EU videos from a new player perspective!

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Uncle Mo, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    Okies. My turn to do some Youtubin'. I've been playing MMO's since Dark Age of Camelot and I just now got the nerve to try out FRAPS and do some video editing. It's been rough trying to get it just right - everyone wants good sound and 1080P right - and I've wanted to throw my comp out the window a few time...but I finally have a couple of vids out.

    My idea is to showcase EU and Planet Arkadia from a new player perspective. I'd really appreciate any comments or constructive criticism you might have.

    My next idea for videos are to discuss finances for mining (my current focus) and I want to do a video on why it is better to be playing EU now than several years ago. I'd like to hear some comments on this tread from you vets. For instance I can't believe you had to mine for Ore and Ents sepsrately in the past. Also I heard lag from the US used to be horrific back in the day. I'd like to hear your stories on the subject.

    Thanks for watching!

    P.S. Admins...move this if need be. I didn't see a video forum so I'm starting here.
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  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yep Shifted it into the New Player Area seeing as its focused on a New Players experience. Good vid, well done and thank you for your efforts. +rep
  3. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Great video. I always enjoy listening what other people think for the game. btw when you show the HOF list I think you show only for the last 24 hours. You know there is also All Time High right :)
  4. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Nice video, very well done for the first try.

    Some comments:
    1) When you speak very fast, you are hard to understand for non native speaking ppl (can someone please correct this sentence to a sensful English please?)
    2) You make a lot of smack noises when talking, just try some different microphone positions
    3) Create shorter videos. Once you reach 100 views (I think), you have access to the stats of the video. Check the drop rate during the vid, so you see what part of the video kicked out your viewers.

    Last comment: great start, create more vids. I am subscribing!
  5. VanLot

    VanLot New Member

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  6. PigBenis

    PigBenis Member

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    Listen to this guy his Vids are Great!

    Just to comment on some of the ideas you mentioned. Lag wasn't that bad back in the day, early Project Entropia yes maybe going back early 2005 sure but being an American player Ive never really had many issues with it.

    The Mining system has had a few overhauls as well, we had to approach the claim marker and start drilling before we knew what we had. It was spectacular when the global sound rung out after the first pull! Also in the very early days you had to drop a bomb then move away from it and activate the finder to set the bomb off. Claim rods where basically poles with lights on top of them. You could also find "lines" of claims from 10-20 claims long going in straight lines :)

    The ore and enmatter subject was basically a revelation to Mindark i believe. In the earlier days we had different miners, I was basically just a ore miner, I knew every good ore area and knew nothing about enmatter nor did I want to or intend on ever mining enmatter until they combined them both. Was a great Idea to do so but also cost a lot of ped to learn which areas was good!

    Imho I think that its much more difficult today to turn a profit while hunting, mining, or crafting. there are many more things to throw a player off now, we have enhancers different finds, extractors, guns, FOMA, HEll, different planets etc...I almost feel sorry for the new players that depo a bunch and loose it because of either bad gear choices or bad area choices. The one thing i always mention in my vids is that its not in game skill that make or break an Entropian its their knowledge of the game, areas, and how the "system" works. Its a shame too few people do there research before joining.

    Goodluck on the Videos!
  7. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    tbh: I think it's a shame that MA implemnted a system that allows a kid to waste 10 US$ in one hour... they should modify the system that someone who really understanhds the system can waste as much as he likes, while someone who doesn't dig into the system can not loose all PEDs at once.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The system has not changed since the early days.. those who can throw money at it to cycle the most ped in shortest time and withstand down periods gets the best treatment..anything short of that and its the 3MC.

    As far as videos.. promotional videos would be great.. short high quality NOT spewing crap about RCE this and make money that because its not reality and thats what pisses players off and makes people NOT stay. Long videos... pretty boring..if I wanna see anything longer then a few minutes Ill log in and be the star of the show so to speak.

    So if you want to be productive then make promo vids, tutorials, and general short fun videos...Dont spew crap about makin money cause chances are better for a new player to become a nun rather then make money in game now. AND for GOD sake...dont use crappy songs over modulated and all distorted like 99% of all youtube. Subtle background music with naration or not makes the video much better. Id rather hear the game sounds to get a feel for the game rather then listen to some fat guy spittin into a mic while a wind up monkey plays a back beat along with him.

    Lastly who did you play in DAoC? I was a Champion on the gaharis server but my favorite was my enchantress Stayclear MythicHatesMe.
  9. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    Thanks for the replies all. I will certainly take note of everybody's suggestions. Like many of us, I hate the sound of my voice recorded, so it's nice to hear other's opinions. My goal is simply to encourage people to try the game and now is a great time to recruit.

    My original takes were about 25 to 30 minutes in length and I though I was doing good to keep it down to fourteen, but I'll try to keep them short and sweet in the future.

    In DAoC my main was a Nightshade on the Iseult server before all the merges. After that I moved to the 'classic' servers for a while (Lamorak). I was never 'uber' or anything. I may have reached RR 6L5 at best.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Off topic, I miss DAoC it was great until EA took it over and tanked it in under 6 months. Perfect example why I am against all this skill being handed out so easily and all the subsiquent nerfs that follow.

    I wish MA had the servers they used when they set that record of over 5k players in a full on 3 realm pvp battle. Here we cant have more then 25 people in one spot without issues.
  11. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Uncle Mo, that's a great video full of helpful advice for new players. Your experience really shows through. Thanks for sharing it, and I hope you get lots of views!
  12. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I finnnally had some time last night to watch this (RL keeps getting in the way grr...) Really great job and nice to hear a perspective from a new player. I wish we could have 1000's more like you who "get" entropia and how it works.

    Catch ya ingame some time and love to go hunting with ya.