to the launch. I think we can fully expect may people will go and check it out and explore. It's only natural right? But I'm also confident of the strong community on Arkadia and that Arkadia really stands for something for a lot of players.

    I: Yeah...I think so too. And I know for me, I am going to visit Cyrene b/c I visit every planet that comes on. But my personal feeling on that is that people who come to Arkadia, a lot of people have moved from Calypso and Rocktropia etc. They come here and they find nice environment and a great group of people and I think they are making it their home. I know a lot of players who have done it. Mel is one and I know several others who have picked all their stuff and just moved it to Arkadia b/c you know what? It's just BETTER.

    C: I can't comment on that. (laughs)

    I: Alright well we'll move on here.

    C: We're better, we're better YEAH! (laughs)

    I: (laughs)

    I: And I got Kevlie here who is a new AA. And a good guys he is: Will there be any massive community events in the future on Arkadia? Like on Calypso (fashion shows, Mr and Mrs Calypso) ?

    C: I think a lot of these events are usually player driven as the planet matures. We will add more events and facilities on Arkadia. This will help with these sort of events.

    I: Right

    C: And I do see the interest from players writing to me wanting to organize this type of community events so for sure we can see them on Arkadia in the near future.

    I: Oh great. That's excellent. Now I wanted to know just from the personal side. Now you're from Malaysia not Singapore right?

    C: Yes I'm a Malaysia Citizen and Singapore permanent resident.

    I: Ah good. Now I don't know much about Singapore or Malaysia but maybe you could shed some light...What's Malaysia like? I mean it's obviously your home so. What's good about Malaysia that you can tell us?

    C: OK I think the main difference between Singapore and Malaysia is that Malaysia has a pace that is in general slower. The pace in Singapore is faster but I think it's good food in both country's. Singapore is a very small country but very safe and straight country which is great for doing business and experiencing a mulch-cultural's the same with Malaysia. Because we are so near right.

    I: Well how far is that. I'm no geography buff so I don't know. Is that far away? I know it's in the same area but how far is Singapore from Malaysia then?

    C: Ah...just the Causeway away. About 10 minutes driving. 10 to 15 minutes driving if there is not jam at the Causeway.

    I: Oh? So you get to go home everyday?

    C: Uh No. Because in Malaysia I am on the Jahore side. My home town is a state in Malaysia. It's called Jahore. It's the nearest to Singapore so if I have to go home, travel back and forth every day I could but it will take maybe 2 hours to travel to work and 2 hours to travel back.

    ~END Part 2~
  7. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Cyrus Interview~Transcript: Part 3

    I: Ohhh? OK so when you go over to Singapore you just stay over there then for whatever work you've got to do. OK I see, I see.

    I: Well that's good. I think we ought to take a little bit of a break.

    C: OK sounds good.


    I: Alright welcome back to DJ Isclay's Cafe on Normandie Radio. I'm here with Cyrus Chen from Arkadia Studios and we're just having a polite conversation here talking about Cyrus and talking about Arkadia and different things going on over at Arkadia Studios in Singapore. Welcome back Cyrus and welcome back to everybody else.

    C: Thanks Rick. Hi again guys!

    I: It's really good to talk to ya...I know that this interview for me and for many of my friends obviously has been highly anticipated and not to forget we REALLY appreciate you taking the time out to talk to us.

    C: An no worries. I have nothing much to do on the weekends anyways.

    I: Right on, right on. I wanted to ask...I got a couple more questions here. Got a question here from David M. Now he sent it in an email so I don't know his Avatar name. He wants to know, well one question he had was: Is there any plans to implement a submarine? In the game?

    C: A submarine huh? I don't think there's plans for it but for vehicles...there are other plans for new vehicles other than submarines, I don't know about plans for a submarine but the main focus is of the Dev Team right now as I just mentioned here is Treasure Hunting. So vehicles will come but it will be in the future.

    I: Well that's good to know. I mean obviously vehicles that are Arkadia based, we've touched on that a little bit already earlier in the interview. Ya know I think your right, Treasure Hunting and Underground need to come before we start...ah the vehicles to me, new vehicles, that's more a bonus to me, you know what I mean?

    C: Yeah I understand but I'm glad that the feedback on the hoverpods are generally good.

    I: Generally good? Awesome! I love it. I got an MK2 and I had Mel texture it to Carabok
    and it's perfect for me. It's utility for me, I use it for mining. I'm not a very good driver. I got it stuck in a TP the other day and I got stuck in there...I had to jump from the thing b/c it was stuck inside the Teleporter. (laughs) – I guess it was trying to tell me: “You need to go somewhere else.” (laughs)

    C: (laughs)

    I: I couldn't drive it very well...but that's neither here nor there...I can't fly a quad or land one either so. (laughs) – Well that pod goes fast! The Mk2 is really's like whoa! Slow down a little bit...ya only got forward and stop.'re either balls out down the road in the hoverpod or you're crashing it. (laughs)

    C: (laughs) Ah you gotta be really careful when pressing the left and right arrows. Very meticulous.

