Planet Arkadia: Unlimited Smuggler Armour Series

Discussion in 'Armour' started by Few Scars, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    It is with great pleasure I can officially announce that the Arkadian Development team is looking at the winning designs of the Unlimited (UL) Smuggler Armour design competition top three designs, and the other entries that were submitted! Congratulations to the community for helping bring the UL Smuggler Armour one step closer to reality!

    Now the next stage in this Arkadian community process is designing the statistics for FOUR, yes you heard me, FOUR!!! different UL Smuggler Armour sets! These are going to be very cool!

    The statistics are to be appropriate for;

    UL Smuggler Armour 1: Similar level to Ghost (The lower-level set)
    UL Smuggler Armour 2: Similar level to Phantom (The mid-level set)
    UL Smuggler Armour 3: Similar level to Tiger/Angel (The high-level set)
    UL Smuggler Armour 4: Similar level to POE/Supremacy/HAZEN (The uber set!)

    In your response you need to name which armour you are designing statistics for. Think about the damage done by Arkadian Mobs and the possibility of PvP. Also come up with a unique name for the set as well;

    For example my entry;
    UL Smuggler Armour 4: (Titan Series: Smugger Armour UL)
    Stab: 45
    Cut: 55
    Impact: 55

    Penetration: 50
    Shrapnel: 35
    Burn: 60

    Cold: 25
    Acid: 25
    Electric: 25

    Close: 145
    Firearms: 145
    Total: 365
    Durability: 7000
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 2Kg
    Set TT: 600Ped*

    *Aim to keep the TT of the set low, especially the level 1 set.

    Please submit your statistics for the new armour sets over the next two weeks. This is an officially sanctioned thread by Planet Arkadia studios for the eventual implementation of UL Smuggler Armour.

    Good luck
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  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Just one question, would these hypothetically be elite armors, like after a few years we'll only have a couple sets in game and it'd take years and 100k peds for someone to collect a whole set? Or could they drop as a set, be awarded as prizes, be craftable, or in any other way NOT be like the smuggler weapons which I and most others will almost certainly not be able to own?

    It seems kind of silly for the whole community to be working on something that one or two uber players from Caly are ever going to be able to afford. The point of designing a UL armor was that you we can keep them and use them, and a few sets of uber-armor in game make no difference to the armor-wearing population of Arkadia. All armor might as well be L if they're going to be as rare as other smuggler items.
  3. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    A free set for the top entries would be nice since we spent the time to actually make them (lol I know, I know... :D one can dream right?).

    Also, +1 for not-only-uber UL armors please...thanks.

  4. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Smuggler, by definition, is looted-only. Not crafted. It's also unlimited versions of existing limited items. That means extremely high TT value (uber hof value for looting a broken piece) and usually breaks at 50% that you gotta pay 2k PED to repair to bring it up to 50%. That isn't a normal-player friendly item.
  5. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Neil
    It will be up to Planet Arkadia studios on how these armour sets are released. I hope the parts drop in loot personally. That way all players have a chance of looting a piece. Some sets maybe for events, who knows. I would imagine like Smuggler variants of Ghost/Gremlin/Phantom etc these level armours may be fairly available as they are on Calypso. The uber Smuggler parts may be rare, maybe 1-2 full sets a year. I can't truthfully answer your questions, its up to Dave and his team how they distribute them.
    At this stage we as a community have been given the opportunity to have a say in how we want our armour sets to be designed statistically!

    Have fun
  6. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Rick
    The aim of this UL series is a more affordable TT value. Maybe only 50Ped TT in total for a full 7 piece UL Smuggler Armour set 1.

  7. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    first of all I have to admit I´m not a hunter, so take this not too serious.

    but if I understand it correctly low TT value means lots of repairing because the lower TT goes less protection you get.
    wouldn´t this be like a shot in your own foot?

