so now we know Wow, the 24th...still more than a month away, so lots of time left. I'm sure everyone will be ready long before then, and we know the revives are set up that means we are the new militia I Ninja Militia :huh: well it'll be fun at least.
i wanna drop ship!!!!, after the last few days in my new slepnir, i cant wait for a troop drop ship.....
Lezardine's to do list (subject to unforeseen changes): - sell all junk from storage (in progress) - pack everything into inventory - check if walking with it is possible, if not, sell another bunch ) - try to walk with all that - secure TP fee - Wait for the planetary borders opening (while reading latest news and full story) - Explore a new wild planet :dribble::dribble::dribble: My avatar is doing weird things lately, going nuts on shinkibas with Shriek Back Alley is the least, seems Lezardine is quite excited for some odd reason...
when I first saw the thread title, I read it as lunch date. so, I thought, that's a good idea. then, I read it properly, and thought that although it wasn't a free lunch it was still good news.
NO NO NO DON"T take vacation. It's an old VU rule never take vacation on VU day it will only make VU day not come and screw you out of a vacation and the rest of us out of the VU.
less than 10 days... The countdown continues..less than 10 days to the opening. I'm not selling everything to go, I wander around a lot, but eventually there will be storage somewhere, and traveling light is easier to outrun animals practicing my shooting skills for defense on Hyricus..(spelling dont count) on the islands..but mostly just waiting to see what the first new ore is, when I find one.
No worries ... I am aware of that issue and took two days vacation - lol! And I don't sell nothing. I will keep my Calypso base at Medusa's Head and everything. I would like to become an Arkadian ... but let's see how it works. We know it's not all in the hands of Arkadia Studios but main features are still Universe-features (speak: MA). But I will have some PED at my PEDcard in case they offer apartments from first day on