    I: Exactly! You should have been in quarry the other day. We were there and a good friend of ours Oberon...He built a ramp and they were jumping the hoverpods over the ramp. It was absolutely awesome.

    C: There is a plan to have a hoverpod race...We will try to squeeze it in to the production pipeline to have a race track.

    I: Yeah see that's what we're looking for b/c Normandie MS, Normandie Radio and Age of Enlightenment we do races over at Calypso at New Switzerland. I think we do them about once a month or it's good for new players and old players. Anybody can come and race.

    I: And now Teshik is one of our DJ's and also a very good friend of ours...he's asking, he wanted to know if you had heard of these races? He's in the middle of organizing a course for Arkadian Style races which I'm certain would include hoverpods. Do you want to get involved with that and see if we can find a space for it? Are you planning to build and actual track?

    C: I think my discussion for Dave is not exactly a track but more of a terrain so you guys can play with it.

    I: Oh yeah, yeah yeah. Because see I attended the races...

    C: It's gonna be natural not a built one. It's gonna be terrain based.

    I: That's awesome b/c the way we do the races, the one we do a Switzerland is ya start out in a boat, you pick up a chopper about 1/3 of the way through. Your going through the water and you get to the end of that and then you pick up a chopper and and you fly that to a certain area and land and then you grab a valk, a Valkyrie and then you run that Valkyrie for the rest of the race. So if you're gonna do it as a terrain track it would be perfect for us...just include some water in there and it'd be great!

    C: OK but ETA for this. Hopefully it will be this year.

    I: Well what we can do is try to coordinate with when you get 5 minutes time and we're looking at spaces, Teshik is out there looking. It's something that we could work together on possibly. We will certainly give you our input as time goes on.

    C: Any feedback would be very very helpful b/c ah...

    I: Now how did I know you were gonna say that? (laughs)

    C: (laughs) You guys might think of stuff that we haven't thought of before will definitely be great to hear whatever feedback you guys have.

    I: Yeah we're keeping our eyes open on that. And ah you know David M., from his email he sent me. Talking about Weapons and texture crafting is doing great. Any plans to release tools (faps & finders) that are better than the Calypsoidian counterparts?

    C: There are plans to release tools but...I can't say whether they will be better than the ones currently available on the other planets but you can be sure it will be at least on par.

    I: Well that's all we can ask for I think. I don't think we're asking for anything real special. I know as a miner myself I use a variety of finders and so I'll be looking forward to any tools that get implemented for sure.

    I: OK let me see here. We touched on this a little bit with David but I wanted to get your feeling on it. PvP Zones are not really on the agenda for Arkadia?

    C: It's not really high up on the list but I think there will be PvP Zones but we are not so keen on it being loot-able. There might be chance for a PvP Zone in the future but I see that the chances are very slim for it to be loot-able. There are many other places you could go for PvP loot-able areas.

    I: Yeah and I haven't spent a lot of time in PvP Zones but a lot of people ask me where are the PvP Zones...I say ya got the Arena...that's what ya got. For now.

    I: So let me ask you about the Ad Campaign. How the Ad Campaign going for Arkadia...are we getting a lot of new players? I know I'm seeing them.

    C: I think the Ad Campaign is going pretty well but I don't have the actual statistics with me. Maybe Dave could share it with you in the next interview. But what I can tell you from the reports from MA is we are getting a steady increase in new players. I would say the campaign is pretty successful.

    I: I know it's certainly successful in my mind. I know I've seen plenty of the ads when I'm out on the web. You're the one who creates those? Am I wrong?

    C: Yep. I was the one who created the Videos and the Marketing Collateral’s.

    I: Yeah...and good job on that. That stuff looks great!

    C: Still need improvement though. (laughs)

    I: Yeah I imagine you might think so...but I'm getting a lot of...well, when I see the videos...I get a lot of people asking about the videos and link it over to them. We see them in various places...I think you guys are doing a great job. The videos are just wonderful, I love them.

    C: I appreciate it.

    I: So let me put you on the spot just a little bit here: We know that you and David are listeners and fans of Normandie Radio. What are the chances NR could get an in game live stream of music in certain areas on Arkadia? Instead of listening to in game music, you could pick up a stream in the game?

    C: Hmmm?

    I: If you know...or if you don't....

    C: I'm not to sure on this maybe I could skip this question? (laughs) It is an interesting idea but ah...I'm not 100% sure if we will implement it on Arkadia. I've been hearing feedback on the forum on one thing...about a surround sound system for the apartments...So people can stream their music in their apartments and have parties.

