Any chance of a very dense Carabok spawn somewhere?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Huskie, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Hi, there.

    I quite enjoy Carabok as a skilling mob, however I couldn't find a place where they spawned in good density. I tried out several spawns, from the one near Celeste Quarry, to the one on the road you pass on while doing the mission to check up on Turrets, or something, and I found that I always ended up spending over 80% of the time in my hunt running towards/looking for Carabok rather than actually shooting them.

    Since I get the impression Arkadia devs, or at least David usually read these forums, I'd like to make a request for a Carabok spawn with maximum density preferably in a way that they cover the entire spawn area. I found that even on the Spawn on the road I mentioned I sometimes would find 50-60 Carabok bunched up, but after killing them, they'd all respawn somewhere else, which resulted in another long time of running around to find out where they all respawned all bunched up together again. I believe that a "sea of red" situation in the radar is ideal for somebody who would like to hunt Carabok for extended periods, especially since it's a mob that dies in one or two shots.

    I'm sure myself, and many others would cycle several hundred PED per day on them, if we didn't have to run more than shoot.

    Please take this request into consideration.
  2. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You should put it in the Dev section, under Feedback. :)
  3. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Sorry I'm new to this forum, don't know the individual sections yet. Was actually looking for a hunting forum to post this in, but didn't find one.

    If mods could move it to the appropriate section I'd be grateful.
  4. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  5. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thread moved to Dev Feedback.

    Thanks for your feedback, I'll look into it.
  6. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    there was a good spawn arouind the road south of resulute aka the new player experience.
  7. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Yeah, I've been there, took me over 4 hours to cycle less than 60 PED ammo, due to all the running around, because even when you do find a bunch of carabok clustered up, after you kill them they all spawn bunched up somewhere else, which takes another long search.

    As a comparison: doing the nuclear shelter mobs in RT, where the spawn is very dense, mobs have about the same HP, I can shoot over 250 PEDs in ammo using the exact same weapon in the same time it took me to cycle those 57 PEDs ammo on Carabok. That goes without saying that the mobs there deal relatively high damage, kill you quite often, the revive is far away and I always ran back to the spawn, instead of using vehicles or TP chips.
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You have to keep in mind the Carabok are newbie mobs. It's SHOULD take them a long time to burn through 60 ped ammo :)

    For endless grinding, I'd recommend the academies, less running around there, I think.
  9. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Why "SHOULD" they take a long time to burn through 60 PED? I kind of see where you're coming from, but forcing that on players without giving an option if they wish to turn over PEDs more quickly is bad business.

    Also keep in mind I'm asking for a new spawn, not for the current ones to be made maximum density. Newbies can keep doing their thing in the current spawns just the same, I'm just asking for a new spawn for people who would like more shooting and less running.The devs can even make it in a remote location with no nearby TP, if they really want to prevent newbies from burning through their PEDs too quickly, for all I care.
  10. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    You can kill them in the Firebase Academies, respawn takes like 2 seconds.
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Why should they take a long time to burn through? Well, because almost all newbies are short on peds. Many of them have to wait a week or month to be able to deposit more than a small amount.

    I completely understand why you want to have a dense spawn, but I think having a loose spawn is more valuable to newbies. It also keeps the hide prices up, and that really helps them as they start hunting.
  12. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Yes, as you yourself said: almost all newbies are short on PEDs. Those who aren't may want a faster way to skill up.

    If it's a completely separate spawn I don't see why you seem so adamant about not increasing density. Newbies get to keep their loose spawn. It is a new option, it doesn't take anything away from the game, only adds to it.

    Also the current loose spawn may be good to newbies for now, but as Arkadia grows, especially with the advertising it is doing, soon other spawns will be needed, anyway, since even now the current ones seem to be close to their limit already (I constantly ran into green dots wherever I went to hunt them). A dense spawn would help leaving newbies to the newbie spawns and hardcore skillers to the dense spawn.
  13. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    it's kinda interesting to see it like Huskie.

    Caraboks are indeed a good skill mob for new players AND experienced players. I cycled several hundred ped's in them to skill up and it's way faster than killing anything else on Ark.

    And i would really like to see a dense spawn somewhere else to cycle some more ped's in.

    ^this - i had the same problem since the new "Video Advertisements" and it only shows that Arkadia is growing really fast at the moment.
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I just think it needs to be balanced with newbies in mind... not older players who want a quick, easy, way to skill faster. New players have limited ways to play and break even, so I guess I'd have to say I'm opposed to anything that lowers the price of carabok hides, and allowing older players to kill massive numbers of carabok quickly would do that.
  15. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    You seem to take this very personally for some reason.

    First off, its not about being a new player or an old one, it's about making PED cycling easier. Being an older player or not changes nothing, since new players are just as efficient at killing Carabok as older ones, no matter how you put it.

    Second, Carabok hide prices have remained stable ever since the beggining of Arkadia.

    Third, new players join Arkadia every day and the tendency is only for that number to grow, which should increase turnover on Carabok anyway, yet there is no visible impact on hide prices.

    Fourth, you can't expect a couple players cycling a few hundred PED in Carabok every once in a while to measure up at all against the current hundreds of players already continually cycling PEDs on them.

    We can keep doing this and in the end there will be no conclusion because conjectures about whether or not it will impact newbie experience and how are nothing but that: conjectures. We don't have any hard numbers, and even if we did, I doubt the knowledge to estimate anything based on them is there, either.

    It is all up to the devs, and it is better that way, because I'm sure they have all the data and know much better what they're doing than you or me.
  16. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The thing is that you can go to an Academy and get the same thing.. Keep shooting and killing.. small area, so not much running around.. you kill one and it respawns a few seconds later.. kill 5 and there are 5 more to take their place. You never run out. That's what Neil was talking about.

    If a dense spawn happens, great... But if you want to keep skilling, an Academy should do the trick for you. At least in the meantime.
  17. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    Please do NOT make this a denser spawn.

    If you do, you ruin the purpose of that mob. That is to help new players start over.

    As it is, is not worth for any higher skilled to go there. Only newbs have a reason to do it. And as it is, they can start the game and have access to some markup on hides.

    If more density will be available, what will happen is that many people would swarm in and skill rockets there, since is the perfect mob to do that. Even I would do it.

    The result would be that all markup will be gun from hides. It will be 120% or even TT if it can be farmed.

    I am mentoring people and I always send them there to skill. If it would be a better spawn, it would no longer be that good for them. They would still get the skills, but they would probably have a hard time selling anything and probably lose fast and quit.

    When a new player gets to see it is a successful way, other than sweating, he gets to trust the game, maybe deposit more, move to other activities that are more interesting.

    Please keep this mob as a new player mob. You did a great job with the design. Thank you for it. Please keep doing what you are doing. You are great.
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  18. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    What you could do, is to make another mob with 10 hp, same stats, huge density with its own type of loot and its own market. Some people may want that type of skilling mob. But keep the option as it is for noobs.
  19. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    good idea :cool:
  20. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Carabok Wave event area :p