Vehicles Why not make building Arkadian Spacecraft a mission?

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Few Scars, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Dev team

    I am sure the Arkadian population is getting large enough for a few Arkadian fighter spacecraft. Maybe we can expect to see the BPs for the Limited versions soon.
    What would be cool is a difficult mission chain to build an UL Arkadian spacecraft. The each completed stage of the mission loots a spacecraft component. Each stage can be completed as many times as possible, but it wont be easy, maybe 20 items to collect.

    I envisage the missions to be a combination of grinding certain mobs, solving complex riddles and finding certain places in Arkadia which can vary. The resulting craft something similar to an UL QUAD or better.

    I think missions like those in the old days where players would get full sets of UL armour if they completed certain tasks or collected certain items would be welcomed as a change from the usual grind 10000 mobs for a skill chip mission.

  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    Space makes no profit for Arkadia but for MA. So developing space faring vehicles by Ark team is at the bottom of the list. Which makes sense since they have many things to develop on the planet which is in it's infancy.
  3. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    A mission chain where you have to kill 50 Stalkers of each Mob type on arkadia - could be a fun mission chain :) and a challenge
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can't even kill 50 youngs of each mob type
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yup, and I'm guessing that Treasure Hunting is taking the high priority for a while. Also, I would like to think Arkadia will develop another unique vehicle like it did with the Hoverpod, not just a rehash/re-skin of something we already have....although I must admit, I do like the idea of a unique Arkadian space vehicle or 2...maybe something like the shuttles/dropships mentioned in the storyline....
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I believe Dobson said space vehicles were not in the plans (in some interview somewhere). I wouldn't mind seeing the dropships or shuttles, but I don't see a need for Arkadian fighters (like the Quad-Wing).
  7. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I like the idea of missions to create a big space vehicle. I don't like the idea that everyone can do it, and in the end there will be a million huge spaceships.

    Maybe make it a team effort for a lot of people that allows one mothership-like vehicle to be made per 6 months. (Ok i have no idea how to share the mothership in the end, but we really could use some more team-oriented stuff).

    After re-reading your post i see you were talking more about a quad-like vehicle. Don't know if I want to do loads of missions for that.
  8. Skandis

    Skandis Member

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    If arkadia had (L) bps for vehicles outclassing quads then crafters would flock to arkadia to loot them. Nonetheless, you're right.
  9. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I don't think MA will allow then to produce big craft such as Motherships but a fighter or dropship should be.

    I think MA would draw the line when you can carry more than one passenger as it essentially becomes a shuttle craft and in competition with motherships especially if they can go planet side and not have to rely on people using their own ships or using the teleports (even if I do think thats the sort of craft we should have had instead of the MS)
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    This could be done so that Arkadia Studios will profit, even though they don't directly profit from space. I particularly like the idea of having unique space vehicles obtainable from special missions. Make the mission chains' length & difficulty appropriate to the value of the ship. They could even be related to treasure hunting. If it's faster/better than a quad, make them fairly difficult. Also consider making the ships non-tradeable so they're really a symbol of personal achievement. What would Arkadia lose by this? Only the time and effort in designing the vehicles and the missions. What would they gain? A lot of people will come and spend time and decay on Arkadia, and Arkadia would have its own brand of ships. People would see these cool ships around the universe and say, hey, where's that ship from... I have to get one! Look at how many people came to Ark solely to get a hoverpod.

    I'd have to disagree with that. A ship could only start to compete with a privateer if it holds more than half a dozen passengers, is repairable while in flight, has upgradeable SI, has onboard revival terminal, ability to summon, onboard TT, you can log off while on board, and let's not forget warp capability. If it's lacking any of those things, then it doesn't really compete with a privateer. In order to compete with a mothership, it would need ALL those things PLUS a hangar.

    So, for example, a ship designed for mob-hunting that has 5k SI, heavy guns, holds 4 people, but can't warp, is not like a privateer. Similarly, a speedy ship that has 500 SI, holds 2 passengers and has warp capability is not a privateer.

    Right now we have one general ship (the quad) and one crippled general ship (the vtol). I'd like to see ships designed specifically for mob hunting, scouting, fast transport, planetary defense. There are so many ways to design great ships.
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