  8. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'd like to see it around 30-60 PED per piece, this allows for quite a bit of wear before repair. UL armor give less protection as it takes damage so of course the longer it stays at higher PED value the better you are depending on how long one likes to hunt between repairs that is. I have no issues with paying few hundred PED for set of armor if it lasts, would be annoying to get some nice armor and have to have it repaired every 40 min because it has such a low tt value.

    Below is some old info I had recorded between ghost and pixi pieces to illustrate why higher tt priced UL armors are more desireable then lower tt priced UL armors, I just used a harness in this example. If anyone sees error in my stats below chime in it was like a year ago when I did that spread sheet and not sure what my sample sizes were again so decays may be a bit off. Ghost maybe upwards of 0.03 for example.

    To my understanding this is how UL armor decays:
    Pixie Harness 2.9 PED takes 0.01 PED off per hit and 0.01 PED off per each time taken off
    Ghost Harness 74 PED takes 0.02 PED off per hit and 0.01 PED off per each time taken off

    so as you can see Pixie lasts about 283 hits where ghost lasts about 3600 hits before it is completely useless and needs repair.
  9. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Damage it protects against in total is what determine the minimum decay/hit and low tt high amount of total protection should mean the % on the parts gets reduced very fast so with these "one for all" armors it needs high tt.
    I know others is better at this then me, but there you have a basic explanation why low tt is bad.
    Or read about it here: Entropedia: Armor Decay

    And other ul Armors have 3% condition limit too, so I would think this to be true for these armors too, Rascal UL and L have both 3% condition limit so think smuggler armors need to follow that too
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Generally UNL armours have lower durability than L armours. That's one more reason to have the TT value a bit higher.
    There's no reason why the part has to drop at full TT.
  11. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Ghost is low level?

    *looks at Shogun/Rascal set and sighs

  12. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    looks at own Rascal set and sighs together with aj

    it's like saying Neme is low-level.....:afraid:
    This is my entry :)

    UL Smuggler Armour 1: (Mutant Series: Smugger Armour UL)
    Stab: 15
    Cut: 15
    Impact: 18

    Penetration: 12
    Shrapnel: 1
    Burn: 1

    Cold: 1
    Acid: 11
    Electric: 1

    Close: 48
    Ranged: 27
    Total: 75
    Durability: 1900
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 9Kg
    Set TT: 120Ped
  13. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The thread is an opportunity for you guys to share your thoughts and ideas. If you think it's a good idea to introduce something lower level, then feel free to suggest it and suggest the stats. I'm keen to hear how you're thinking about the balance in the game, would the addition of an extra set add value, fill a gap on Arkadia etc
  14. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    ok great, thx Dave!

    I'll think of a "-1" model of the Smuggler armor :D

  15. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    We may need to have a more clearly defined range and purpose for this UL Smuggler Armor series stat design contest ...

    Just to use your entry level as an example, it will render existing L armors useless. Ursa is TT at 600 PED, and only has a 15/21/18 Stb/Cut/Imp. It doesn't take much reasoning to forego the Ursa and other higher level L armors and switch over to the Titan with these stats. I cannot even get anywhere near these stats with 5B plates (another 400+ped). :p

  16. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    heres my 2p worth for what its worth ....

    ok most people that play dont have uber peds to play with so the armour has to be within reach of the average player ...

    how about doing the first place winner armour set with simlar stats to supremacy but have this as a community recognition armour .. that can only be given away by arkadia studios to players within the community ...for services to ark / helping new players and so on that would be for them to decide..

    then the other armour sets with simlar stats to :-

    1- gremlin armour stats
    2- vigilantie armour stats
    3-hermes armour stats ( just in case ark introduces a pvp area)

    i think all sets should be able to be purchased by the average player for 1000 ped or under total cost for a full set .

    and of coarse then it comes down to plates that are purchased or introduced in to game by the ark dev team .