    I: Yeah!

    C: I think we will be looking into it and see if it's possible for us to put it in soon.

    I: Sound totally awesome to me.

    I: I mean I think that's kind of what we're looking for is...and I don't think that's, obviously from the way it sounds, that's not just Normandie Radio? You could be in a apartment and be able to pick up whatever stations you wanted to hear.

    C: Yeah that's the plan b/c people have different tastes for music so it's good to give them a choice.

    I: I need to ask for an update about the Pied Piper with the mining and hunting for the Mice. Has that program been extended now?

    C: Yes it has been extended previously until all the items have been dropped. They have been too slow to drop and it's a concern we have raised with MA. But most of them have already dropped. I haven't had the final statistics but I should be sending the last few batches next week.

    I: Oh good, good, good. Because what I really want to know is when am I going to get mine? I mean I'm mining every single day man, come on man..give me some shelter here buddy. (laughs) Just kidding, just kidding.

    C: (laughs) We are going to look to have some discussions with other partners to see what other collateral’s we can give in the near future. Still in promises yet. Hopefully we can get some more items for you guys.

    I: Oh yeah absolutely right and you know it's always good when I hear somebody got a mouse or somebody found something out of the ordinary. You know as an Adviser I get people saying “Oh look I found this thing or that or whatever...” And new players sometimes they don't know what's that worth. They will come and say: “Hey I got this thing...” and I will be like “Whoa...hey that's worth money!” You know what I mean...that's some serious business right there and they will be like “Well...I didn't even know...” and we try to help them with that you know what I mean?

    C: Yeah...I know.

    I: And I got another question from Cyborg Bill: He wanted to know what is the status of the Smuggler Armour, if you know what's the status on Smuggler Armour and the design competition there?

    C: Ah...Smuggler Armour....I don't have an ETA for this. For the Smuggler Armour I think Dave has shared his thoughts on that and I don't think I'm in a position to comment any further. There is nothing new for me to comment anyway.

    I: Well that's excellent and I think the primary part of that question is: Is it being worked on? And apparently it is.

    C: Yeah it is. (laughs)

    I: (laughs) Alright...Moving on...moving along swiftly here. Now I'll say this. These apartments that have been put in to Celeste Harbour here...are absolutely top of the line! Just very very nice. And I wanted to get your thoughts on those?

    C: Here at Celeste Harbour?

    I: Well just the Penthouses, Apartments and Roofs in general. This is just a wonderful thing that has been added and I can't say enough about it and I wanted to get your feeling on it?

    C: I'm pretty glad that the community has taken an liking to all the apartments and shops. I know that there are some glitches that we need to fix but we are working hard on it now. And for the rooftops...the railings will be made more transparent.

    I: OK

    C: Because we realize that you really can't see the scenery when you sit down so. That's one major change that we are going to make. And for the shops, we realize from comments on the forums that some of the signage doesn't we are going to make the front of the shop higher so the signage can be placed exactly there. What's that signage called the mega the ah...

    I: Gigantium?
    ~END Part 3~
  8. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Cyrus Interview~Transcript: Part 4

    C: Yeah Gigantium sign sorry.

    I: Yeah we love those.

    C: So we are going to try to fit the Gigantium sign...

    I: Oh that's fine. Now going on with Apartments...What about...there's 2 questions here and I've gotten this question a lot: What about item points? Now I know they were increased but are they going to increase again or are we going to see some changes there?

    C: I don't think the item points for the rooftops will be increased in the near future. Unless it is through competitions and such. Even for the apartments I don't think they will be increased any more. But as for the pricing on increasing the items points...we know that Calypso & the other planets have a price for increase on them. We are looking into the issues and should have a reply to that soon. I just sent some requests to see if we have any flexibility on the pricing on the items points so I'm still awaiting a reply back.

    I: Oh great. Also..Now it's my understanding that you can have up to 50 people inside of an apartment and is that going to increase or?

    C: Oh yeah yeah...ah...nope. I don't think so.

    I: You don't think you will increase the number of people that can come in? Say between the Penthouse and the can still only get 50 between the both of them?

    C: I think I need to discuss this with David.

    I: Oh sure. OK it's all good. I mean it's like the only reason I ask it is b/c...

    C: Well if it doesn't cause lag we could consider it to increase the number of people inside the apartment or shop.

    I: And I only ask it related to the Penthouse and the Roof just b/c it's 2 areas but only 50 allowed.

    C: 50 yes...OK so your question is more for the rooftop apartments right?

    I: Well yeah mainly. Because if you put 50 people inside of one apartment...that's a lot of people to be inside one spot but if you're spreading them between the Penthouse and the Roof? You know it wouldn't be that big of a deal. And still even 25 and 25... That's still a lot. But if ya added more we'd be happy with it. (laughs)

    C: OK I'll bring this up to Dave and I'll update you guys again on this. I don't foresee any major problems there.

