Why do you hate pirates?

Discussion in 'PvP' started by lyosha, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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  2. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    But from last I knew this wasn't legal and players who did this could get banned from the game? But yes, I knew of this, it's been going for a long time, but something that the game develops didn't support as MA supports with open hands welcoming new players.
  3. Ready

    Ready New Member

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    I personally don't mind pirates. I have a quad but only use it if I don't need to transport loot. If I do need to transport loot I get a warp flight and pay either 5ped when the dreadnought is around or 10ped for the normandie's scheduled warps. I mean seriously 10 ped and it takes 5 minutes to get from ark to caly; well worth it. Doesn't matter if you like it or not, if you get shot down with loot it is your own fault. Everyone knows space is lootable and taking loot up there with you is like putting your chips in the middle in poker; you may get them back you may not. It isn't stealing like some of you have been trying to make it out to be. You consented to the risk of the loss just like playing online poker which is a game where the items (chips) have real world value for those of you leaning on that crutch to make it wrong. Is it wrong for me to win $100 from someone in an online poker tournament? I am afterall taking real money out of someones pocket because I beat them at a game just like a pirate killing someone in space.
  4. nirfu

    nirfu Member

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    I don't hate them I just find them anoying since they steel my time. I travel without anything to loot so they gain nothing than -karma when they kill. I lose my time and now when Quadwing travels take so much time my time is worth a lot for me.
  5. Ready

    Ready New Member

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    Now that is a response I can agree with. The inconvenience is really the only problem. I wish space was more 3 dimensional and instead of popping to the space station when you come off planet you actually came out at a random spot at the edge of the planet with the whole planet surrounded by a very small safe zone. You still may pop out next to a pirate but your chances of getting out undetected would be better.
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    They did that when space first expanded. But pirates just had to wait for you and blow you up before your screen even finished loading. Needless to say a large majority of the population complained. Loudly. Everyone wanted to come out inside the safe zone. So it got changed back.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Actually, the time you're thinking of was quite different to what Ready is suggesting. At that time, the spawn point wasn't random at all. There was some variability, but it was normally within a small, localized zone, which allowed one or two pirates to camp the (PVP-lootable) spawn area.

    Spawning randomly inside a planet-wide safe zone, as Ready suggested, would be a completely different situation.
  8. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Granted. But still.
  9. Ready

    Ready New Member

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    Right, if you could spawn anywhere in relation to the planet and there was a safezone that was shaped like a sphere just bigger than the planet that you would spawn in I think it would help a lot. As it stands it only takes 1 or 2 pirates to ruin a lot of peoples days. To cover an entire planet that way would take a signifigant ammount more. As it stands you enter space in a safe zone, but they know exactly where you will enter.
  10. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    The only way to stop camping would be to have an automated system that prevented it, something we told MA they needed but they ignored because the safe zones were big enough :huh: (they really didn't the point that people can camp the station and follow people out)

    I can't think of any pvp game where the spawn point is protected in someway, either by multiple spawn points or a zone that prevents opponents from entering.

    A possible solution would be to have multiple space stations around a planet which allowed tp'ing between them, if one station were being camped it would be easy to move to another. A televator system would be enough with several points you could go to to prevent the pk'er from following.

    Of course the obvious solution would be to have a pvp5 in space and leave the rest as non-pvp but thanks to the pvp addicts on the MA staff that isn't going to happen. Besides forcing the MS owners to increase the SI must be netting MA nice bonus.
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Exactly and now with their new tactic of killing you twice is pissing me off big time, even after you tell them their other kid killed you they still shoot you a second time, happened twice now
  12. Ready

    Ready New Member

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    I think the ability to freely teleport to another spot would unbalance it. With a safezone that encompases the entire planet that you spawn in if you popped out next to a pirate it would cost you to go down and come back up. I don't think you should be able to just dodge pirates for free with those televators, and also it would give the pirates defined points of spawn still, you would need a lot of space stations to not have them all covered by a pirate each.

    I would also be on board with a system that gave you the option to spawn in non-pvp space like a shipping lane that would take something like 3 times as long to complete your trips and in turn cost 3 times the fuel. Also require some effort on the pilots part like changes in direction to keep them in the safe space that way they can't afk it. Which I think would be similar to how piracy in the real world is. Some ships choose to take the long way around known pirate hunting grounds at the cost of extra fuel and time. The ones that don't save time and money, but they take a big risk.
  13. lyosha

    lyosha Member

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    1. 3x the cost is more expencive then the available option of taking a MS.
    2. it would render MS's useless.
    3. why not take a mothership? thats what they are there for.
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Interesting to see the relationship between pirates and mothership services. I can't name the mothership(s) that cooperate with and make use of pirates because of the forum rules, but I can definitely say that some mothership service(s) are cooperating with pirates. Of course, you can always PM me in game to find out which are in league with pirates.

    Using a mothership (or privateer) to transport stackables is all about trust. Before hiring a mothership, you MUST ask whether the mothership owner and/or operating society is against piracy or if they allow known pirates on the guest list or if they use known pirates in any capacity. If they give cagey answers, stay away from that service because sooner or later, your cargo will become their loot.
  15. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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  16. Ready

    Ready New Member

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    I agree with all 3 points. Although that is only more expensive than scheduled warps. If someone decided they needed to go to another planet on short notice spending 3 hours flying may be more attractive to them than waiting until the following day or longer for a warp or paying the added cost for a private warp. I personally do travel on trusted MS's anytime I am carrying loot. I was just trying to offer up some ideas to add options for those that seem resistant to the current situation.
  17. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    what I meant was, when entering space you spawn in a safe zone, if a pirate is nearby you can go to the local space station and dock. Then using the ability to move between stations in the local area you can then leave the safe zone from another station without the pirate knowing which one you will be using.

    I still believe that space could have been a massive draw to EU but MA screwed it up.

    If I'm flying between planets regularly I'd want to be the pilot not a passenger. For the same reason I own a car and don't use public transport. I get choose when I go and where I go. But I'd want to go without a target painted on my back.
  18. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with that. It seems the only thing space is good for right now is separating planets. Rather boring. Let's hope there are some major changes for the better in the next version.
  19. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Motherships would still be needed as they are now. Many take the few that are running now because of the speed one can get to a planet. If lootable space would be removed or safe routes put in place, the MS would be needed for the speed and protection from the future mobs that many will soon be bitching about I'm guess as well..
  20. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    I agree! It's 10 PED ffs..Take a Mothership...(TP's used to be 40 PED one way..remember?)..It would be foolish not too if you are traveling with stackables . I have been shot down numerous times,but that was in quad and never had any loot...Yes inconvenience but so is dying in middle of Amethera and having to MF back. I rinse.. repeat..LOL!
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