How do you like the changed loot distribution?

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by zume, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    It doesnt really matter to me. The biggest problem today is that this game cost to much to play. I can (if I want to) easily spend 3000 ped in one month in hunting with L weaps around 110-120% Mu and end up with zero until next month. I dont deposit that much off course, but there is something wrong when you have to pay that kind of money for a game.
    Im probably doing something wrong :) But i had som good times as well, but 95% of the time im loosing peds no matter what i do.

    A mid level player should be able to hunt a mid level mob with a mid level weapon for 100-150$ a month, that would be reasonable to me. I dont really care if i global or not, as long as i have reasonable return.