  17. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    UL Smuggler Armour 4
    Stab: 50
    Cut: 50
    Impact: 45

    Penetration: 50
    Shrapnel: 5
    Burn: 40

    Cold: 40
    Acid: 13
    Electric: 0

    Close: 145
    Firearms: 95
    Total: 193
    Durability: 7000
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 15.6Kg
    Set TT: 1400Ped


    UL Smuggler Armour 3
    Stab: 35
    Cut: 35
    Impact: 25

    Penetration: 25
    Shrapnel: 10
    Burn: 30

    Cold: 17
    Acid: 10
    Electric: 0

    Close: 95
    Firearms: 65
    Total: 187
    Durability: 5000
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 15.3Kg
    Set TT: 1100Ped


    UL Smuggler Armour 2
    Stab: 25
    Cut: 25
    Impact: 25

    Penetration: 25
    Shrapnel: 0
    Burn: 10

    Cold: 5
    Acid: 15
    Electric: 0

    Close: 75
    Firearms: 35
    Total: 120
    Durability: 4000
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 14.8Kg
    Set TT: 900Ped


    UL Smuggler Armour 1
    Stab: 15
    Cut: 15
    Impact: 20

    Penetration: 20
    Shrapnel: 10
    Burn: 10

    Cold: 5
    Acid: 10
    Electric: 0

    Close: 50
    Firearms: 40
    Total: 105
    Durability: 3600
    Condition Limit: 3%
    Weight: 14.2Kg
    Set TT: 700Ped


    So far we don't have any electric mobs(as far as I know) here so didn't incl that because of this.

    Penetration is higher then burn mostly because we have several mobs who do penetration as part of their damage, and it's usually low on other armors.

    Shrapnel low because which mobs do shrapnel, and for pvp armor I guess most use L armors anyway (not a PvPer so can ofc be wrong there)

    And Impact is usually easy to get with plates so better to have higher cut/stab in the basic armor, and if you need high impact there is other armors available with that.

    High Cold low Acid on higher sets is ofc because of Korwil, and higher Acid on the basic model is because there seem to be lower level mobs who do Acid


    To you who say it need to be affordable for the "average" player, it don't as if everyone can have everything what is there to struggle for?
    And besides these sets wont be dropping in millions so they will probably always have a fairly high markup.
    And they need to have high tt to last for a hunt on the level they are intended for, the tt isn't what make armors hard to get for most people the markup is.

    I will probably not be able to afford any of the sets I just wrote here, but that don't mean I don't want to have the chance to get it in the future just as everything else.

    PS. I didn't do the math on the decay figures on these stats but I would like to think it would be pretty good
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  18. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    honestly my problem with recomending stats is that we still havn't figured out what really the mobs here all do damage wise. Also we know you got new mobs comming and dont know what they do.

    I like the old days where you used to keep like 2-4 sets of armour and plates to kind of tweak to what you where hunting. Like goblin for snables cause it did a lot of acid protection. I really dont like these armour does like 10 different dmg types. I wish we could see better the dmg types that mobs do and i'd like it to be a little more diverse then what we have now.
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Adding to Rex' comment.

    Not sure its a good idea to include prot 1 etc. In some ways prot 1 is worse than prot 0 becuase if the mob only does the damage of the types with low prot, u still take a lot of damage but incur a high minimum decay cost. Armours that offer effective protection against 2 or 3 types and 0 against the rest cos you can then use plates to bolster the other types if needed. Also makes it easier to work out the damage types - an exercise that just doesnt seem to be happening here
  20. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    the question was to make suggestions based on the existing armors on Ark, which is what I did. (would love to have one of these armors too for Ark mobs)

    But as Kikki and Rex say, the less types an armor protects against the better eco it will have on those mobs it do provide protection for as I kinda explained in my first post on page one. But sadly the general rule lately seems to be some protection for all kinds
    (if you excl some of MA's new ul armors they made recently)

    If I were to wish for a plate or armor would be one that have high Cut but no or very very little stab/imp, and one high stab and no or very little cut/imp, part to make the dmg testing alot more accurate and they will be useful on some mobs with the right base