Would you like to have a points system on Arkadia Forum?

Discussion in 'About Arkadia Forums' started by Admin, Apr 3, 2012.

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  1. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hi folks!

    I've been thinking about installing a points system / market place onto the forums and just wanted to hear your opinion or past experiences with them.

    The mod would allow you to accumulate points that you can then spend on tweaks to your account, such as username styling, bigger avatar images, larger inboxes... to name a few.

    It could also be used to set up advertising for your sales threads or something like that.

    If I do implement it, I'll have to give serious consideration to each element that I make available, as my past experience has seen a system like this abused. One thing that is certain, I won't be turning on any features that promote discontent among the users. By this I mean thing like being able to change another users avatar or their forum title, or stealing points etc.

    What I am interested in is enabling things like the following:

    • Earning points for activity on the forums like posting, giving rep etc.
    • Banking your points for a period of time to earn interest.
    • Donating points to other users
    • Using your points to buy
      • Badges
      • Username tweaks
      • User title tweaks
      • Gifts/Badges for others
      • Advertising space for your sales threads or services
      • Premium memberships (like Gold or Platinum)

    Anyway, I'd be interested to hear what you all think about this. I'll include a poll to gauge the general feeling.

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  2. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Hi Van!

    That would be one hell of an improvement for the forums!
    Voted Hell yes! :D

    I loved the system back on EF when it was the only forum.... :eek:

    Plz give us some funny things :hail: and new smileys too!!! :dribble:



    Edit: yay! first! lol
  3. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I like to be able to buy with point hidden skill icons and such. Like it was on PCF forum.
  4. Kevlie

    Kevlie Member

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    I would love this improvment :) (as on PCF ) :)
  5. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes sir that sounds good.
  6. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Totally against this. No matter what you need to do to get points, it results ins senseless acitvities. A +re System is not reliable anymore, if you get points for +repping someone. You get a ton of "free bump" and "100% agree" posts (no matter how many text you require as minimum.

    The forum right now might not be as active as PC, but it is filled to 99% with high quality responses to every topic. I would HATE to see this changing.

    You will restrict me from using some forum functions, because I don't have as much time as a kid after school. Why?

    No matter if we talk about posting text, +rep or any other activity. You generate senselss spam in the activity that gives reward. What would be good in that idea?

    If I do something in this forum, I put some thought behind each activity. I rep only people who deserve a rep. I post only when I have a valid point to say, that was not adressed before.

    And now you want to implement a system that penalizes me, for not spamming. That's just plain wrong.
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  7. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Thanks Smorble, this is exactly why I haven't implemented it for so long. I've spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out a way that is a win/win for everyone, without creating spam just so people can accrue points.

    If we do go ahead, it'll be done in a way that isn't a spam-magnet.

    However, if I can't customise the hell out of the mod, I won't even bother implementing it, as I agree with you entirely Smo.
  8. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Hmmmm.... damn Smoerble.... thank you for reminding me I must be aware of the world we live in, that it's not filled with good thinking ppl etc.... must have been away from PCF/EF for too long :D

    Van this is a real challenge, hope you find a good way to implement us something fun and reliable ;)


  9. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks... but it's not only about avoiding spam (in my opinion). I see a real issue with the Advisors for example: some of them do a great job in game... but when you see their profile here, it will look like they are not active (a lot features uinlocked, because they don't post non-stop in forum). On the other hand it would be bad, to give every Advisor a special account that unlocks everything, as this will result in even more people trying to become advisor... not to help, but just to grab an item or a forum feature.

    For a normal forum, I think something like this is a great thing, but as soon, as a forum reflects only a small part of the real community (in this case, the all players on Arkadia), it's always not working as planned:
    You will have to decide if you want to spend more time in the forum, so your forum profile reflects your in game activity. Otherwise you have very active players that look like "noobs" in the forum.

    If we had as many players as Caly and as many forum members as PFC, I wouldn't care. But in the current state, I really believe you cannot solve this issue.

    As I don't think all my time about this issue, maybe I missed a point and maybe you find a solution, so I wait what happens.
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've been mulling this over and eventually came down on the No side, especially after reading smoerble's post. The tweaks that Van mention sound very nice but I think that they fall into one of two categories:
    1. Tweak has negligable impact on performance or cost of running forum - in which case why not just make it available to improve peoples' enjoyment of the forum.
    2. Tweak has some cost impact (more storage or faster servers required) or possible performance impact which might require remediation (= cost) - in which case people should pay an appropriate amount if they want to have access to those features.

    Yes this disadvantages people with less money, but the forum right now, is pretty good, especially now table formatting is allowed. So what we all get for free is fine by me. I also think the forum management has the option of granting premium membership as prizes for competitions that reqward quality contribution to the forum or game. To my mind that is much better than a points system that can be "gamed".

    Something I would like considered though, is the option to somehow pay for some forum options using peds. Ideally this requires co-operation with MA to enable but we have seen how starfinder has managed it with the help of some shop owners.

  11. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Couldn't vote HELL YES fast enough!

    Yeah Van! Do it...nice! :hail:

  12. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    a No from me too, based on what been said before
  13. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    i vote for no also.

    the forum is for me one most quality delivering of all EU forums where people really deliver good content and share alot good quality arguments where all kind of views come together and most time really constructive.

    other forums i dont like that much cause the short comments which dont really lead nowhere.

  14. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I dont think there is too much spam on PCF.
    and if I have to choose between 1 new thread per week and no spam and 10 new threads per day and some spam :huh:
    well somene has to do hard choice
  15. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    yeah,... i mean no! :cool:

    keep it as it is, quality should be rewarded not quantity of time/posts/threads you generate here. already been said it could lead to useless sometimes mindless postings.
    let´s keep it informative and not full of spam where you have to scroll down pages to find something with a bit of a thought given to it before posting.
  16. Jakie

    Jakie Member

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    jep i like this idea :D
  17. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I personally think Arkadia Forum is grown-up more than most others in the Universe. As such, I don't think we'll see a lot more SPAM than we already get on occasion while adding something that's a bit of fun and might keep users here longer. I mean we already get a few people who post and SPAM because of getting Rep power... I don't see this changing anything. Maybe somewhere like PCF or EP, sure.. But I don't see it happening here.

    That said, I vote yes.
  18. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    I am a walrus.

    P.S. Although I don't post much for a different reason, Smoer summed it up pretty good.
  19. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Seems we have a clan of Walrus living here too according to the poll.

    It'll be good to see some more variety of advertising coming in.
  20. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    My gut reaction was no but it took me a bit to figure out why. Basically forum games make people want to get points by spamming or not being totally "real" in there posts. posting to much and unessesarily and such. I think thats why we got such a great no clutter forum and it's easy to keep up with and why i like it so i say NO to point system.

    Maybe earn things by being an active member or even with like icons earn them by screen shot ingame. like when i unlocked my serendepity and posted it i get the icon in my avatar bar on the side. and things like that. no post for points crap.
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