    I: Well that's good.

    C: We will have to have some further discussions on that.

    I: OK...Well I got...We're about to wrap this up...We're about 5 minutes away and I got one more question from Silvia Unicorn Hart who is a very good friend of ours and a very good artist if you've seen her posts?

    C: Yeah Yeah I did.

    I: She wanted to know: What is you Favorite Long Drink/cocktail? What do you like to drink when you go out the bar?

    C: (laughs) I'm a boring guy man...I don't drink much now at least. But I think my favorite is Jack Daniel's mixed with Coke. I believe it's called “Jack & Coke” in some places.

    I: Yeah...that's we call it. Jack & Coke.

    C: Yeah well I don't drink much, not anymore. Dave can attest that I am a lousy drinker man. (laughs)

    I: You're a lousy drinker you say?

    C: Yeah I'm a lousy drinker.

    I: Ah you mean you drink a little bit and...ah...

    C: Yeah...maybe 2 cans of beer and I'm gone. It's like I feel like vomiting. (laughs) I'm that lousy but it's weird. I can't really take beer but the other spirits I'm alright.

    I: Ha ha ha...Right on. I like a good Jack & Coke...and even though I'm not a big bourbon fan, I'm a Scots fan...but I will do the Jack Daniels & Coke. That's definitely one on my favorites as well.

    C: Yeah it tastes nice.

    I: Let me go back here...I got another question here somebody is asking. It's coming from Mel: If you opened a Worm Hole to the roof of a Penthouse and 75 people went through...or 100 people went through would 25 of them get ejected?

    C: (laughs)

    I: If they all landed there and after it got past 75 would they just land out on the ground or would they be able to stay there or do you know?

    C: To be honest...I haven't tested that. Maybe you guys could test it and let me know? (laughs)

    I: It think we are going to test it. I think somebody is going to test it like...

    C: Has anyone tried teleporting using mind force to land on the rooftops?

    I: I don't know...that's a good question. And oh yeah that's right we are going to do the testing with the Worm Hole on Tuesday.

    C: Oh more glitch talk sorry. (laughs)

    I: Oh now we've got a new DJ coming on board on with Normandie Radio...DJ Roni...and a good friend of ours Stave. Stave is going to open up a Worm Hole. And we're going to be doing that testing so ah...we're gonna see what happens when we get more than 75 people landed on the roof. (laughs)

    C: That will be interesting.

    I: It will be...I'll keep you updated as to the time. We'll put a post out to FaceBook and you'll be able to see it. And if you want to show up for the testing...we'd be GLAD to have ya.

    C: (laughs)

    I: Cause you know we're going to test the limits?

    C: Yeah I guys always test the limits. (laughs)

    I: Well we're gonna do it in a way that you know...if people start dying and falling of the roof well we'll let you know about that b/c ah...We'll have to compensate them. (laughs)

    I: Alright well you know...this has been a good interview and I think we ought to wrap it up...It's been really good to have you and I hope we can certainly do it again in the future. Maybe when we get closer to a new Version Update or whatever...we can get ya sat down for an hour maybe in the future...What do ya think about that?

    C: Sure yeah that sounds fine with me. As long as you guys are not bored with me. (laughs)

    I: No not at all..And you know what we could do is and think this is possible...we could have both you and David at the same time?

    C: Ah OK...

    I: You know

    C: I'll let him do all the talking. (laughs)

    I: Well I don't think that would be too difficult for David to do all the talking but it would be if we could get both your perspectives and do directed questions and everything else.

    C: Yeah's fine with me.

    I: Alright...well we're gonna let you go b/c we know you're busy and tired and you need to get your dinner and need to get to bed so you can keep on working for us. You know this has been good and I can't thank you enough. Thanks to everyone who's attended and I just want to let everyone one know this interview has been recorded and a transcript is being made and they will be posted to various forums and so anybody who couldn't listen or couldn't listen to the whole thing...not to worry...this will be posted and everyone can listen to it.

    So on behalf of Normandie Radio and Age of Enlightenment and Normandie Mothership...Thank you so much Cyrus for the's been great!

    C: It's my pleasure...Thank you guys.

    I: Alright....Cheers to you...have a good night an we will catch up to you in the next day or 2.

    C: Alright...

    I: See ya later.

    C: See you guys.

    ~END Part 4~
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  9. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    Awesome Interview..WOW!! Big Gratz you guys!!...wonderful job Isclay and Cyrus!
  10. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Hm...I nvr repped ya for this, Izzy?

    Hell, I might as well use the new and improved "triple" rep system.

    P.S. Ima have to let Cy know his answer regarding my bar was unacceptable.
    It WAS his own words, ya know!
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